Sunday, August 30, 2020

Kaylee's Worlds!

Kaylee's Worlds!

I have some brown dwarfs, Luhman 16 AB, (link here) which are similiar in mass, about 30 times that of Jupiter. The worlds, which I can't really call planets *or* moons without feeling incrediby conflicted, all rapidly orbit in hours, not days. They lie beyond the roche limit, where tidal forces would tear them apart. These are all placeholder names; the two brown dwarfs and seven worlds would be renamed by the future colonists, I'm sure! In a nod to Firefly I decided to change K.L. for Kevin Luhman to Kaylee. The largest world is named for Luhman, of course.

I didn't get an animation for this done, yet...

Friday, August 28, 2020

My Weekend Project

My Weekend Project

(A follow on to my nearest stars worldbuild- click here) I want to get back to world-building, but what exactly? Last night I lay hands on one of my copies of John Barnes' 'Apostrophes and Apocalyspes' with 'How To Build A Future' and he covers a lot of territory there, from specifications and background to starmaps and literal world-building. I could do something random but instead I went looking for nearby interstellar objects and the next three after Barnard's 'Flying Star' (which I did last year (see!)) are the brown dwarves Luhman 16 AB , another brown dwarf, WISE 0855-0714 (and definitely/probably not a 'star' but a rogue planet) and the infamous, among Star Trek nerds, Wolf 359 . The latter has two known planets, one of which is a super Earth, ~3.8 times the mass of Earth, with roughly four times the insolation of Earth or twice that of Venus, and the other is an ice giant about the same mass as Uranus and Neptune combined or half the mass of Saturn. Frankly, I'm interested in all three, but the brown dwarf binary probably has large worlds which could harbor life or even be terraformed. The goldilocks zone is probably inside of the roche limit for these brown dwarfs 8-(, or maybe not; Wolf 359, which is larger, hotter and presumably less dense has an estimated diameter of 110K kilometers. The objects would be very close, tidally locked and the primary would be enormous!

The brown dwarfs are about 90K km in diameter, more than jupiter but less than Wolf 359. That's roughly seven Earth diameters, which is good enough for roughing out the roche limits, so I can calculate that the brown dwarves are about 30 times as dense. Any earth-like moons would be about the same density as Earth, I'm looking at a roche limit of 2.44 times the radius times the cube root of the density of the brown dwarves over the moon (30)^1/3, or 2.44 times three and a bit, call it 7.5 radii, times 45K, or about 338K km, so, yeah, we coud have a 'moon' that close.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Wednesday's Project

Wednesday's Project

Hello! Today I want to write a random word generator. I can make a list of consonants and vowels and roll some virtual dice, but I would rather get input from the user and then strip out the vowels to get two lists, one of consonants and another of the vowels which the user has input to the page. I now have the page grabbing a random letter to start and then alternating between a vowel and a consonant three times.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Earth, Mars and Venus Animation

Mars via Venus

A simple model of the inner solar system, without Mercury...

Sunday, August 16, 2020


Point and Click 'Voronoi' Tiles

Not strictly speaking Voronoi, but this lets me splat out tiles which belong to a feature pt.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Argh! 8-P

Yet Another World Mapper

Yet another failed world map experimant! Move the mouse around the map to make splotches of land mass.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Blobs of Land Mass

Land Blobs!

Simplify things with a lower resolution, tiles 10 pixels square. I have a grid of terrain tiles and an array full of land tile coords as column times width plus row, so I can do the math and get the longitude and latitude or column and row of a randomly selected land tile and look to see if one of its' neighbors is free to be turned into land... I set a target hydrographic ratio and randomly pick a few tiles if the random # is less than 1/10 of my target HR%. I put the coord in an array of land mass and prove this by turning a randomly picked lm tile brown while counting up to my target HR. Then I can splat out land, in a modified flood-fill.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Yet another world-mapper! 8-P

Rows of Terrain Tiles

The page is filling a grid of terrain tiles, an array of columns of arrays of tile objects, which in theory have the index of the landmass to which the tile belongs to, longitude and latitude, area, and whatever else I need, but area and a default height based on whether it's land and therefore above sea level. I still want to 'flood-fill' to make landmass, but for now I have a random walker roaming the map. I need it to refer to the grid and save changes to my terrain tiles as it turns sea into land!

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Tuesday, August 4, 2020



Making some particles... as rocket exhaust! 8-P (Go SpaceX!)

Round World Map

Round World Map

I made a round world map, displaying pixels w/in a radius of a center and coloring them based on a Worley Noise distance/height map (represents height but is generated based on the distance from the nearest feature point.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Spinning Tetra

Spinning Tetra

Monkey copied code for a spinning cube, which I adapted to display a spinning tetrahedron. I needed the points to be far enough so that we don't have 'flat' tetra.

Some stars... 8-P


Monkey copied code which I fiddled with for a 'universe' of stars wandering the void...

Sunday, August 2, 2020

SetInterval Experiment

SetInterval Experiment

I need to have something write to the page while the rest of it runs in the background... Click in the canvas below to 'place' a rock. Not really, but the canvas will display the initial operating area for your mining outfit. This will be a 5.2 m. km square box (+/- 15 m. km?). This represents the same orbital plane as Earth and should have over a hundred interesting 'targets'. Currently the page is updating my 'rocks' every 500 ms using setInterval and changing a property of the DOM in my page. This leaves my canvas window alone, which is kind... kind of writing a novel here! Anyways, what I am trying to do is have the parts I don't need right away chugging along in the background while you do more interesting things.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Astrobeans again, an asteroid mining DF clone

Astrobeans, an asteroid mining DF clone