Monday, March 29, 2021

Making Triangles

28 March 2021- Triangulation

Animate making triangles from a point cloud. First, generate a point cloud, then make sure the points don't overlap nor are too close. Make the initial triangle by finding three points which are close together, a point picked at random, a second point which is closest to that first point and a third point which is closest to the midpoint of the first two endpoints. A triangle will be defined as three points, three edges and an area, and an edge will be defined as two endpoints and a midpoint. So I find two points, make an edge, find a third point and make a triangle and two more edges... and I'm writing a novel here! 8-P

Wednesday, March 24, 2021


23 March 2021- Procedural Star & Worldmap

A procedurally and pseudo randomly generated star system, with one star and one world and map. This is a coin model, with the two hemispheres repreenting the two faces, heads or tails, of a coin. We're interested in the pixels of the near and the far hemispheres here. (Sorry, it takes a few seconds! 8-P)

Tuesday, March 23, 2021


23 March 2021- Procedural Star & Worldmap

A procedurally and pseudo randomly generated star system, with one star and one world and map. This is a square 'postage-stamp' rectangle version of the world. Each grid point of this world map has UV coordinates for a pixel in the square map and the corresponding XYZ coordinates for a bit of the spherical world map. We're generating feature points from the grid to find voronoi regions which are either land or sea for a simple map, heights but not concerned about surface temps or biomes, not yet.

Still getting something very wrong...

23 March 2021- Procedural Star & Worldmap

A procedurally and pseudo randomly generated star system, with one star and one world and map. This is a coin model, with the two hemispheres repreenting the two faces, heads or tails, of a coin. We're interested in the pixels of the near and the far hemispheres here.

Sunday, March 21, 2021


20 March 2021- Procedural Star & Worldmap

A procedurally and pseudo randomly generated star system, with one star and one world and map. This is a square 'postage-stamp' rectangle version of the world. Each grid point of this world map has UV coordinates for a pixel in the square map and the corresponding XYZ coordinates for a bit of the spherical world map. We're generating feature points from the grid to find voronoi regions which are either land or sea for a simple map, heights but not concerned about surface temps or biomes, not yet.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Still not there yet...

20 March 2021- Procedural Star & Worldmap

A procedurally and pseudo randomly generated star system, with one star and one world and map. This is a square 'postage-stamp' rectangle version of the world. Each grid point of this world map has UV coordinates for a pixel in the square map and the corresponding XYZ coordinates for a bit of the spherical world map. We're generating feature points from the grid to find voronoi regions which are either land or sea for a simple map, heights but not concerned about surface temps or biomes, not yet.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Better Four Leaf Clover!

17 March 2021- Saint Patricks' Day!

Click inside of the blue hemisphere to make a four leaf clover and hit the 'click to generate another' to clear and draw a new world. I'm done with this for now, although I don't have the 4LC drawing to the surface, yet...

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Four Leaf Clovers

16 March 2021- Saint Patricks' Day!

I have the page draw a circle for the hemisphere we can see, a grid of points within the radius, all at a random location inside of the black box. I want to draw the four leaf clover to the surface of the world, but for tonight I just drew some green circles for leaves and orange lines for stems. You click inside of the blue hemisphere to make a four leaf clover and hit the 'click to generate another' to clear and draw a new world.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Pi from points inside of a sphere

14 March 2021- Pi From A Sphere!

I want to count the points within a sphere to get the volume and then derive pi. Pick a point in the blue box and wait a few seconds while the page chugs along through about a million grid points... Then I figured out how to speed this up, LOL!

Pi from random points in a circle

14 March 2021- Pi From A Circle!

Pick a center point in the blue box and the page calclates pi from the portion of ten thousand random points which are within the circle.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Better Clouds and Sky!

9 March 2021- Venus Cloud Habitat

Hopefully this really looks better...

Monday, March 8, 2021

Venus Cloud Habitat!

7 March 2021- Venus Cloud Habitat

I want to draw some clouds and do an animation.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Eyeball World!

7 March 2021 Square 2 Sphere

Tidally locked world with varying farside icecap.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Procedural Star and World...

5 March 2021- Procedural Stars & Worlds

A procedurally and pseudo randomly generated star system.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Octasphere with Voronoi Regions

7 March 2021 Square 2 Sphere

I want to use feature pts to sort the triangles to voronoi regions and assign them to be land or sea (now with cold regions).