Gonna start over from the beginning, and a box for my peep!
Monday, May 31, 2021
Sunday, May 30, 2021
Preliminary Specs for 'Tribes'!
I was thinking about how I never finished anything and how I was supposed to write a very simple civilization game called tribes, where the whole point was for the tribes to spread out and grow their population to the point where the land can support them, like in civilization as I remember it. So I need a grid of land tiles, land and sea, actually, with production values. A tribe with agriculture could support a larger population on a given bit of land, which would be random but should be based on area, soil, climate, etc. I was thinking that I can make terrain by picking points in a canvas and making triangles, defining land and sea based on elevation. The elevation of a point comes from clicking a second time, with the sum of the difference between the second point and the center giving a number between +/-390 pixels. Anything less than zero is below sea level and would be underwater, above is above water and makes land. The initial point subdivides the rectangle into four triangles and the page further subdivides the triangles generated from user selected points six ways to fake up some Voronoi tiles and sets the new points to be the average of the endpoints or triangle corners. The four corners might be random or set by the user if they choose; I need a button which will toggle between ‘Random Corner Heights’ and ‘Select each corner and height’. Then subsequent points picked will fall within an existing triangle which will be subdivided three ways, or it may subdivide a triangle edge. If the subdivided triangle on that edge is really small in area, then it will subdivide two adjacent triangles into four along that edge, at that midpoint.
So that would let me make a world rectangle with land and sea and maximum population based on area and a random factor. Then I can toggle on a button to place peeps and turn them loose to fill up my world. Not Simple Civ but Sims: Tribes, if you will...
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Memorial Day Flag!
I was sorta commisioned to code a
flag, waving in the wind... this is the first pass on that! 8-P
(Now to figure out how to mesh the shapes and make the mesh
simulate cloth!)
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Working on subdividing and shaping...
You can click again to place it
somewhere else.
Need to move the triangle midpoints out to make a head and legs.
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Walking and flapping!
You can click again to place it
somewhere else.
Moving the crude 'limbs' around... procedural flapping achieved,
a decent procedural walk needs work!
Monday, May 24, 2021
I fixed the limbs... now to subdivide and shape them!
Click in the box to place a
'chick'. You can click again to place it somewhere else.
We're going to create an octahedron (the six lines are the
bones of this) and then modify the octahedron quite a bit to
make the head and tail, legs and wings. I will probably also
want to display a front and side view of my peep.
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Something's not right...
Click in the box to place a
'chick'. You can click again to place it somewhere else.
We're going to create an octahedron (the six lines are the
bones of this) and then modify the octahedron quite a bit to
make the head and tail, legs and wings. I will probably also
want to display a front and side view of my peep.
Triangles to make octa from head, wings, feet and tail pts
Click in the box to place a
'chick'. You can click again to place it somewhere else.
We're going to create an octahedron (the six lines are the
bones of this) and then modify the octahedron quite a bit to
make the head and tail, legs and wings. I will probably also
want to display a front and side view of my peep.
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Lines to make a 3D object
Click in the box to place a
'chick'. You can click again to place it somewhere else.
We're going to create an octahedron (the six lines are the
bones of this) and then modify the octahedron quite a bit to
make the head and tail, legs and wings. I will display a
front and side view of my peep.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Mom's Peeps!
The yellow triangles represent my moms' little chicks. I want to animate them moving around. I will be using a detailed peep object model of triangles which I need to sort by depth... eventually. Tonight I just need a pair of legs! (finally, a couple of days late! 8-)
Sunday, May 16, 2021
I want to animate Moms' little peeps...
The yellow circles represent my moms' little chicks. I want to animate them moving around. I will be using a detailed peep object model of triangles which I need to sort by depth... eventually. Tonight I just need a pair of legs! 8-P
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Sunday, May 9, 2021
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Make Poly Landmass!
I had a bit of an epiphany; I want complex shapes, complex polygons, not simple triangles and quads, which are the two simplest polygons... So I make polygons, not triangles or quads and then turn quads into triangle pairs. Yeah, well now to make a bunch of polygons which don't overlap each other, and I'll still want the 'poly' as triangle fans on a spherical polyhedron!
Saturday, May 1, 2021
Flattened Icosahedron!
2D icosahedron unfolded. I can use latitude and longitude to calculate XYZ coordinates for the verices of the 20 triangles.