Click in the little green box/dot to start!
(we need an XY offset for the page)
Thursday, September 30, 2021
I thought about the abandoned/neglected September Novel and what I can do to get it restarted for October! Also, tomorrow is the 1st of Inktober… I saw a tee-shirt today and decided to write about a bearish alien buying a surf-board in a surf-shop in Maui. The bearish alien is a crewman on a visiting starship and this is a 20 minutes in the future setting where we have made first contact and are sorting things out. I suspect the world will more or less take it in stride, a little more crazy, a little cleaner, hopefully, and a little more hopeful.
A bear walked into my surf shop this afternoon.
He was a quarter tonne of alien muscle… and claws, and teeth. I mean, I know who he was, he’d been taking shore leave locally for half a week and everybody was talking about him, but damn. There he stood sharing the wet dog smell and three rows of alarming serrated teeth with me and my customers. Like a land-shark, which, come to think of it, was the new slang term for his kind.
I closed my mouth, swallowed and finally asked, “What can I do you for, Mr. Teeth?”
The big guy sort of barked, sort of laughed and the voder around his massive left arm translated his slithery speech into English. “I like that. I think I’ll use that from now on, if you don’t mind?”
“Be my guest, it’s a free… planet.”
“That it is. That it most definitely is,” he agreed and bark-laughed again. It sort of grows on you, like bad booze.
Mr. Teeth needs the narrator/POV character to make him a new surfboard, an Earther board to replace the one he lost in a tangle with some local color.
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Pick A Point! 8-P
Click in the little green box/dot to start!
(we need an XY offset for the page)
Back to the oval-shaped world div. This is divided into an
octagon, an eight-sided polygon, but we can make this any
number we want, within reason!
The poles need to be at least a three triangle fan, but four
or five would be better. We can subdivide the eight triangles
six ways and make a pair of polar quad/triangle fans,
conveniently enough, and we will want to do this, after we
add height values to each of these six inital points (the three
to the left and right on the seam of my world peach wrap around).
The triangles then tend to subdivide along the coast line a
zero height or sea level.
(This is using some old code for now to make triangle fan
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
I have the tools I need to make clickable divs in the page and what I want is to be able to select points within my world div to make into land or sea. I can do this by establishing a world div for my ‘canvas’ which will be shaped into a near oval polygon by the user picking points; the more points, the closer the polygon approximates an oval, or my ‘world peach polyhedron’ approximates a sphere… The first point will give us a ‘latitude’, which will give us a point on the right and left edges of the world div polygon, which is one point down the seam at the back of my world peach, and this will give us a point inside of a quad triangle fan, although in fact this is a pair of double-sided triangle faces in 3D. We can subdivide the polar triangle fans along the midpoint and turn this into a lopsided octahedron. With a second point we can derive a central quad triangle pair between the north and south poles, plus what we can make off the two matching points at the seam. This would also make a lopsided octahedron, with a pair of three polar triangle fans. With a third point we can define a central triangle, plus two adjacent triangles to the north and south pole respectively. This gives us three edge points at the seam and we get another pair of three polar triangle fans, the central triangle and also make five more triangles touching the seam, making a dodecahedron, a twelve-sided polyhedron. This is the ‘simplest’ instance I’m comfortable with for now; a pair of points works and even a single point can be made to work!
I want to pick points and pick heights; pick the point first, then instead of going on to the next point we can add up dx and dy to get a ‘height’. A negative height is below sea level and a positive height is above sea level. I can mark that with a red or black div or even a div with a bit of text, in red or black. The rest of the points, at the poles and the seam, will all average to zero or sea level, unless we want a button to change that… We will then want to subdivide the resulting triangles along sea level if possible. If the triangle vertices are at or above sea level, then that is land, below or at sea level is sea and if any of the vertices are positive while one or more is negative, then we need to subdivide the triangle and probably some adjacent triangles need to be subdivided as well.
Monday, September 27, 2021
I can make bands from the north to the south pole; build triangles out of them one after the other….
I set out to make a small clickable div, big enough to easily click but small enough to make my offset a reasonable value. I then changed the size of this div to use for my world map, but the page has other ideas… What I can do instead is set up the world div and add an offset div to the world div, to get my x and y offset. Then we can start making my world map from points entered by clicking inside of the world div…
Once I can pick a point within the world div, I will use that to create the first band of surface area down from the north pole or maybe up from the south pole if the point is closer to the south pole. Each point the page accepts needs to be inside of the world div, and we will have the page ignore any other inputs. The x and y coordinates need to be modified by the offset and the height and width of the world div rectangle inside of which we will be creating an oval-shaped polygon which, again, represents the 3D ‘world peach’ polyhedron.
We get the width of the band from the height of the point relative to the center of the world div; it’s just Pythagoras and this gives us by default the nearest pole, the original point and the left and right edges of the shape, in effect a triangle or actually a triangle pair. We do need at least three triangles in the polar triangle fan, so we would subdivide that triangle pair.
Drawing with an offset X, Y
March band after band of surface area down from the North Pole to the South Pole! (Click in the green box to start; we need to establish a decent offest...)
Sunday, September 26, 2021
I’ve been on this oval-shaped world polygon div kick for a while, where the 2D shape represents a ‘world peach’ polyhedron, with the edges of the oval-shaped polygon coming together at a seam ‘down the back’ of the ‘world peach’. The number of steps down that seam should have something to do with the size of the world so that the triangles we subdivide the world surface into should be more or less the same, not exactly but similar. For a circumference of 40,000 km and 20, 1000 km, steps from pole to pole we want roughly that many steps between each side of the seam… The shortcut we’re taking is to make these points separated by the width of a circle, but we can double that for an oval and not worry about making a sinusoidal shape; it makes no difference to me, I will sleep soundly without worrying about it!
I’ve tried to do this several times, but I will get it done this time! Anyway, we know how big the world is, how many thousands of kilometers in circumference, and we round down to half as many thousands, on average 20 for an earth-sized world of 40,000 km circumference. So we have 20 rows from pole to pole, zero wide at the top and at the bottom, the north and south poles, and then we can find the distance between the ends of the rows, which is zero for the first and last points at the North and South poles. In making points within a CSS polygon shape the top is 0; since we’re building something inside a circle 50 units in radius, this is (0, -50); the next would be (-10,-45), (10, -45), 20 units wide, 20/100*40 is 8 triangles in that north polar triangle fan. The next would be (-30, -40), (30, -40), 60 units wide or 24 for 2 bottom triangles, a top triangle and final bottom triangle, repeated eight times. The next row would be about 28 triangles wide…
I’m not getting anywhere with this right now, time to get to bed!!!
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Star System Generation!
So hurry up and throw up some stats!
Back to star system generation. Star mass, derived luminosity, mass budget for planets based on mass and luminosity, then we splat out a list of planets, each of which may have moons. The simplest mechanic for this is a chart of possibilities like what I would have used for a Sci-Fi RPG like Traveller. There is some mechanism in the real where gas giants ‘tack in’ to their star to get hot jupiters and hot neptunes, hot ice and gas giants, where ‘ice’ giants are lower mass ‘mostly gas’ giants which are less hydrogen and helium and more methane, water and ammonia. All of these gas blobs have rocky cores of a few percent to a few tens of percent.
We get gas midgets, too, except we don’t have any in the solar system that we know of. There’s still the possibility that we will find planet nine (sorry Pluto) which was all but ejected from the solar system by Jupiter. The Kuiper Belt Objects, including Pluto, were probably flung out there by Jupiter. I don’t really understand the mechanism for turning those highly elliptical but not hyperbolic orbits into ones which don’t come right back to Jupiter; maybe they return an encounter with old man Jupiter to get dropped into the sun or further drop-kicked outwards? They can have slow long-term encounters, interacting gravitationally with Neptune. I think the main way they get out of these orbits which come back into the riot is by interacting with each other… oh, and impacting, as is what has obviously happened with the double world of Pluto and Charon.
But all I’m concerned with is setting up some potential worlds out to the edge of the star system, which is 40 AU for the solar system and any star of a similar mass to that of Sol. We have a star mass and derived luminosity as well as a metallicity, all in sols. If we make that a clickable ‘button’ we could reset the star system derived from those stats and reset the star in some other way. Separate ‘New Stat’ and ‘New System’ buttons would work better. Anyway, we can set points and have the orbits thus defined hoover up some of the planetary accretion disk and the rest goes into the star of out of the system, based on metallicity. If we presume 1% is the default and randomly move that up and down a little then base the mass budget of the disk based on that and the stars’ mass. We then look at the adjacent portion of the disk and the neighbors and grab a random portion. We can actually make two heaps and re center the orbit based on the mass of each heap and its’ distance. So, in close to the star the heap is effectively zero and the heap just to the outside is some more reasonable amount, then that first planet is a lot further out. The second world is more likely to have two similar heaps to average out… At some point we get gasses, but I just want to get something up tonight!
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Rectangles, nothing much to see here...
Click in the green dot to start!
Looks like I didn’t write last night… anyway, I gabbed about Father Brown over on feeb just now-
Father Brown is one guy who will never go to hell, unless it's to reclaim one of his flock. And then make Lucifer look like a fool...
Case in point, he refuses to gloat after escaping a trap set for him, using the seal of confession against him. The murder convinced her lover to commit a tricky suicide and frame Father Brown. I could imagine him wanting to do something about that suicide... even if he was trying to send Father Brown to the gallows.
People are not toys or tools, they have intrinsic value, and not because he's trying to 'save their soul', but because they need to be saved, period.
We see some evil, but more often we see people who are lost and alone, tricked and confused or desperate, despairing. Of course, sometimes, like this time, they are dangerous spiders which need to be put down; even in prison, awaiting death, she was still ruining people's lives! I'm not a good man, and I would end quite a lot of merely vicious people because unlike Father Brown or Uncle Iroh, I do not believe that everyone deserves yet another wasted opportunity to do the right thing (we're talking about murderers and abusers here, of pets and animals as well as people, but especially pets and children).
I mentioned people are not toys, or tools, but I have a character who I call the maker of blades, Victoria Vegas. Tori survived the second day of dragons like Jules Le Croix before her on the first day of dragons and she became a maker of blades, both literally and metaphorically, molding and training soldiers. She and Jules turned themselves into weapons against the Dragons, but first they were survivors… I can only assume that the irony of using people and being used was not lost on Tori. I really should write about her again.
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
I want to pick some points within my world div, so I need to be able to derive some offset from clicking in the world div. I think I need to define the world div as separate from a map space, but we can just make a point in the world div to get my offset. There needs to be a reset button for the world div and a note to tell the user to click on the ‘green dot’ to start. I want this little green start dot to be very small to make my offset as precise as possible, so I need to revisit my little seeker ellipse from a few months back.
To make points, we can use rectangles or circles. To make lines, we can figure this out properly, or we can make quads for each line segment, or skinny pill shapes. This is one way I could make some serpentine landmass… sigh!
Monday, September 20, 2021
Well, I got the fan thing going on, but I’m not interested in working on it anymore… Yeah, I know.
I suppose I should just go back to the world peach/polygon, make a bunch of triangles and see about subdividing them based on the heights of the corners. There would still be some skull sweat… Let’s do this one more time!
Make a list of points for the seam at the back of the world peach. The first and last points at the north and south poles and we make triangle fans around that pole. The outer vertices run east to west for a clockwise winding. We make the triangle fan from east to west, making points and triangles from east to west.
The rows in between start out as quads which we immediately subdivide. We start on the bottom east end of the previous row, drop down to the bottom east end of the next row and then find the next point westward on the new row. If this point is east of the top eastmost row, we have a triangle, we make and save the triangle and start over. If the second bottom point is west of the top eastmost we make that triangle and the adjacent triangle with the next point on the top row, west by one position. This is the new top eastmost point. Repeat until we run out of points on the top and bottom of this row and move on.
Repeat for each row until we get to the south pole.
Seems like it should be straightforward somehow...
Sunday, September 19, 2021
Marching Overlapping Triangle Fan!
Make an inital triangle from a vector, two points, to get a 3rd point and then on around the 1st, central point. I wish to use the cross product to detect when the fan has gone around and is overlapping.
Yesterdays’ bit was waaaay too complicated, let’s dial it back some, dongma? Get two points, one 100 pixels to the right of the first and use p0 and p1 to derive p2 with dx and dy, where p2 is midpoint x minus dy and midpoint y plus dx; it gets more complicated, as complicated as you want, but this is a point at right angles to the line or vector p0 to p1. Vector A is p0 to p1, vector B is p0 to p2 and the cross product is negative because this is clockwise, B is left of A. I can draw a nice almost equilateral, making a div shaped by these three points, and then another off of the vector p0 to p2…
We are using the cross product to detect clockwise orientation and we can step through this with a button, eventually overlapping the first div to establish we can make a triangle fan this way. We can detect overlap when the cross product of the first and last vectors goes from negative to positive and then back to negative again as we swing around past it. Once this happens we have the page discard the last point and start building a new triangle fan around a point which we generate outside of the first div, pushing this new center point out from the open outer edge of the triangle div. It has the vectors pNth to p2 and pNth to p1 and pushes point pNth+1 on around in a clockwise fashion.
At this point, or at least after we make an adjacent triangle fan, we need to change the rules a bit. We are building out triangle fan polygons off of the open edges of a polygon made up of these two triangle fans and we need to take adjacent edges into account. We can take any random point on this larger polygon and find the points on either side of it to make two vectors and find out if they make something convex or concave, which will determine how we proceed. If concave, we find a new TF center by pushing out through the midpoint of the edge between the first and last points; if convex, we push out from the center point, make our new triangle fan polygon and add it to the larger polygon, rinse and repeat. A problem which I have been working on for months… Sigh
Saturday, September 18, 2021
I think that I was supposed to follow that up with something, but I guess I just didn’t feel like it…
Anyways, I didn’t fill an oval with triangle strips either and now I want to go back to build out some polygons, silly old fat man! 8-P I was thinking about dot and cross products; cross lets me find clockwise and get the area of a triangle, it’s the magnitude of the vector, which is just the z component for 2D but it’s just a little bit more complicated in 3D. I can and do want to know clockwise for my 3D polyhedron faces so I can draw the ones we can see! And areas, of course. What was dancing through my head was visions of triangles marching around a point to complete a triangle fan, then we made triangle fans around the outer vertices; P0 is the center of the initial triangle fan and P1 is the center of the next triangle fan. We want all the triangles around any given point, then we make a smaller triangle fan polygon inside with the midpoints of the triangles, instead of subdividing the triangles six ways and grouping them. The ‘polygons’ are actually triangle fans with new vertices which need to be pushed out to the surface of the sphere which we’re approximating and the area of the polygon is the sum of all these areas.
This second triangle fan starts at P2, runs to P0 and then to the last point, clockwise, in the initial triangle fan. We then find some more points clockwise around P1 until we get back to P2, then we do the same thing for P2. Each triangle belongs to three points, but each point is shared by a number of triangles.
I know how to make singleton triangle fans, I am working on a way to build triangle fans from existing triangles and not have them overlap. I want to use the cross product to find the vectors to the left or clockwise of the initial triangle and pair of vectors and the vectors which are to the right of the initial counterclockwise vector, vector A to vector B shall we say, get spliced into the beginning of a list of triangles and vector pairs. Talk about a paralyzing data structure problem!
Triangles are three point indices in clockwise order, each vertex goes in a list of points. Each triangle fan is a list of triangle indices, point indices and vectors in clockwise order. I build overlapping polygons with the triangle fan list of points indices, but I make the second, smaller, list of inner triangle fan vertices by averaging the vertices of the triangles and we could get away with duplication but let’s not, let’s find existing new vertex points or make a new if it doesn’t exist yet.
Friday, September 17, 2021
Make worlds with landmass and seas!
Make some worlds. Start by filling an oval with a piebald, blue and green, triangle mesh, then worry about making it look nice.
I never talk about current events and politics, but… Binky okaying offshore oil-drilling is perfectly useless as well as tone-deaf clueless after the summer we just had, between heat-dome heat-waves in the PNW and flash-floods in Europe. Bringing oil-platforms on line will not lower gas-prices today and will probably be a waste of investment; by the time they are producing, we should start seeing the decline of ICE in favor of EV. Better to pack in tax incentives for union-produced EV right now if you want more good jobs this year over jobs which will probably disappear before they manifest next year and the year after that.
Rant over.
Thursday, September 16, 2021
I was watching ‘Megastructure Death’ this afternoon on SFIA and got to thinking about megastructures again, and clanking replicators from a couple days ago. This is technology we can expect to see deployed to the Moon in the very near future, although we need to finish designing it! 8-P By which I mean a discrete industrial base which can make all the parts to make all the parts to make itself, probably leaning very heavily on additive manufacturing, but traditional processes can get the job done, because they already have. Like with molecular nanotechnology where life itself can be considered a proof of concept, the entire GWP can be considered a clanking replicator, only one spread out across the entire globe producing some fraction of roughly ~$100 trillion worth of goods and services. We can grant that something a bit smaller will do the job, on the scale of a regional economy, like a city on Mars. If a medium-sized country with a trillion dollar industrial sector and 100 million people, for one digit accuracy, with a hundred tonnes worth of physical capital for 10 billion tonnes of industrial base, we can consider that the minimum which could replicate itself, in the aftermath of a global disaster which leaves that country (mostly) intact, for instance...
To get to the point and make some wild-ass guesses, we could maybe distill this down to (10^10)^½ or 100,00 tonnes for a research cost of (10^9)^½ or $31,000, not very much as I imagine we would not need to come up with anything new to get such a wonder factory. We want something more compact, say 10^10/3 or 10^3.33 tonnes, a couple kilotonnes at the research cost of 10^9*¾ or 10^6.75, a bit under $5 million. Even if this is more like $5 billion, that’s still less money than $20 billion to get the clanking moon replicator to the moon at $10 million/tonne, which should be able to manufacture an order of magnitude more stuff in the first year, $200 billion worth of goods at $10 million/tonne, so we’re getting to the point where the potential trillion dollar orbital manufacturing capacity of the middle 21st will make that profitable and therefore possible.
Once this exists and gets better with every passing year we would see it deployed to the earth over time. A two kilotonne sea borne clanking replicator, say, or one set up at Yellowstone to build and be powered by a geothermal tap for taming and turning the supervolcano into an asset instead of an existential threat. A 2 kilotonne clanking replicator would also be something we could live with or in, at that 100 tonne/person quote; what with 10% standard depreciation and 24 tonnes per tonne per year, a clanking replicator could maintain a half megatonne of arcology for 5,000 people at 100 tonnes per person. This is less than half a percent of the mass of the arcology, so the clanking replicator could be considered to be built into the arcology a few times over for redundancy and not be painfully obvious.
At a $1 million/tonne, the CR would cost a couple billion, which only sounds like a lot of money until you consider that this is $2 million per household for that 5,000 person arcology. An awful damn lot of money for most, but not for the upper tier who are shelling out half a million and more for a new house, much more for a McMansion or condo. That and after a few years this tech would go for a few tens of millions. A billionaire could easily set up a self-sufficient compound anywhere in the world in the early days and eventually have a squatters’ village next door...
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
I was thinking about blocking out the world terrain with rectangles, again… start by picking twop points in the world rectangle which is a square 100% wide and tall as far as shape outside is concerned, for making polygons, in this case a quad. We can pretty easily turn this quad into a pair of triangles or a triangle fan and also push the vertices of the quad-polygon around and/or subdivide the daughter triangles! I’m not doing this right now, I want to recursively subdivide the world rectangle! (Or maybe I am?)
The first rectangle has two opposite corners defining the four vertices and subdivides the outer parent world rectangle into that rectangle plus eight other rectangles. If one vertex is at the corner of the world rectangle, we only really get four, with five nonexistent ones with zero area. We can use a loop to create these daughter quads or rectangles, and recursively replace quads as we make daughter quads inside of them.
This is pretty silly; I want to get to the world oval polygon/world peach polyhedron as painlessly as possible and we can do subdivision of these nine quads into two polar triangle fans from the quads squished down on one side into triangles and the three equatorial quads into twelve daughter triangles in three quad derived triangle fans. This leaves me with five triangle fans which I can use to make some landmass or seas, and piecing together adjacent similar triangles.
We can move the vertices around and randomly set the heights so that the vertices are above or below water and therefore land or sea. This means we can get two poles and six vertices in between, which we can randomly jitter around, up, down, left right and in and out (altitude). For the immediate projection of some sort of world map we can average the vertex heights to get land or sea.
I realize now that I’ve been over this with the world polygon to world peach polyhedron already… leave the poles alone and make an initial polar triangle fan from three or more points along some latitude, then put together a triangle strip below that, repeating until we get down to the south pole. So I need a list of points with px, py for longitude and latitude and XYZ for the cartesian coords of the low poly world peach polyhedron, starting with the north pole and ending with the south pole, plus all the points in between spliced in between. These vertices get really complicated really quickly but to start with I need px, py and a randomly derived altitude so that we can tell if a world tile is on average above or below sea level. I can make these triangular tiles from left to right in each row, stitched together down the seam at the back of my world peach polyhedron, building them out of vertices and averaging those vertex altitudes to see if it’s land or sea. I can think of a way to randomly weight these altitudes above or sea level.
Monday, September 13, 2021
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Three or more Triangle Fans
I am subdividing this into three or more triangle fans and those into polygons which may or may not touch. For several reasons I am making the poles two corners ot the quad and the other two are on the east and west edges...
This scheme is pretty stupid and would work better the lighter it is, so how about aerostats? We can lift the payload to a desired altitude and then blast them into orbit with lasers. Lasers could ablate the bottom of the payload into reaction mass, so the array of lasers needs to be below and to one side. The aerostat is the zeroth stage and the lasers ablating the bottom of the payload is the first stage, but we will want a rotovator dipping into the upper atmosphere and fishing out payloads.
I mentioned nanoslick and that fails because universal MNT is very unlikely. A general purpose micromechanical clanking replicator is not and is not nanoslick; it is mighty small and can be something the digital matter I used in one of my space opera campaigns all those years ago. So we don’t get people and their stuff offworld, we get people and make copies of their stuff, bring samples of things including whole specimens like pets, plants and such, including trees and whales. We blast them off the planet in fairly conventional cheap ass big dumb boosters with pressure fed rockets and heavy staging. The boosters and orbiters are additive manufacture, 3D printed and assembled in place, fueled, loaded with the payload and launched. We can keep the acceleration very low by accepting less efficiency, heavy redundancy and pacman boosters which overtake the payload and take over as needed on the way to orbit. As the payload(s) reach orbit we can have them link up into hamster wheel assemblies which whirl around for spin gravity.