Monday, January 31, 2022

Valentines' Day is coming...

1 February 2022- Triangle Heart Shape

Procedural random heart shape.

Triangle Fan

30 January 2022- Triangles in Rectangles...

I'm going to draw triangles in a rectangular world map.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Rectangular World Map!

30 January 2022- Triangles in Rectangles...

I drew a triangle in a rectangular world map.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Quad Triangle Fan?

25 January 2022- World Circumference and Surface Bits!

Try for a quad triangle fan instead, subdividing a triangle four ways... I know how this sounds, yeah! 8-P
We make a triangle from two consecutive points, by picking a point on a line segment between these two and pushing a third point out to the right of that, using the delta x and delta y between the two initial random points. The center of the quad triangle fan would be the midpoint between that random point on the first edge and the third point.
I changed to a rectangular map.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Random 'Equal' Triangles

27 January 2022- World Circumference and Surface Bits!

Making random 'equilateral' triangles. I need to 'spherify' my vertices next, get the average depth and derive the color, and then calculate the area of the triangle.

I haven't been drawing anything… I’m listening to Isaac Arthur talking about ‘Nuclear Terraforming’ of Mars! 8-P

Here’s a link-

I want to be able to draw random triangles from a pair of points in the back face of the cubic volume containing my world sphere. This is the backside so we’re looking out from the inside of the sphere and the counterclockwise winding appears clockwise through the depth of my world sphere, which we will be wrapping in triangles pushed out and wrapping around the surface of the world sphere to close up in front… Each individual triangle div will have a color based on depth, from dark to lighter green or blue and overlapping in front. I have a button to reset my circumference and radius and then add new triangle divs, starting of with a nice initial triangle fan from my initial triangle from those two random points spherified to the surface of my world sphere.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

World wrapping...

25 January 2022- World Circumference and Surface Bits!

I have a circumference and want to draw some landmass across the rear surface of my sphere and wrap around to the front! I need a function to add a triangle fan of triangle divs to the worldspace div based on a couple of random surface points, create and display them in the page and another function to remove these daughter divs.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Drawing bits to the world sphere

18 January 2022- World Circumference and Surface Bits!

I have a circumference and want to draw some landmass.

Prompt was lightning strike but I drew a river delta... And gave up! 8-P
I need to get something else up on my blog

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Sizing the areas of land or sea

18 January 2022- World Circumference and Surface Bits!

I have a circumfernce and want to draw some landmass.

The prompt was man in the Moon, but I have always seen a rabbit, so that's what I drew!!! 8-P

Running my little world mapping page (more a schematic), I get this example-

42981.92 km in circumference, 588.06 m. km^2 in area, with five seas and one continent larger than all of the Earth’s landmass. The five seas are actually one ocean surrounding this and are still larger than all of the Earth’s oceans because the world surface area is so large. 

Area# 1 61.65 m. km^2 sea, Area# 2 78.51 m. km^2 sea, Area# 3 195.42 m. km^2 land (>all the Earth’s landmass and Eurasia!), Area# 4 86.74 m. km^2 sea, Area# 5 77.2 m. km^2 sea, Area# 6 88.54 m. km^2 sea, remainder: 0 m. km^2 33.23% land 66.76% sea

The next random world is smaller- 30806.2 km in circumference, 302.08 m. km^2 in area. This one is mostly land, the reverse of a water world like Earth or the first large world above. The largest sea is about the size of the Indian Ocean and the largest landmass is larger than Africa and Eurasia. The two remaining oceans are larger than Earth’s smallest, the Arctic Ocean, and are a little larger and a little smaller than the southern ocean around Antarctica. They’re about the same area as North and South America, and in fact the two smaller land masses are about the same size as  North America and together are a little smaller than the second largest, which is comparable to Eurasia.

Area# 1 25.19 m. km^2 sea (>Southern Ocean/North America)

Area# 2 23.6 m. km^2 land (<North America)

Area# 3 19.03 m. km^2 sea (>Arctic Ocean/South America)

Area# 4 66.86 m. km^2 sea (<Indian Ocean)

Area# 5 89.35 m. km^2 land (>Afro-Eurasia)

Area# 6 25.66 m. km^2 land (>North America)

Area# 7 52.36 m. km^2 land (>Eurasia)

remainder: 0 m. km^2 63.22% land 36.77% sea

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

New and Improved!

18 January 2022- World Circumference and Surface Bits!

Gonna try this again. World Circumference, surface area and mapping the surface!!! 8-P

Today's prompt is the fountain of youth, so I drew a baby in front of a fountain with a little ball, a cane, eyeglasses and that's supposed to be false teeth…

I dithered about going back to the oval world map, but I think I can keep going with wrapping my world sphere. I also just got sidetracked watching the tail end of ‘Mr. Smith Goes To Washington’, but I would like to accomplish something tonight! 8-P

I made good progress last night into early this morning. I have size and area, which I can reset, plus start subdividing things by non-specific bits which would be land or sea. I set a minimum size for each of these bits and have the page carve out more bits out of the remaining surface area each time I click the ‘add area’ button. This eventually goes negative, so I need to fix that…  and designate bits as land or sea. I can also do a running count of land and sea ratio.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

World Circumference and Areas

18 January 2022- World Circumference and Surface Bits!

Gonna try this again. World Circumference, surface area and mapping the surface!!! 8-P

Today's prompt is the grim reaper. I have him gesturing, politely indicating the way… 

Mapping a world; taking another try at this. I want to walk through this step by step from a planetary circumference to surface area to triangular surfaces tiles adding up to a surface map. I need a button to reset the circumference and surface area, then a button to set a fraction of initial land or sea and add on until we have assigned all the surface area, as I have done before. I can figure out an initial area, then add areas of land or sea bordering this.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Today's prompt is the grim reaper. I have him gesturing, politely indicating the way… 

Mapping a world; taking another try at this. I want to walk through this step by step from a planetary circumference to surface area to triangular surfaces tiles adding up to a surface map. I need a button to reset the circumference and surface area, then a button to set a fraction of initial land or sea and add on until we have assigned all the surface area, as I have done before. I can figure out an initial area, then add areas of land or sea bordering this.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Something with two heads... The left chuckle head has  antennae for some reason. Nelson's word today is journaling, which now that I mention it, I need to get back to tonight! 

Last night I worked on a faction generator for a game of survivors. The idea is that a founder group survives and thrives after the end of the world. I need a button to reset the page and generate a new founder group and a button to advance things over time. Factions come from differences within the founder group, such as some youngsters having their own ideas, or from absorbing other groups into the group.

Friday, January 14, 2022


15 January 2022- Survive and Thrive!

I want to create a page to narratively "roll up" a population and factions.

Friday 14 January 2022- I think I missed Wednesday, and yesterday I drew this, looking through a keyhole. I think I did a pretty good job!

Anyway, on Friday my prompt was the Tree of life; I drew a hand and a few animals. Nelson's word was 'climb', I believe, and yesterday Nelson was the 'law'! 8-P

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Yet another placeholder

4 January 2022- World Circumference and Surface!

Still stuck on my initial triangle. I need to spherify the verices and make sure the triangles are large enough to see; I have had a problem with the triangle being too small to easily see! 8-P

I want to write a one page role playing game for shits and giggles as we used to say at the Days of Knight's.

The prompt from my sketch book was 'lotus flower'


Sunday, January 9, 2022

No real progress...

4 January 2022- World Circumference and Surface!

Still stuck on my initial triangle. I need to spherify the verices and make sure the triangles are large enough to see; I have had a problem with the triangle being too small to easily see! 8-P

Yesterday's sketch prompt was 'Asteroids'

Today's sketch prompt is 'Galaxy'

I did the asteroid sketch prompt yesterday morning at work and the galaxy prompt just now. I didn’t get any code written; I have set things up, now I need to implement! 8-P I need two points on the surface of my world sphere, and they need to be at least one half of the radius of that sphere apart so that I can start wrapping my world sphere in low poly polygons, triangles. This will be my initial landmass, a simple triangle fan based on my initial triangle from an initial edge from two points, which, again, are at least ½ radius. I should refer to this as ‘diameter’, instead, so that I have a number which easily maps tp the polygon shape in CSS.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Worked on some functions, nothing new to see

4 January 2022- World Circumference and Surface!

Drawing polygons to the surface of a world sphere...I'm going to build out a series of polygons form the backside of my world sphere to the front, so that we're seeing through to the backside and the inside of the sphere at that. The polygons overlap back to front.
I'm writing functions and using P5D for XYZ, horizontal and vertical, and TR8 for 1st endpoint of an edge, 2nd endpoint, 3rd opposite point of the triangle the edge belongs to, midpoint of the edge, center of the triangle, a vector at right angles to the edge, area and color based on depth. I'm using the vectors of two adjacent edges to push out a vertex and make either two new triangles and edges and a new vertex, four subdivided triangle pairs, four edges and three vertices, or, close off a concavity where the potential new vertex is too close to the other two endpoints! I am adding or removing edges and vertices of the border of the area I've 'mapped' so far...

My prompt this morning was 'comic book cover' (it's January, not December, and I accidentally skipped a few pages)

Nelson's word is 'Spain' so I drew Don Quixote! 8-P >>> That’s two quick sketches today, and I would like to get some code done and back to bed. I have to work tomorrow morning, but I can add a few things to my existing code and copy-paste to my blog.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Finally did the 3rd prompt in my sketchbook of drawing prompts I got at the Wally World! 

Wednesday, January 5, 2022


4 January 2022- World Circumference and Surface!

Drawing polygons to the surface of a world sphere...I'm going to build out a series of polygons form the backside of my world sphere to the front, so that we're seeing through to the backside and the inside of the sphere at that. The polygons overlap back to front.

Nelson's word today is 'taurus', so I drew this beef, chewing his cud… now back to my code! I need to spherify the points and display them without worrying about perspective, although that would be nice to have!

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Color my landmass...

4 January 2022- World Circumference and Surface!

Drawing polygons to the surface of a world sphere...I'm going to build out a series of polygons form the backside of my world sphere to the front, so that we're seeing through to the backside and the inside of the sphere at that. The polygons overlap back to front.

Monday, January 3, 2022

World Circumference and Surface!

3 January 2022- World Circumference and Surface!

Drawing polygons to the surface of a world sphere...

I didn’t post anything last night, except to feeb yesterday afternoon after Mom and I went to the Chinese Buffer, but I did draw the 2nd prompt from the book of prompts-

And I drew a four person lion puppet from the Rose parade based on Nelson’s word ‘parade’ just now-

Now to get something coded...

Saturday, January 1, 2022

I got a book of sketch prompts at the Wally World