I didn't get to triangle fans, nor closing of concavities, not yet! I need to turn nextTri into nextFan...
I didn't get to triangle fans, nor closing of concavities, not yet! I need to turn nextTri into nextFan...
This is a utility page for typing up a list of words for the next month.
Back to pushing triangles and triangle fans, and closing of concavities.
I'm pushing out triangles, now I need to detect concavities and close them off before I get overlap.
I have the world div resizing every time the user clicks on the new random quad and calculating the area of the triangle pair. Ideally, the page should use the shorter diagonal, or I could make a four triangle fan.
Now that I have the quad triangle pair, I need to make the world size change based on the world area and the area of the triangle pair would be nice...
Going to get two points in the surface of sphere, then use the cross product to get a vector at right angles and push out two more points, normalize them to the surface of my sphere.
Triangle from two random points on the surface of a sphere. The 3rd pt is the cross product of the vectors of the two points from the center of the sphere...
Random grid of points and triangles.
I'm going to put together random words from random syllables.
Random pts in a black div... it's full of stars? Except that I didn't get around to making a bunch of points!!! 8-P
I'm making yet another triangle fan here....