Sunday, July 31, 2022

Getting the triangle fan wrong...

23 July 2022- Triangulate with quads and triangles!

I didn't get to triangle fans, nor closing of concavities, not yet! I need to turn nextTri into nextFan...


Clicking for habitable worlds

30 July 2022- Stars & Worlds!

Stars and worlds...

August words!

16 April 2022- Word of the Day!

This is a utility page for typing up a list of words for the next month.

Today's prompt was 'seagull', which is apparently a single word...

The black strip at the bottom isn't sea, it's the top of my sweatpants, visible below the page!

I want to get to the point where I'm displaying the worlds. Then I will worry about making gas...

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Now with the rare 'earth-like' world

30 July 2022- Stars & Worlds!

Stars and worlds...

Today's prompt was 'three-legged dog'.

I worked on the solar system page instead of the world mapper. I need to make a list of words for August, but I have no initiative.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Stars and worlds, again...

30 July 2022- Stars & Worlds!

Stars and worlds...

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Today's prompt is 'tip jar'.

Triangle fans and closing concavities. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Today's prompt is 'ice cream cone'.

Back to my triangles...


Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Triangle fans, or triangles, anyway...

23 July 2022- Triangulate with quads and triangles!

Back to pushing triangles and triangle fans, and closing of concavities.


Today's prompt was 'hotdog'. I had posted this this morning, but feeb is...

(Back to triangles and triangle fans!)

Monday, July 25, 2022

Bigger World Div

23 July 2022- Triangulate with quads and triangles!

I'm pushing out triangles, now I need to detect concavities and close them off before I get overlap.


Today's prompt was 'dream-catcher'. I ended up making six points instead of the seven in the one I found through Google.

I need to code!!!!

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Resized the world div and got the area of the triangle pair

23 July 2022- Triangulate with quads and triangles!

I have the world div resizing every time the user clicks on the new random quad and calculating the area of the triangle pair. Ideally, the page should use the shorter diagonal, or I could make a four triangle fan.


Today's prompt was 'windmill'.

I made some progress on my code but I owe myself a lot more! 

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Smaller world div

23 July 2022- Triangulate with quads and triangles!

Now that I have the quad triangle pair, I need to make the world size change based on the world area and the area of the triangle pair would be nice...

Today's prompt was 'box kite'.

I need to get back to coding up my quads and triangles!

Friday, July 22, 2022

Quad or triangle pair in the surface of a sphere

23 July 2022- Triangulate with quads and triangles!

Going to get two points in the surface of sphere, then use the cross product to get a vector at right angles and push out two more points, normalize them to the surface of my sphere.

Today's prompt was 'sea turtle'. I had a little trouble this morning, turns out we were supposed to come in at 5 AM, because of the heat, and I had taken a half day by the time they made that decision at about 2 PM yesterday. I also though that I had posted this first thing, but feeb didn't show it and feeb is always riiiight...

I'm going to give quads another try. pushing out edges with vectors derived from the cross product. Find two points roughly a thousand kilometers apart with two more corners pushed out at right angles roughly a thousand kilometers (500 to 1500 km). Then subdivide the quad into a triangle pair along the shortest diagonal.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Today's prompt was 'string of pearls', which is also a plant, apparently. I googled a nice reference picture and then rough sketched this before the end of break this morning. I woke up late and still got to work in time  with a minute to spare and then took a half day for the heat and lack of work.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

I zonked out yesterday and didn't get anything posted. The prompt was 'trident', and today's prompt was 'mermaid'.

Monday, July 18, 2022

Today's prompt was 'speargun'.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Today's prompt was 'scuba gear'.


Saturday, July 16, 2022

Today's prompt was 'lobster'. I've caught Mom's cold and did nothing but lay around all day, after we took her entries to the Fair...

Friday, July 15, 2022

Today's prompt was 'sunfish', the ugliest in all the seas! 8-P

I should get a world done up this weekend. The whole nine yards, from size to mass, density, etc. and a map of land and seas.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Random populated settlement

14 July 2022- Random Settlements

Random population, input name...

Today's prompt is 'polar bear'.  I tried to fix the mess I was making of the head and face by adding a reindeer haunch, but the result looks like we are upsetting a starving bah... not a very good idea!!! 8-P

Thinking about space adventure again, belters and moon-dogs. There are people making a living in orbit. They need someplace to live, a habitat or ship, they probably need a spacesuit unless they never go out into vacuum. This is a hard SF setting, no magic, no hand waving artificial gravity or nanotechnology. We have access to automated manufacturing, additive and otherwise, but we can't make everything, for inputs we need at least some fraction of 'spares' or components other than structural metals, plastic or ceramics, servos, solenoids and the like. This stuff can be salvaged but mostly we would get it from more advanced settlements and fabs/factories.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

3rd pt from the cross product

12 July 2022- Sphere of triangles!

Triangle from two random points on the surface of a sphere. The 3rd pt is the cross product of the vectors of the two points from the center of the sphere...

Today's prompt was 'jellyfish'.

Try something... 

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Today's prompt was 'ferris wheel'. I was running late and I think that that shows...

I want to try, for the hundredth or thousandth (or hundred thousandth) time. to create a modified UV sphere with rows of more or less equilateral triangles, starting with an initial 'north' polar triangle fan and proceeding to greater and then lesser rows as we approach the equator and then the antipodes at the 'south' pole. Each row after the initial triangle fan is made up of quads to start with, the base of an upper triangle and a point projected out from the midpoint, p0, p1 and midpt, to some new point, p3 and the projected point of the next triangle, p4. I will make a list of points for this next row and their indices, but keep in mind that these will be modified and additional points will be added to points as needed so that we will have two working rows of points, one for the upper and one for the lower. The upper points will make up the top of the triangles pointing down or outward and the lower points will make up the bottom  or base of the triangles pointed up or inward. If the distance between p3 and p4 is greater than half again the standard distance, we will add p5 at the midpoint and add that to the list of bottom points, soon to be top points on the next row, If the distance is less than half then we need to move the points together, altering the coordinates of p3. The points index for the next point in the row needs to be spliced, replaced with the one for p3 and we simply pretend that that point in the current bottom row doesn't exist, while not splicing it out and messing up our orderly indices!!!

Monday, July 11, 2022

String of quads land blob

11 July 2022- Random Grid of points and triangles!

Random grid of points and triangles.

Today's prompt is 'cooler'.

I had this idea of making a grid of points at random distances making up quads which subdivide into triangle pairs, collapsing into singleton triangles or splitting into triangle fans. We start with one line of points, then drop down and run the next line of points, making quads, subdividing, collapsing or expanding the triangles, then take that row of points and dropping down to make the next row of points and triangles, continuing while some variable, like area or count, is not fulfilled.
(Alright, now to write some code! Get something up and go back to bed...)
I got a string of points and quads coded up with for loops, except that I don't want to do it that way, but use a while loop, while less than some target area.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Random Triangle

10 July 2022- Random Triangle (with labels)

Random Triangle (with labels).

Random syllables

10 July 2022- Random Syllables!

I'm going to put together random words from random syllables.

Points and text

10 July 2022- Placing points and text

Random pts in a black div... it's full of stars? Except that I didn't get around to making a bunch of points!!! 8-P

Still not there...

9 July 2022- Div with text in map!

Adding text in a map.

Today's prompt is 'suntan lotion'.

I got some messing around with code done already! Whee!!! 8-P

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Text in Spaaaace!

9 July 2022- Div with text in map!

Moving text around in a map.

Well, I didn't get back to it yet and I was thinking treasonous thoughts about a stereographic projection yet again, with a cap div off to the side of the antipodes! 8-P

Today's prompt was 'beach-umbrella' which proves that I got carried away with the theme (tomorrow's is 'suntan lotion').
Now, I'd like to tag areas of the map with text, so I need to figure out how to do that with a daughter div of the map or world div.

Friday, July 8, 2022

Could not help myself, back to triangle fan

29 June 2022- Build A World!

I'm making yet another triangle fan here....