Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Hopefully this works...

16 April 2022- Word of the Day!

This is a utility page for typing up a list of words for the next month.

 Tuesday's prompt was 'index card' or note card, actually-

Today's prompt is ''tarot deck'.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong...

17 April 2022- Math.atan2 and the Cross Product!

The map div is 502.6 pixels across. The world diameter and surface area are random and so is the size of some random area which I will have the page define with some triangles. The square root of the random area will give me a distance which I will use to create an initial triangle at two points some distance and angle from P0... which I will calculate the area for from the XYZ coordinates on the surface of a sphere. I will then make new triangles off of some edge of the triangle mesh which represents that random area until we have a sum of the triangle areas greater than or equal to the random area...

What I need to accomplish next is that first triangle and i would like to print the area inside the triangle as a daughter 'p' div, like I am already doing only for the area in m. km*2.

Today's prompt was 'resolute desk', as in the one from National Treasure 2.

I didn't get anything accomplished today. Yesterday I went up to visit my Dad's grave, and didn't get anything done either. I miss talking to my Dad...

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Today's prompt was 'waterfall'. This particular sketch really needed some color...

Alrightee then, how about D100 Space Adventure? Especially Quick and Dirty Stars and Worlds, with d100 land plus d100 ocean, so we would have a surface area from 2% to 200% of Earth's surface area, which is roughly 10 million to a billion km^2. This doesn't get me some quick and dirty landmass and seas, just raw surface area and a ratio of land to sea. If we go with my trusty octa-sphere, we could make a square which is circumference/1000 km across, (circ/1k)^2 quads which become that many triangle pairs, (circ/1k)^2*2. Or a classic 20 sider which we can think of as ten squares turned diagonal and stretched a bit, each (circ/1k)^2, so a lot more triangles with smaller areas and more headaches!

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Today's prompt was... 'gym bag'? 8-P


Friday, August 26, 2022

 Today's prompt was 'bus'. I don't quite know what to say, I was in a hurry? 8-(

I should get something done, but as usual I'm tired and I'll just go back to bed...
  1. Finish revisions or at least work on my September words. Theme???
  2. Accomplish something with my world mapper!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Today's prompt was 'frog'.


Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Today's prompt is 'velociraptor'. I calls him 'Hookfoot' and I'm told he has a lovely smile...

Building a ship and crew... starships jump offworld with a Heisenberg Uncertainty Jump-drive to vacuum and travel between stars with a lot of little jumps, blink-warp at some number of light-years per day or parsecs per week? You can always get to vacuum, you can land by flying into an atmosphere but airless rocks are much more problematic. You need some combination of skilled pilot or automation to go anywhere and so many skill-hours worth of maintenance or repair. If you travel without enough navigation or engineering, bad things will happen! You also want some medical skill to maintain and repair the crew and passengers.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Better triangle...

17 April 2022- Math.atan2 and the Cross Product!

The map div is 502.6 pixels across. The world diameter and surface area are random and so is the size of some random area which I will have the page define with some triangles. The square root of the random area will give me a distance which I will use to create an initial triangle at two points some distance and angle from P0... which I will calculate the area for from the XYZ coordinates on the surface of a sphere. I will then make new triangles off of some edge of the triangle mesh which represents that random area until we have a sum of the triangle areas greater than or equal to the random area...

What I need to accomplish next is that first triangle and i would like to print the area inside the triangle as a daughter 'p' div, like I am already doing only for the area in m. km*2.

Today's prompt was 'egg'. I drew some deviled eggs. The top left is supposed to be half a deviled egg after a bite.

I worked on the world mapper a little bit tonight...

Monday, August 22, 2022

Correction, 502.6 pixels across...

17 April 2022- Math.atan2 and the Cross Product!

The map div is 502.6 pixels across. The world diameter and surface area are random and so is the size of some random area which I will have the page define with some triangles. The square root of the random area will give me a distance which I will use to create an initial triangle at two points some distance and angle from P0... which I will calculate the area for from the XYZ coordinates on the surface of a sphere. I will then make new triangles off of some edge of the triangle mesh which represents that random area until we have a sum of the triangle areas greater than or equal to the random area...

Today's prompt was 'notebook'.


Two things which I'm thinking about. One is the third anniversary of my Dad's death coming up on the 28th. I have no ideas, no plans, just to go up to visit his grave and maybe talk...
The second is less important. I have another list of prompts to get ready for next month and I want to revise the code which I have been using to make it perpetual, so that it prompts for more words fro the next month as we go along. Still going to input them and then copy paste new prompts into the page in my blog, against best practices of course because I'm a Scots Irish curr-dog and I like to be contrary (By the grace of God and to the very delight of the devil, Scots Irish. We cause trouble wherever we go) .

Perpetual Prompt....

16 April 2022- Word of the Day!

This is a utility page for typing up a list of words for the next month.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

628.3 pixels across

17 April 2022- Math.atan2 and the Cross Product!

The map div is 628.3 pixels across. The world diameter and surface area are random and so is the size of some random area which I will have the page define with some triangles. The area will let me estimate a triangle base and height which I will approximate longitude, latitude and then XYZ coordinates on the sufrace of a sphere. I will get the 'real' area of each triangle using the cross product and make new triangles off of some edge of the triangle mesh which represents that random area until we have a sum of the triangle areas greater than or equal to the random area...

Today's prompt was 'cell phone'.

As far as my world mapper, yet again, I really think I want to tie all of this to a world rectangle 2 PI wide by 1 PI deep.
The map div is 628.3 pixels across. The world diameter and surface area are random and so is the size of some random area which I will have the page define with some triangles. The area will let me estimate a triangle base and height which I will approximate longitude, latitude and then XYZ coordinates on the surface of a sphere. I will get the 'real' area of each triangle using the cross product and make new triangles off of some edge of the triangle mesh which represents that random area until we have a sum of the triangle areas greater than or equal to the random area...

Saturday, August 20, 2022


17 April 2022- Math.atan2 and the Cross Product!

I want to play around with Math.atan2 and the cross product for a bit. I will start by making the size of my map div random and reset when you click the 'Resize' button. The size is measured in pixels which can be miles, kilometers, inches or parsecs...

Today's prompt was 'shoe'.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Today's prompt was 'map'.

Back to finding the land and sea bits of a world by splatting out triangles! 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

So lazy...

17 April 2022- Math.atan2 and the Cross Product!

I want to play around with Math.atan2 and the cross product for a bit. I will start by making the size of my map div random and reset when you click the 'Resize' button. The size is measured in pixels which can be miles, kilometers, inches or parsecs...

Sorry I didn't post yesterday... I didn't do a bad drawing, just maybe a meh, yesterday and today. Yesterday's prompt was 'moonscape'.

Thursday's prompt was 'gas giant rings and moons'.

And back to coding...

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Playing with Atan2

17 April 2022- Math.atan2 and the Cross Product!

I want to play around with Math.atan2 and the cross product for a bit. I will start by making the size of my map div random and reset when you click the 'Resize' button. The size is measured in pixels which can be miles, kilometers, inches or parsecs...

Today's  prompt was 'emu'.

I've been messing around with divs for a little while now, all so that I can wrap words in my page around oddly shaped polygons and I've gotten away from the polygons I was obsessed with all last year, gone back to triangles and quads. I was thinking about how maybe I should find the convex hull of and then triangulate a 2D point cloud. I can use the cross product, only I will need to normalize it, or perhaps use the Math.atan2  function. Cross gets me the area of a triangle easily enough, dot product lets me know when the two vectors are pointing away from each other or are less than half pi apart, which is useful.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Today's prompt was 'gnu', which is like a better tempered, skinny African Water Buffalo...

I caught the end of 'The American President' with Mom tonight and I think that President Shepherd would be a shoo-in if he was to go for a June wedding in the Rose Garden... also, that's the second vaguely democratic movie widower president in the Clinton era. Did Hollywood not like Hillary any more than the Repugnants, I wonder?

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Character Names

16 April 2022- Word of the Day!

This is a utility page for typing up some characters.

Quad/Triangle Pair

14 August 2022- Subdivide a Quad by Elevation!

Subdivide a grid of quads into triangle pairs, and further subdivide them along height and sea leavel.

Today's prompt is 'ibis'.


Saturday, August 13, 2022

Today's prompt was 'buffalo', and Google offered me an African Water Buff...


Thursday, August 11, 2022

Today's prompt was 'lamp', which was going to be Aladdin's Genie's lamp until I saw this one which reminded me of Pixar's lamp. Thanks Google!


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Today's prompt was 'tobacco pipe'


Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Filling a world rectangle with triangles...

3 August 2022- Random Areas with 3D cross product!

Making a random triangle and then pushing out triangles to fill up the world recrangle.

Today's prompt was 'tea leaf reading'.

What shall I code tonight? 8-P
I'm going to make a world rectangle and fill it up with triangles. Just take two random points and push a 3rd point out to the left at right angles at some random point along a line between the two endpoints.

Monday, August 8, 2022

Draw terrain tile

3 August 2022- Random Areas with 3D cross product!

Making triangle faces of a world polyhedron. I will start with a world surface area and get the diameter, radius and circumference. The world div would then be a rectangle circumference/100 km pixels wide and circ/200 km pixels tall. Diameter will be the square root of surface area in m. km^2/pi, rounded to the nearest tenth of a kilometer.

Today's prompt was 'loaf of bread'.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Trying something a little different

3 August 2022- Random Areas with 3D cross product!

Making triangle faces of a world polyhedron. I will start with a world surface area and get the diameter, radius and circumference. The world div would then be a rectangle circumference/100 km pixels wide and circ/200 km pixels tall. Diameter will be the square root of surface area in m. km^2/pi, rounded to the nearest tenth of a kilometer.

Today's prompt was 'gazebo'.


Saturday, August 6, 2022

Today's prompt is 'solar roof'.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Clickable Triangle Divs

5 August 2022- Clickable Triangle Divs!

Making clickable (adjacent) divs, starting with a red/green triangle

Today's  prompt was 'greenhouse'. I drew the inside of a small one with benches or shelves, which is more my speed anyway...

I still want to make an exploration game, like a hexcrawl, only it's about arcs of territory you can go to the horizon and then beyond... 8-P I can build out adjacent triangles and have four clickable divs for movement. As the user clicks and chooses an adjacent triangle, the page changes the clickable divs around so that the other divs are now adjacent to the chosen triangle. If a triangle has open edges, the page makes an adjacent triangle for that edge and closes it. if there's a small concavity, less than 90 degrees or half pi, we can make a triangle to close it. The arc of exploration means that I should know what triangles are adjacent to the three triangles adjacent to the central triangle, but this is overkill for the initial game.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

From top to bottom...

3 August 2022- Random Areas with 3D cross product!

Going to make yet another run at the World Peach Polyhedron, a modified UV sphere with quads carved out of longitude and lattitude. The average world surface area would be some random number plus 1/2 Earths, .5 to 1.5 with a circumference of roughly .7 to 1,2 Earths. We're going to work our way from the North (or South) Pole to the antipodes.
I'm going to start with a few percent of the worlds' surface for that polar row. This initial bit of land or sea may be some fraction of that top row, between .5 and 1.5 of that top row, so that roughly half the time the pole starts out as one single bit of land or sea.

Today's prompt was 'milk cow' and I'll copy paste a picture when I get home and on the Chromebook...

Thinking about how I can subdivide the surface of a world by latitude and climate, broadly as wind and sea currents moderate or doom territory by degrees and centimeters. Again, broadly, where the temperate regions are by latitude, then subdivide the bands into land and sea, etc. 

The surface area gets chunked up into ugly but practical bits of land and sea with temperature ranges, some degrees C in the north and something else on the southern edge. Bordering land and sea tiles make up oceans and continents.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

And yet another placeholder!

3 August 2022- Random Areas with 3D cross product!

World Area!

Today's prompt was 'river' (no, not that river, or the other one. The original).

I had a placeholder for some code which I doubt I will ever write last night, sigh... Here's where I want to go and what I need to work on, dongma? 8-P (My river sucks, BTW)

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Yet another placeholder

2 August 2022- Random Point Walker!

Square to Octahedron to Sphere!

Today's prompt was 'oak tree'... not very good at all.


Monday, August 1, 2022

Reboot my triangle fan thing

31 July 2022- Triangulate with triangles!

I went back to my initial three points; actually, I added an intitial 3rd pt and made some triangles. The orange is the first three, green and red are with a 4th pt from the cross product of 1st and 3rd, added to 2nd.


Today's prompt was 'stolen grain', for which I drew an angry little sketch of a deuce and a half loaded with stolen grain. Soldiers with guns a re standing around while two are finishing up pulling a tarp over the grain. I think that I probably should take another run at this, but I'm done for tonight. I added a few words to my belated august list, need another three weeks yet!!! 8-P

I was thinking today about how I really should just start my world mapper with three random points on the surface of my world and just make a triangle fan, which  will be a singleton, a triangle pair or pair of triangle pairs. If the angle is less than pi/2, less than ninety degrees then it's an 'extreme concavity' and I want to close it off by making a singleton, a triangle fan of one. If the angle is greater than that we start with a pair of triangles and move points around and or subdivide as needed to make things interesting but complicated!