Friday, September 30, 2022

Current best perpetual prompt!

1 October 2022- Word of the Day!

This is a utility page for typing up a list of words for the next month.

Working on those quads and triangles

30 September 2022- Asteroid shape?

I need to make some quads and triangles! 8-P
So far I have the page displaying only points within the radius of the asteroid, but I also only want to actually create points (the triangles) which are inside the asteroid.

Today's prompt was 'shoebox'. The lid was to big... 8-(

(Also, apparently you can buy empty, unused shoe boxes...)

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Today's prompt is 'firefly'.

(Finally got this copy pasted in!)

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Today's prompt is 'printer'.

I had this map drawing process which I call the 'cracked eggshell' where I draw an oval world map and then subdivided it with crooked lines. I had meant to use this to make a world map of subdivided polygons but I have never gotten anywhere with it. 


Reonstructed Person

26 September 2022- Reconstructed Person!

You were cryogenically frozen after death and brought back in some form, like Bob in the Bobiverse...
Ask some questions about this person, why they died young or at all, as the main reason persons born after 2000 tend to live such long lives is that I am assuming aging is defeated.

You were born sometime after 1900...

Today's prompt was 'darts', and that's a crazy game...

Mom had me me pick up mash and gravy at the Foody Lion. She rarely has anything when I call and ask after work.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Today's prompt is 'pizza' and I drew a sausage pizza.

Reconstructed person was cryogenically stored and brought back in some form. Like Bob in the Bobiverse...

Ask some questions about this person, why they died young or at all, as the main reason persons born after 2000 tend to live such long lives is that I am assuming aging is defeated.

Born: 2025, died: 2146, age: 121

Born in 2025, this person could have been born to people my nieces' age and lived what would today be a long life into the middle 22nd century, but that might not be uncommon then... If they are biologically immortal then they would have died by some misadventure and may very well have had many children, decades apart. Even if they had a kid every generation, whatever that means in this context, then that's an average population growth rate of about 3%. Even once per century is roughly one percent. even without compounding that's doubling or quadrupling the population every century, for a few trillion or quadrillion after a thousand years. Cultural norms will lag a bit, but having children will probably be something you 'get around to' by middle age, whatever the half life of immortals is in a world or system where people still die, just not of old age.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Today's prompt was 'bagel' and those are supposed to be little poppy seeds! 8-)

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Today's prompt is 'orangutan'. I give you the old man of the forest eating an orange-

Reconstructed Person: You were born sometime after 1900 and died sometime after 2000, but you, or at least something which is based on you, are alive again in the future, a few centuries after they worked out how, they think and you hope...

Roll 2d100 plus 1900 for your birth year, which will be somewhere between 2 and 200. Now roll for death year, either d100 if born before 2000 or 2d100, and add to birth year. If you died before 1980 when cryo began to be a thing dying people might opt for, roll and add d100 until you died after 1980!

This gives you a birth year between 1902  and 2100 and a death year between 1980 and 2300. You did a lot of living, unless you rolled very low on aging and died quite young by some misadventure in the late twentieth century and later, but otherwise you probably remember when you were young and when you died as two distinct eras and love them or loathe them they helped to define the you who has been reconstructed from frozen dna and brain patterns or maybe even the best guess wholly artificial construct of some con man trying to attract business for cryonics in the middling far future.

Write about your birth, death, life and hope for rebirth. 

Friday, September 23, 2022

I need to glue my head board and base board back together so that when my bedroom windows are put back together I can put my old bed back together. This weekend I will need to get as much cleaned and, honestly, *triaged* as I can before my bed goes back in there...

As far as code goes I need to finish up the asteroid quad and triangle cells, then do something like that with a world map. 

Getting ready for October!

23 September 2022- Word of the Day!

This is a utility page for typing up a list of words for the next month.

Today's prompt was 'shopping cart' (and now I'm out of prompts).

I worked on the page and made some improvements.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Today's prompt was 'chair'.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Today's prompt was 'book'... not The One And Only Shepherd Derrial Book and not Ron Glass either, may he rest in peace. But an open book, pages fluttering in the breeze.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Try this again...

18 September 2022- D100 bits!

Going to roll up some landmass and seas for a world!

Today's prompt is 'tape measure'.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Today's prompt is 'whiskey', with an 'e'. I drew a glassful!

Yesterday I was reading a pdf of Stars without number, which I wrote off a few years back because it's based on d&d and had magic/psi. Taking another look and while reading the random tables for NPCs, saw Crawford has three ages, young, middle aged and old... Middle aged is always roughly whatever age you happen to be, but objectively half of life expectancy. So young is under one third, old is over two thirds and I'm getting close! 8-P But young always feels like half or two thirds your current age and old is ten to twenty years older, or maybe a third or half again. For me that would be 27 to 35 and 71 to 80!

I need to draw the cells inside my asteroid, a triangle if there are three corners, and a quad if there are all four. If there's only one or two, you can't form a polygon here. I can then use the sides of the triangle to find the area with the cross product and if I have a quad this is a pair of triangles. I just need to do the work, code the code!

If I build out the landmass and seas of a world by area by 'growing' triangles of quads then I can constanfly update the borders of the world div.

Land and sea bits

18 September 2022- D100 bits!

Going to roll up some landmass and seas for a world!

Rounding the asteroid div

16 September 2022- Asteroid shape?

I need to make some quads and triangles! 8-P
So far I have the page displaying only points within the radius of the asteroid, but I also only want to actually create points (the triangles) which are inside the asteroid.

Today's prompt was 'muffin', as in boo-berry...

Create situations, not plots. A game isn't a TV show or movie, as I often make the mistake. A game session is a bunch of situations which are offered for the players and it is up to them what they choose for their PCs to do. We play to find out what happens, we don't follow a script down a railroad!

That being said, there's something about an interstellar or galactic railroad. I was reading about a concept called the interstellar compact where star-going habitats, not star ships, cycle around along circular routes between stars and brown dwarfs, turning slowly against the galactic magnetic field and presumably slowing over time, then being accelerated again every time they pass by a system. People and cargo (or corpse-icicles as cargo!) are accelerated up to or down from speed. Presumably you need a ticket!

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Today's prompt was 'bumblebee'

Friday, September 16, 2022

Grid for a new rock...

16 September 2022- Asteroid shape?

I have a bunch of random points inside and outside of the radius. Now I need to make some triangles!

Today's prompt was 'dragon', and he is ugly! The wings look a bit tattered, as well, or are those feathers?


Anyway, time to accomplish a little bit of code?

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Shape an asteroid!!!

11sep2022- Asteroid!

I want to make an asteroid polygon...

I need to post yesterday and today's prompts and sketches. I drew a Siamese cat yesterday-

And today I drew a powerfully ugly piranha!

Just gonna fill an oval with land blobs?

Tuesday, September 13, 2022


11sep2022- Asteroid!

Today's prompt was 'bulldog'!

I need to figure out what's in my asteroid, so that I know what my Belters and Rockhoppers can access, so that I guess I want to know what has smashed into my rocks! The asteroids can be carbonaceous, with carbon and water and other volatiles, rock or metal. I forget the way this works, but I think it was 70% rock, 20% carbon and 10% metal. Obviously, any big rock will actually have been hit by a lot of smaller rocks... Therefore 'roll' up a rock and decide what The majority of the asteroid is, rolling randomly and start slicing off fractions, 50 to 100% this, then 50 to 100% of the remainder is something else, dongma? We can place an 'ore body', an impact fragment in and under a crater at some longitude and latitude. The average rock would be stone, 75% stone and then we randomly roll up additional 'hits', So we might have a massive 19% carbon fragment at 1.57 radians south and 3.14 radians west, but a truly massive crater 56% of the circumference across, and then 5% metal and the last 1% is another bit of rock, either of which may overlap the other hits, so I will want to account for that. This will be messy! I think I will want to keep it fairly simple, but we should be able to source small 'ore' bodies on any rock.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

I have been thinking about a low tech hard sf game of belters and salvagers. Like D100 Dungeon or Maze Rats, only the quests or missions are jobs, capers or heists or even legitimate work prospecting, mining, building things.

I made a start with the random asteroid thing.

Random Asteroid!

11sep2022- Asteroid!

Saturday, September 10, 2022


7 September 2022- Atan2 Fun!

Today's prompt was 'wedding bands'. I sketched this before the wedding and just now (Sunday 11 September) copy pasted the pic from where I posted it to feeb to my journal and now the blog.

It's a rainy Sunday and I think that I will go to the Chinese Buffer after all.

I finally drew the necktie!

I got Monday done, just now... this morning's prompt is 'dancer'.

I like how I messed up with the foot and now it looks like the dancer is spin-kicking out at the viewer!
I didn't get any coding done, have to do something tonight...

Friday, September 9, 2022

Took vacation today. My niece is getting married tomorrow and my gorilla suit doesn't look too bad. Week old hair cut, and a suit jacket with one moth bite, I think 8-)

Today's prompt is 'camp fire', haven't done the sketch yet. Tomorrow's prompt is 'wedding bands'.

There, sketch, done!

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Today's prompt was 'harp'. 

So, Queen Elizabeth died today... Good luck, Chuck. The honeymoon was over twenty years ago. Do try to keep Uncle Andrew out of the papers...

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

More Atan2 fun...

7 September 2022- Atan2 Fun!

Atan2 function!

Today's prompt was 'sickle'. I found a stone age one, flint glued into a reindeer antler with tar/pitch.

I should go back to the atan2 business and make something which makes sense, then finding the midpoint between two angles, counterclockwise! I can feed in the angle to produce a point around an initial point (to make a triangle fan or simple radial polygon) and check that I'm getting the correct angle with atan2. Point p0 is some point in my map div and p1 is some other point at some random angle and distance. I want to display the angle I used and the angle I get with atan2 to prove that I know what I'm doing.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

With drop down selection

5 Spetember 2022- D100 Spaaaace!

D100 Space Settlements!

What is the settlement doing?

Today's prompt was 'hammer'.

I posted a quick placeholder last night about space settlements, just a random population. I want to prompt the user for input, but also offer random possibilities.
I worked on the placeholder for a space settlement just now, adding some functionality. The user can now name the settlement and randomly change what the settlement is doing with a button. I need to make that a drop down selection, but I have never done that before, which means that I need to get right on that!

Monday, September 5, 2022

Settlements. In. Spaaaace!

5 Spetember 2022- D100 Spaaaace!

D100 Space Settlements!

What is the settlement doing?

More Latitude Strips!

4 September 2022- Latitude strips from North to South Pole!

Strips of surface area from North to South Pole!

Very Old Stuff!

Today's prompt was 'hops'.

I remembered the little trick which I wanted to do with the rows, an offset at the poles so that the first and last rows were at least half a row deep and the polar circumference is at least three thousand klicks. The polar region is between a maximum of pi m. km^2 and a minimum of three quarters of a million. I calculated the area of each row crudely and the sum of the area of the row is less than one percent less than the 'true' world surface area, which is quite acceptable!

Sunday, September 4, 2022

D100 Spaaaace! 8-P

All I can say is, 'Why Not?' And what the hell else are you working on you inconsistent space adventure GM?!

Strips of world by latitude...

4 September 2022- Latitude strips from North to South Pole!

Strips of surface area from North to South Pole!

Today's prompt was 'barley'.

I want to draw my world as strips of latitude, subdivided into triangles... I have a world of some circumference, half that from pole to pole, so I want to divide it into some number of strips divided by, say, a thousand kilometers. I use that to get a latitude in radians by dividing the distance from the north pole by half the circumference and multiplying this by pi. I have also done this before, but this time I will accomplish something, I hope!

Each latitude strip has some area based on average width and height. I'm going to compare this to what I *should* get based on circumference squared, divided by pi.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Today's prompt was 'moth'.

Back to drawing the world map as quads, with the polar quads as extreme quads which are actually a triangle fan. Since that polar row is a triangle fan, there must be three of them and in fact the sides of each quad are curved and each row of quads is either a curved strip or a polar circle; we can go into the geometry of a sphere including great circles and lunes or whatever they're called but I'm just trying to fake up some world surface maps and failing miserably! 8-P

We're building the world map down and out from the north pole. Each row is made up of a number of quads side by side and each quad is either above or below sea level, is land or sea. Furthermore, each quad has a central longitude and is a thousand kilometers tall or high, a thousand klicks from north to south so that can average top and bottom quad length and get the (approximate) area. Each quad is actually a 'hex' with three top points, leftmost, middle and rightmost, and three bottom points, leftmost, middle and rightmost.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Today's prompt was 'spider'. I drew a 'cute' little jumping spider...

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Rolling Prompt!

2 September 2022- Word of the Day!

This is a utility page for typing up a list of words for the next month.

Today's prompt was 'fire hydrant'.