Monday, October 31, 2022

Tops and roots

18 October 2022- Turnip Jack O'Lantern

Going to make a turnip jack o'lantern, starting with a purple oval.

Today's prompt was 'oreos and milk'.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

This isn't working...

24 October 2022- Yet Another World Map.

Making yet another pointy oval world map...

Today's prompt was 'donuts and coffee'.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

From west to east

24 October 2022- Yet Another World Map.

Making yet another pointy oval world map...

Today's prompt was 'strange little gods', but I think the phrase was actually strange little *foreign* gods, and I really didn't do so great. Not sure why I drew a cactus, but the wheels was from Ezekiel and the ibis headed god is supposed to be rocking a sickle sword...

I want to splat out some landmass and seas.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Counting up area

24 October 2022- Yet Another World Map.

Making yet another pointy oval world map...

Today's prompt was 'ancient ruins'.

I need to at least count up the area of the landmass.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

More zigzag landmass or seas

24 October 2022- Yet Another World Map.

Making yet another pointy oval world map...

Today's prompt was 'toothy feathered freaks', that is, feathered dinosaurs!

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Better Zigzaggy Landmass

24 October 2022- Yet Another World Map.

Making yet another pointy oval world map...

Today's prompt was  'Strange New Worlds'.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Zigzag Landmass

24 October 2022- Yet Another World Map.

Making yet another pointy oval world map...

Today's prompt was 'blimp'.

I'm working on strips of landmass in a pointy oval world map. I'm making individual strips of land or sea, then I need to chunk the land up...

Monday, October 24, 2022

Yet Another World Map

24 October 2022- Yet Another World Map.

Making yet another pointy oval world map...

Today's prompt was 'flying tiger'. I am well pleased...

Sunday, October 23, 2022

I fell off the wagon this weekend...
Last night I was at Tim and Heather's Wedding then I messed around all day today, all after not having done anything on Friday.
Friday's prompt was 'black cart'.

Saturday's prompt was 'old dog'. Not Hollywood, but I was thinking of the llttle dude...

Today's prompt was 'turtle', or actually tortoise. Sorry about the bleed through!

I'm going to try to finish up on my grid of triangles thing...

Thursday, October 20, 2022

New Strip

20 October 2022- Triangle Strip World Map!

I need to splat out some triangles in a polar strip (actually a polar triangle fan).

Today's prompt was 'skeleton'.
Skinny was a tall drink of water...
I think what I will do is draw me a strip of triangles, starting at zero pixels horizontally and between a quarter and half the distance from the north to the south pole vertically. This will be where the strip of polar triangles end on the right, so as we go right we will end when we get past this point and link up.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Making a face...

18 October 2022- Turnip Jack O'Lantern

Going to make a turnip jack o'lantern, starting with a purple oval.

Today's prompt was 'owl'.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Neep O'Lantern

18 October 2022- Turnip Jack O'Lantern

Going to make a turnip jack o'lantern, starting with a purple oval.

Today's prompt was 'turnip jack o lantern'. These guys turned out pretty mischievous...

Monday, October 17, 2022


17 October 2022- Oracle

Input a question.


Today's prompt was 'pumpkin'.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Quad again...

16 October 2022- Quads by Lattitude.

I've been meaing to get back to quads by latitude and chunks... Here I have a pretty standard oval, mostly because I have been on a word wrap to world div kick. In any case, I want to chunk up my world oval by bands of latitude and then subdivide those lattitude quads. I start with a circumference for world size, width and height.

Today's prompt was 'goblin', which I messed up by trying to shade in and hide the pouch strap.

I need to try to get my quads pushed out, yet again! 8-P Here I'm going to find a point and push left and right, adding in pairs south away from the North Pole, like a ladder of quads stacked on top of quads.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Today's prompt is 'apple cider', but I had trouble with that and settled on 'apple cider *press*'.

I need to get going if I'm going to go anywhere today!

Friday, October 14, 2022

Better Quad

13 October 2022- Quads by Lattitude.

I've been meaing to get back to quads by latitude and chunks... Here I have a pretty standard oval, mostly because I have been on a word wrap to world div kick. In any case, I want to chunk up my world oval by bands of latitude and then subdivide those lattitude quads. I start with a circumference for world size, width and height.

Today's prompt is 'covered bridge.' My cell failed me today, I think.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Today's prompt was 'country road'.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022


7 October 2022- Quads by Lattitude.

I've been meaing to get back to quads by latitude and chunks... Here I have a pretty standard oval, mostly because I have been on a word wrap to world div kick. In any case, I want to chunk up my world oval by bands of latitude and then subdivide those lattitude quads. I start with a circumference for world size, width and height.

Today's prompt was 'lighthouse'; I think I did quite nicely.

I never got any coding done...

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

And this

7 October 2022- Quads by Lattitude.

I've been meaing to get back to quads by latitude and chunks... Here I have a pretty standard oval, mostly because I have been on a word wrap to world div kick. In any case, I want to chunk up my world oval by bands of latitude and then subdivide those lattitude quads. I start with a circumference for world size, width and height.

Today's prompt was 'nebula'. This one looks like a claw, reaching...

Going to work on triangles and stuff.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Today's prompt is 'galaxy'.

I want to start with an initial triangle in my world polygon and use the trig functions to create the three points, which have elevation above or below the sea level. Then subdivide this triangle at points between the vertices, along sea level or midpoints, depending. Use the math.atan2 to get the angles and push out off of any corners above sea level, since I'm making landmass!, subdividing this outside angle once or twice if the angle is greater than 180 degree/pi. I should probably cheat and make sure the initial point is above sea level, otherwise we're going no and where...

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Something very wrong here...

7 October 2022- Quads by Lattitude.

I've been meaing to get back to quads by latitude and chunks... Here I have a pretty standard oval, mostly because I have been on a word wrap to world div kick. In any case, I want to chunk up my world oval by bands of latitude and then subdivide those lattitude quads. I start with a circumference for world size, width and height.

Back to an initial landmass triangle...

7 October 2022- Quads by Lattitude.

I've been meaing to get back to quads by latitude and chunks... Here I have a pretty standard oval, mostly because I have been on a word wrap to world div kick. In any case, I want to chunk up my world oval by bands of latitude and then subdivide those lattitude quads. I start with a circumference for world size, width and height.

Yesterday's prompt was 'spaceship', so of course I drew Serenity!

Today's prompt was 'submarine'.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Landmass by chunks!

7 October 2022- Quads by Lattitude.

I've been meaing to get back to quads by latitude and chunks... Here I have a pretty standard oval, mostly because I have been on a word wrap to world div kick. In any case, I want to chunk up my world oval by bands of latitude and then subdivide those lattitude quads. I start with a circumference for world size, width and height.

Today's prompt was 'elevator', and I drew an old timey wimey one with an analog radial dial for floors.

I need to get a placeholder up for the bit I should have coded while I snoozed this evening...

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Picking points...

6 October 2022- Pick A Point!

Click in the green offset button to set the XY offset!

Today's prompt is 'anvil', which I still haven't drawn. I took a day off to stay off my foot ulcer but went out to the Chinese buffet without a pen and I can't do my sketch...

I got it done, finally!

I was thinking about the stack of latitude quads I want to subdivide into land and sea quad and triangles.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Drawing in my page

5 October 2022- Drawing A Triangle

Click in 'offset' to start! I want to draw some shapes

Yesterday's prompt was 'calendar'.


Today's prompt is 'book bag'.


I didn't get much done on the day I called out...

Monday, October 3, 2022

Going to draw a rock...

3 October 2022- Asteroid Again!

Hello Asteroid! 8-P


Today's prompt was 'Analog SF magazine'.

I'm going to set up a page to draw my asteroid...

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Journal Role Playing Webpage

2 October 2022- Copy Paste Into My Code

This a journaling role playing webpage.

Today's prompt was 'board game', so I sketched out something which looks like monopoly if you squint! 8-P

I've been inputting words into my perpetual prompt page, which displays the current complete list of words after each prompt I add. This I then copy and paste into the code for perpetual prompt page in my blog, which makes it a half-assed word processor I suppose. I have been wanting to get a second local computer up as a server so that I can save stuff in the blog web page, but this works for now and sadly I do not think that I'm going to get anywhere with the server option any time soon. So I think that I will work on the display and copy-paste to code thing with a journal-style role playing webpage, a JRPW! 8-P

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Today's prompt was 'postman'. I'm afraid I butchered his nose...