Thursday, November 30, 2023


30 November 2023- Learn 2D Vectors with Javascript!


Based on this.

Learning 2D Vectors in Javascript

30 November 2023- Learn 2D Vectors with Javascript!


Based on this.

This morning's prompt was 'pez dispenser'.

Last day of No Nanowrimo, I think that I really should come up with a December project.

I made flatbread for pizza crust and completely failed the first attempt, put waaaaay too much salt in the batter, the rest of that is now going out to the girls... The second try was kind of blah, not dry enough maybe. I should maybe have added a little sugar, go with less olive oil and thin it out with more water in the batter to make a thinner flatbread?

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Splatted out the sinusoidal world map div mask...

18 November 2023- Linear Interpolation!

World Map is coming... I'm going to adapt this.
But I'm still using code from this.
Just click in the oval to place landmass...

Go get Chrome!

The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.


Weird quads

18 November 2023- Linear Interpolation!

World Map is coming... I'm going to adapt this.
But I'm still using code from this.
Just click in the oval to place landmass...

Go get Chrome!

The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.


Keep world-building

5 July 2023- Maptastic!

I'm working on a solo game...

Land bits

18 November 2023- Linear Interpolation!

World Map is coming... I'm going to adapt this.
But I'm still using code from this.
Just click in the oval to place landmass...

Go get Chrome!

The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.


This morning's prompt is 'violin'.

I think I did a good job. I'll copy and paste it in later.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

This morning's prompt is 'dead mall'.


Monday, November 27, 2023

I'm tired and this is good enough for tonight!

18 November 2023- Linear Interpolation!

World Map is coming... I'm going to adapt this.
But I'm still using code from this.
Just click in the oval to place landmass...

Go get Chrome!

The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.


This morning's prompt was 'cyber Monday', of course!

No money to buy anything...

I'm going to make some triangles tonight! Won't that be fun?

Vinnie's Space Adventure Role Play

V-Sarp rides again...
The center of action is a world which I will 'roll' up quick and dirty.
21 plus 19 is 40% of Earth's mass and I remember that the larger number was sea and the smaller was ocean, which is 52.5% ocean and 47.5% land.
So a small world, a little over half the land area and about three quarters of Earth gravity.
Around 270 m. km^2 surface area, 130 m. km^2 land is about a quarter of the surface area and just a little less than Earth's land area or Mars' surface area.
Is the world a planet or perhaps the moon of a super Earth or giant? The chance is less than 44%, but 84% is 40 over, so no! 8-(
This is a world where the heat engine has died and plate tectonics is dead. The atmosphere is thin, N2 with a little CO2 and argon, un-breathable but just thick enough for people to breath pure O2 through scuba-type gear.
Why is this an interesting place? Is it... Aliens? 8-P
Theres's a 12% chance... 88%
Nope! 8-(
Per-maybe-haps an accidental colony? A ship full of people and their stuff was going somewhere and ended up nowhere? Call it a 79% chance.
Finally a winner, I guess... (Nowhere, the joke is they're at the corner of 'no and 'where?')
A ship with 34 ahead of 81, or 3481 persons aboard. Seems like a lot. Is is a prison ship?
38% under 68%, so actually, yes. 8-P

Sunday, November 26, 2023


18 November 2023- Linear Interpolation!

World Map is coming... I'm going to adapt this.
But I'm still using code from this
Just click in the oval to place circles of landmass... I'll do something kewl tomorrow!

Go get Chrome!

The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.


Mousing around in my canvas element, inside of my div!

18 November 2023- Linear Interpolation!

World Map is coming... I'm going to adapt this.
But I'm still using code from this

Go get Chrome!

The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.


With mouse?

18 November 2023- Linear Interpolation!
Go get Chrome!

World Map is coming... I'm going to adapt this

The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.


This morning's prompt was 'turkey pot pie', but I did 'turkey stir fry' instead. I had intended to use some more leftovers, but I was lazy...


Saturday, November 25, 2023

Vinnie's Space Adventure Role Play

5 July 2023- Maptastic!

I'm working on a solo game...


18 November 2023- Linear Interpolation!
Go get Chrome!

World Map is coming... I'm going to adapt this

The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.


Convex Hull... again

7 July 2023- Convex Hull!!!

I grabbed this convex hull code from this past summer. The immediate goal is to set up a small 'sector' in a 10 lyr cube.

Please input a seed or click Random!

The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.

Galactic Coordinates

This morning's prompt was 'leftovers'.


Friday, November 24, 2023

New World Map with 'masking' div

18 November 2023- Linear Interpolation!
Go get Chrome!

World Map is coming... I'm going to adapt this


This morning's prompt was 'black friday'...


Thursday, November 23, 2023

masking canvas with shaped div

18 November 2023- Linear Interpolation!
Go get Chrome!

Going to play around with canvas and context again...
Starting with some linear interpolation


Gobble, gobble...

23 November 2023- Turkey Animation

Based on this wonderful video!
Talk to da boid!

Turkey in progress...

23 November 2023- Turkey Animation

Based on this wonderful video!

This morning's prompt was 'paper bag'!


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Now with annoying sound!

20 November 2023- Linear Interpolation

From this wonderful video! C is bouncing back and forth based on the sin function. Color is 'lerping' between orange and blue!

Go get Chrome!
This morning's prompt was 'pill bottle'.


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Animated Lerp

20 November 2023- Linear Interpolation

C is bouncing back and forth based on the sin function. Color is 'lerping' between orange and blue!

Go get Chrome!
This morning's prompt was 'peacock feather'.

I've been messing around with marching triangles and tetrahedra, because I can see how to making contour mapping procedural. Squares are also quads and subdivide into a pair of triangles. This corner triangle can be projected down to the center of a world polyhedron as a skinny tetra out out some distance for a triangular prism which 'easily' subdivides into three triangles.

Any tetra can be thought to have vertices inside or outside of a shape or the earth if delving...

All points can be inside or all can be outside, which is a little boring. If three are inside and one outside, or one inside and the other three outside, then we can draw a triangle at the three surface points. If half, there are four surface points making a pair of triangles as the surface, where inside becomes outside or vice versa.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Trying lerp again!

20 November 2023- Linear Interpolation Go get Chrome!
This morning's prompt was 'layers'. So I drew an onion...
