Sunday, March 31, 2024

Zpocalypse Demographics

31 March 2024- Zpocalypse Demographics

I want some numbers for the zpocalypse in North America.
330 million Americans plus 40 million Canadians plus 130 million Mexicans is half a billion, I figure I can get away with rounding up because there are tens of millions of central americans. I Just googled and its 592.3 million in North America! That's a lot of zombies...


I should splat out triangles

25 February 2024- Maps

Based on this OLC.
I should splat out a grid...

I want a zombie hunting game. First let's get a guy moving around! I'm going to turn the star generating code into tree code and have my guy wandering around a forest. dreen foliage and brown tree trunks.


Make some planets

25 February 2024- Maps

Based on this OLC.
I still need to have the user click on a star and make that the center of things!
The z coordinate of the star allows you to move in three dimensions.
I want make a solar system..

Let's splat out some stars!


This morning's prompt was 'easter bunny'.


Saturday, March 30, 2024

I still haven't put anything together for my uncle, and I had wanted to write a science fiction scenario for my birthday next month. I'm not getting any of that done...

I'm going to go with an accretion disk starting with dust and then adding gas, without worrying about chemistry so much, ice vs. gas giants. If we assume that Earth and the solar system is an outlier on the size of worlds, how?
This morning's prompt was 'deviled eggs'. I found ones with cheep faces and ones with rabbit heads, but these are supposed to be carrots.

The little band happened onto some laying hens which were managing, somehow. The little set up wasn't a farm exactly, but it was a bit of a fort, had animals and a garden. The goats were butchered and the house showed signs of violence, bullet holes, blood, doors smashed in, the works. Out back the compost pile turned out to be used as a grave.

Carol and Brenda were church-going women and Ben wasn't but they all said a prayer over them, cleaned things up and decided to move on with a few eggs, since no one was going to miss them, or their spice rack and other things the bandits had left. There hadn't been much but Tom made deviled eggs that night, he was a pretty good cook and wanted to try something 'fancy' with the precious eggs. He made a little orange 'carrots' somehow and green from a wild onion to decorate the deviled eggs.

Everyone pronounced them egg-cellent.

Friday, March 29, 2024


25 February 2024- Maps

Based on this OLC.
I still need to have the user click on a star and make that the center of things!
The z coordinate of the star allows you to move in three dimensions.
I want make a solar system..

Let's splat out some stars!


This morning's prompt was 'paperback'.


Thursday, March 28, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'bouquet'.

A bouquet of wildflowers.
I didn't write my drabble today...

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Working on Z coordinates

25 February 2024- Maps

Based on this OLC.
I still need to have the user click on a star and make that the center of things!
The z coordinate of the star allows you to move in three dimensions.
I want make a solar system..

Let's splat out some stars!


This morning's prompt is 'blackboard'.

The regulars sat at their booth in Tina's Diner and staggered up and out the broken doors when they caught sight of the four of them. Ben and Brenda switched off over-watch while Tom and Carol dropped half a dozen with sling stones. A heavy enough, dense enough, projectile slung with enough force smashed through skulls and quieted the vanguard. When they got too close, the four of them backed away, 'hacking and backing' Brenda called it.
This time things got very scary and they found themselves stuck between the small diner mob and a larger one which poured into the other end of a side street. Fortunately Tom got them into an open and unoccupied delivery van. They got the doors closed and even locked; the keys had been by the door along with bloodstains.
"Sound off," Carol sang out, over the noise. "I'm good, I have," she counted, "Eleven big stones left."
"Neither of us has touched our ammo," Brenda said for herself and Ben.
"Down to three," Tom said. He shrugged. "I got carried away."
"It was a target-rich environment..." his mom Carol allowed. She had set herself down in the driver's seat and decided she didn't care for the view. She hopped up on her crutches and relocated to the back, tried out a box, crushed it and had to be helped back up and onto a pile of blankets. They seemed mostly clean, not too dirty, someone's bed probably. She laid her crutches within reach and shook her head at a look from Ben, who was what passed for their doc.
"How are we set for water?" Ben asked. His canteen was half full and it turned out nobody else was doing any better, but there were what was left of a pack of one liter water bottles.
"Food?" Tom asked, sounding hopeful. Ben already knew that they were strapped, thus the need to to head into a town strangely packed with former occupants.
"There's an open box of jerky." Brenda told him. "I think our friend was going through his deliveries, not that there's anything wrong with that..."
"We hang tight, see if they wander off?" Carol asked. There were nods all around.
"Cover the windows as best we can, hunker down out of sight, get some rest, but stay alert for some over-achiever trying to break in," Ben said and got some more nods. "Worst case we can fill any holes with bodies-"
"I love your optimism," Carol quipped.
"And we can always fight our way out tomorrow," Brenda added, sitting on the floor with her back to the wall. She closed her eyes. "Ben?"
"Tag, you're it."

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'soda can'.

Carol taught them all about making and using a sling. Target practice was usually on the fly and often found objects, a soda can, a scare crow, the rusting old Cadillac they came around a bend on..

That one had burned and rusted since the end of the world. It had also still been occupied, as they found out after they started putting gravel through the windows or the remaining rear turning light. The skeletal head which swiveled around was ghastly. There wasn't much left of it still melted into the seat belt, but that was as far as Brenda or Ben cared to know and he preempted Brenda on the coup de grace.

Tom said, "I guess we need to be a little more careful about target practice."

Monday, March 25, 2024

Now with star centric?

25 February 2024- Maps

Based on this OLC.
I still need to have the user click on a star and make that the center of things!
Click near a star to move around!

Let's splat out some stars!


This morning's prompt was 'wagon wheel'.

Courage's preferred weapon had been a broken hoe from the old woman's garden. The flat head had worked off and Courage had sharpened the hook with a hunk of cinder block.

It had been a reliable weapon, and now Courage didn't need it any more...

Kendra rubbed at a spot on the wooden handle and realized it was a teardrop. She chuckled and Rudy squeezed her shoulder.

"God, I lost another one... What are we going to do about his 'little bird'?"

Rudy looked surprised. "I thought... He was family. She's family."

"Of course."

Sunday, March 24, 2024

The stars and worlds, but the stars before the worlds...

25 February 2024- Maps

Based on this OLC.
I still need to have the user click on a star and make that the center of things!
Click in the black box to to move around the galaxy...

Let's splat out some stars!


This morning's prompt was 'tent'.


Saturday, March 23, 2024

This morning's prompt was 'coca cola'.


Friday, March 22, 2024

Stupid Fighting Game

Let's splat out some stars!

Generative sound

I'm going to write a stupid little battle program for some zombies and survivors.

The zombie rating only goes down, and is basically their attack. When it goes to zero, the zombie is down for good.

Survivor rating is attack and scavenging. If the zombie wins an attack roll, there's a chance the survivor may get bit...

I have the fight button reset the zombie or survivor as they go negative and the zombies get a lower rating, while the survivors are contextually selected for a higher score; they aren't 'survivors' until they survive... I want to add a retreat button to disengage, give survivors opportunities to fort up, rest, heal, scavenge, etc.
This morning's prompt is 'woodworking'.

Sadly, the house had taken a hit in the storm last night and an old oak had laid itself down a will. The parquet flooring in the foyer lay exposed to the elements and the results were a crime against art. 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Moving div

25 February 2024- Maps

The lightblue box just moves around.

This morning's prompt is 'pigeon'.

Carol was keeping them in rabbits and squirrels and pigeons, oh my! But you had to be careful retrieving the kills. Tom had a close call with a spry, freshly undead survivor. Those were pretty dangerous, nearly as dangerous as the other survivors of this mess...
The pigeon in question fell into a yard beyond an overgrown hedge which Tom went through without any caution, yelled and crashed back through immediately with half a dozen arms poking through after him. Fortunately the mob in the yard was busy with the smaller morsel which had fallen out of the sky like meaty manna. Ben and Brenda joined Tom in mopping up while Carol watched their backs and then they moved on hastily.
"Sorry, Mom, no pigeon for the pot," Tom told Carol.
"You okay?" She checked him over and hugged him tight. Ben noticed Brenda eyeing the boy closely and praying under her breath. He knew it was a prayer because she said, "Thanks for that, at least," very quietly. She had issues with management, she had told him...
Tom shook his head. "That was weird. They... she was worked over, I guess by that mob, maybe they just got her? She almost got me, she was quick, not stumbling around so much. Her eyes... she had clear, pretty green eyes with gold flecks, not dull and cloudy like they get."
"I think that they get scratched up, over time. And of course, they don't heal," Brenda offered.
Carol gave him another hug and then they heard moans behind them and pressed on. Tom looked back and Ben stood by him, not wanting Tom to bring up the rear, the kid was still pretty shook up. Tom glanced at Ben and tapped elbows in passing, muttering.
"That, Ben, that was too close... and she had such pretty eyes."
Ben just blinked. The end of the world was truly weird.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

'Infinite' Terrain

25 February 2024- Maps

Based on this OLC.
Click in the box to to move around...

I want a zombie hunting game. First let's get a guy moving around! I'm going to turn the star generating code into tree code and have my guy wandering around a forest. dreen foliage and brown tree trunks.


Back at my stars

25 February 2024- Maps

Based on this OLC.

Click in the black box to to move around the galaxy...

Let's splat out some stars!


This morning's prompt is 'doggie daycare'.

I need to get some drabbles written, I fell off the wagon.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

This morning's prompt was 'pretzel festival'.

"Is that a pretzel?!" Carol asked.
The ruin of a man, well they thought it was a man, there was some doubt about 'Pat', had a business sign pinning it down.
"A bakery, maybe?" Ben said. "But..."
"Where's the bakery? Dunno." Brenda shrugged.
They were in a park but there were streets all around, but it was late in the day and 'Pat' wasn't even much of a threat. It was barely conceivable that 'Pat' had dragged itself and the load a long way over time, or maybe it had had help somehow, but time was short and Tom quieted this one.
They carried on.

Monday, March 18, 2024

I was thinking about 3D again. I have subdivided quads into triangle pairs and I want to do the same with a parallelepiped into six tetrahedrons.

I could further subdivide the tetrahedra into 24 daughters and group them by the original vertices to get volumes around those vertices, if they were stars and interstellar states with territories for a poor man's 3D voronoi diagram/political map.

But I want this to get around marching cubes. I can find contour lines or surfaces in a volume of a triangle fairly easily, I think. Need to try it.

With a triangle, if any of the vertices are different in height, such as land and sea, the shore is an edge at 0 altitude and we can find that make a triangle and quad we can subd into two more triangles, easy peasey. The same would happen in three with a surface inside the tetrahedron.
This morning's prompt was 'coin'.

"What'cha got there?" Brenda asked Tom. He'd stopped and picked up something shiny.
"A penny. A bright new penny, like a harvest moon."
"Kid, you're a poet and didn't even know it!"
"Oh, I knew it... A teacher talked me into writing a poem every week, for extra credit. I got tired of limericks and haiku, tried free verse and simple rhymes. No, ah, iambic pentameter or stuff."
She gave him a beat up composition notebook and assorted pens that night after supper was safely in their bellies and they were all safely forted up for the night.
"We can be on the look out for something better, okay?"
"Sure. What do you want me to write about?"
"Anything." Brenda looked at his mom, Carol, and Ben, who were inspecting the healing stump of her leg. "Something about your Mom? Something about all of us, but maybe lay of the riffraff? You know. Mort and Morticia."
"I can do that, but-"
"Yes, Brenda." He gave her a look. "You make a show of being so tough, but you're a big softie- Ow?" This last was softly, so as not to alarm his Mom or Ben, but when he looked he saw them staring anyway, and then sharing a smile.
"Trust me, I know I'm a fake, got imposter syndrome out the-"
"What's imposter syndrome?"

Sunday, March 17, 2024


25 February 2024- Maps

I want a zombie hunting game. First let's get a guy moving around! I'm going to turn the star generating code into tree code and have my guy wandering around a forest. dreen foliage and brown tree trunks.


This morning's prompt was 'clocksmith'.


Saturday, March 16, 2024

Zombie rating plus d% vs. survivor rating plus d%
This morning's prompt was 'gunsmith'.


Friday, March 15, 2024

I need a to do list for the weekend-
  1. Gather the Reacher books and send to Uncle Kumer
  2. Do the zombie statistics sim
  3. Get a story finished
  4. Clean
  5. Star sector map to system generation to world generation 
The zombie statistics sim is just bash some demographics for survivors and general threat clearance 
This morning's prompt is 'blind girl', but I was running late and it's not great...

This morning's prompt is 'blind girl', but I was running late and it's not great...
Can a blind person survive the zpocalypse? Technically, anyone can be lucky plus have good people with them. But can a blind girl survive, on her own...
I'm going to say yes. It's already a huge liability, but a survivor survives because they are skilled, adaptable and resilient. A blind girl is all of that and more. They have survived a life altering personal disaster already.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Zombie sim?

25 February 2024- Maps

I want a zombie hunting game. First let's get a guy moving around! I'm going to turn the star generating code into tree code and have my guy wandering around a forest. dreen foliage and brown tree trunks.


This morning's prompt is 'deer'.

I got the star mapper to a nice point last night.
"Deer," Carol said in a soft tone. She stared over to the other bank of the little creek.
They all froze and watched silently as the doe looked at them, licked her lips and then bent her head down to lick at the salt lick, obviously left there by Harold for the wildlife. She looked at them again, addressed the salt lick again, and then her head whipped up and she was off, bounding away. They heard sounds and saw movement, two or three of them who wandered after her and left them be.
"Damn, people." Brenda said, barely a whisper. "That looked like good eating."
Tom stared at her and Carol groaned, also quietly, and Ben just smiled. Life... life was what you made of it, the end of the world be damned.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Star mass, etc.

25 February 2024- Maps

Based on this OLC.

Click in the black box to to move around the galaxy...

Let's splat out some stars!


This morning's prompt is 'beer'.

What happens to beer left too long?
For that matter, how long do cans and bottles of food really last?
And, statistics, how fast can a given population quiet their zload?

SWM Seeking a survival partner in teotwawki 
The zpoc drabbles all seem like that, looking for a a zombie apocalypse partner, or since there are no zombie movies, Single White Guy Seeking A Survivor Buddy After The End Of The World As We Knew It?
The signage was neat and considerate. 'Caution, Biohazard, Approach At Own Risk' and 'Previous Occupant Needs Attention, STAT'. Tom approached the front door and reported a big ziplock bag inside another ziplock bag, taped to the front door.
"Looks like a large manila envelope."
Carol made him come back and then Brenda and Ben played RPS; she cheated again and did the honors. The inner bag held an envelope with a note and a set of keys.
"To whom it may concern. The keys are to the house and contents," she read. "Please use them in health and wisdom. I have been bitten..."  Brenda looked off into the middle distance for a bit, then resumed. "I did not feel like killing myself, nor did I feel like leaving my... remains free range to do what comes naturally. Therefore I would consider it a personal favor if you would do me a solid. Be careful. Sorry about the trouble."
She glanced down at the bottom of the page.
"P.S. There's beer in the stream at the back of the property. Finish them off for me. Thanks in advance, Harold Flint."

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Stars along the way....

25 February 2024- Maps

Based on this OLC.

Click in the black box to to move around the galaxy...

Let's splat out some stars!


This morning's prompt is 'beet'.

I'll squish it down in post... 8-P
Dinner was pickled beets and roasted rabbit, a nice quick fat one which Carol had nailed with her sling. She'd learned as a little girl from brothers and an Uncle who loved history and had had a wall of real and facsimiles of slings from different times and cultures. The damn thing was very useful in banging a stone around in the skull of anything which had gotten back up again... Carol set them back down to their rest.
Tom had found the beets, he was their best scrounger, and Brenda had sniffed and pronounced it good, nay, "It smells delicious. I think it has cloves!"
Ben made the fire, rusty steel wool and a double A on drier lint and kindling in an old fireplace they decided to risk for the night. If they stayed longer, Ben promised himself he'd get up on the roof and see about cleaning the chimney, there were tools in a closet.
No current occupants and no signs anyone had been around recently nor done more than a cursory locking up. Fled and likely dead.
Or walking the world, still.