Wednesday, July 31, 2024

So, didn't get that '53'

  • Initialize my grid by inputting a seed or generate one from a position based PR# which the user picks 
  • Grid is 2D or 3D, depending. 2D for some random surface, 3D for a random volume.
  • There's a reset to prompt a new seed and re-initialize the grid.

There was a storm, raging overhead, millions of kilometers away. Lying on my back, staring up at a raging heavenly object with the optics of my suit doing all the heavy lifting of a massive telescope, I thought to myself, 'This isn't so bad...'
I tamped down on that defeatist thought. To quote Bujolds' little admiral, or Count VorKosigan, really, 'No surrender while I still breathe!'
Unfortunately, I was low on O2!
This morning's prompt is 'pilot'.

(Yes, it's horrible...)

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

So, I need to just do the thing...

Splat out a map from some galactic coordinates, find stars and worlds in my little sector of space and so on.

Where are we, Sol, in this?
This morning's prompt is 'tomato sauce'.

I'm going to squish this down a little.

Monday, July 29, 2024

PR#s and position based procedural generation.

Start over with an input of a seed, or click a position to generate a seed, which will go into local storage. A change log would be useful as I can't save anything to the page from the page...

List of functions:
  • Seed input
  • Or click a point
  • PR# generated from position 
  • Position and PR# to do procedural generation 
  • Galactic coordinates gx, gy,gz

This morning's prompt is 'gold medal'.


Saturday, July 27, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'first prize'.

So I was supposed to get something accomplished...
This morning's prompt was 'cliff fall'.


Friday, July 26, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'oxbow lake'.


Thursday, July 25, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'pearl'.

I found this really giant pearl in a shell, or Google offered it to me.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Placeholder for naming points of interest

30 June 2024- World Map

PR# from the position of a point int the tan box.
I'm going to add a prompt to get a tag for the point in the map.


name here

(Pick a point!!!!)


This morning's prompt is 'oyster', which walruses eat (walrusi? 8-P).

Finally getting back on theme, maybe...

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Name that World!

30 June 2024- World Map

PR# from the position of a point int the tan box.
I'm going to add a pop up to get a tag for the point in the map.


name here

(Pick a point!!!!)


This morning's prompt is 'walrus'.

I thought it turned out pretty good.

Monday, July 22, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'bison'.

He's pretty sturdy.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

This morning's prompt was 'ice'.

So I did ice cubes, not very original. Maybe I could have done ice giant, or ice midget? 8-P

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Super man and his cousin Kara hug it out...

If the series ended here, this would be perfect, and I believe that having tied up all significant character arcs, the creators planned that as a reasonable contingency.

I felt this way after the end of A:TLA, but few other shows. Both FMA ended upbeat, 'Cowboy Bebop' bebop ended so bitterly bittersweet, as did 'Gunslinger Girl', GitS and 'Eureka Seven'.

In fact, with CB and GG, I have determined that the message is we don't get out of this alive, but if we're lucky we get to remain who we are or even redeem ourselves.

That's what I was going for with 'Lifeboat Captains', among others.

This morning's prompt was 'dice'.

A set of polyhedral dice.
There once was a chicken cube, with a sliding door...

This was probably a bad idea, but it was my bad idea, and it was fixed without any input from me.

So, there's that.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Arc exploration, again

13 July 2024- Yet another world mapper

An arcs-ploration!!! 8-P


(Pick a point!!!!)


So I just want to splat out something this weekend, something solo world building and borderline hex crawling. If I pick a point and all the points around that point, point crawling with triangle fans arcing across the horizon, I can potentially fill in the surface of my world.
This morning's prompt is 'puppet'.

Note the strings and lack of malicious magic!

The Wally World as a standard unit of lunar development.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'poppet'.

This turns out to a rag doll, a voodoo rag doll...

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'pocket'.

Is it Levi or Levis? 8-P

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The origami shi folded the paper and slipped a little bit of his spirit into the folds.
Many, many folds, complicated points emerged, shaped by math and magic.
Then, not careful enough, the paper tore and he sadly paused before continuing.
When it was done he set the horse to stand at the corner of his desk.
It did not cavort or gallop but planted itself there reproaching him his skill.
Art speaking of perfection but in practice falling, failing.
This morning's prompt is 'locket'.


The yuan is not a store of value. Every time the prc tries open up financially and become a reserve currency, a trillion dollars worth of internal wealth leaves the country and they slam the door closed again. Very little domestic demand, and less demand for less cheap imports every month...

If China goes to war,  half their imported oil and half their imported food goes to some other port or to the bottom of the sea.

Monday, July 15, 2024

I changed this morning's prompt from 'lockup' to 'locker'.

I guess I could make tomorrow's prompt 'locket'.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

This morning's prompt was 'space suit'.

I'm sure I have used that before...

Saturday, July 13, 2024

So of course I just want to try to roll up a new Sci Fi campaign, yet one more time.

Yet another placeholder!

13 July 2024- Yet another world mapper

A grid of diamond quaads!


(Pick a point!!!!)


This morning's prompt is 'coconut'.

(I like how this turned out)

Friday, July 12, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'chocolate junior'.

NGL, the capricious nature of feeb's recent strikes against my posts have suggested I have a troll...

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Modify a grid to the sinusoidal world map.

I turned a square on its bottom right corner and pulled the left and right corners out to make a diamond, then pushed the vertices out based on the latitude.
This morning's prompt is 'pineapple'.

(I need to squish it down in post, as per usual)

Six whole degrees cooler than yesterday and a decent chance of rain again tonight into tomorrow, but early next week will be brutal. Someone is going to die in here.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'birthday cake'.

I thought I did good...

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'beer battered fish'.

(I'll need to squish this down in post)

Monday, July 8, 2024

Display vertices and draw text

8 July 2024- Arxploration!

Arcs around points. I have the page make an initial triangle fan and make the div the same size, so that the canvas is now that size and we can pick a point inside, looking for the nearest point within the polygon!


(Pick a point!!!!)


This morning's prompt is 'maria cookies'. 


I have pts, I need to do a border and look for points to fan an arc around the outside, push the edge out, in arx.

Sunday, July 7, 2024


7 July 2024- Arxploration!

Arcs around points. I have the page make an initial triangle fan and make the div the same size, so that the canvas is now that size and we can pick a point inside, looking for the nearest point within the polygon!


(Pick a point!!!!)


This morning's prompt was 'pizza'.


Saturday, July 6, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'bbq chicken'.


Friday, July 5, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'quick meal'.


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Triangle Fans

4 July 2024- Arcs

Arcs around points.


(Pick a point!!!!)



30 June 2024- World Map

PR# from the position of a point int the tan box.


(Pick a point!!!!)


This morning's prompt was 'best Burger'.


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'free fall diner's.


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'dragon fruit'.

I'll have to try it again, I got one and let it go bad...

Monday, July 1, 2024


30 June 2024- World Map

PR# from the position of a point int the tan box.


(Pick a point!!!!)


This morning's prompt is 'a friendly alien'.

I feel I accomplished the goal... 8-P