Monday, September 30, 2024


30 September 2024- Orange Peel World Map

Random is hardcoded... still working on the orange peel world map.
(get on with it, Cleaver! You owe youself subdivided triangles with land and sea!)

This morning's prompt is 'good luck charms'.


Sunday, September 29, 2024


25 September 2024- Orange Peel World Map


Saturday, September 28, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'hoof', or hooves, in this case cloven hooves.

I got local storage holding a pseudo random number.

Local Storage

25 September 2024- Orange Peel World Map

This morning's prompt was 'fetlock', which is like the ball of the horses hand or foot, where below that to the hoof is the middle finger...

So the horse is hoofing it on a giant toe or fingernail!

Friday, September 27, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'forelock', and it went very well...

I'm going to squish it down in post, but it works.

Work on the Orange Peel WM this weekend. Get the persistence functionality with local storage.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'foretop', where the crows' nest is.


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Orange Peel World Map

25 September 2024- Orange Peel World Map

The coordinates generates a seed for an intitial PR#.
Persistent- I will need local storage. (I will get there!)
Interactive- The user will pick a point in canvas and the coordinates are the seed, or generate my initial seed and pseudo random number.
Last night I did the quick and dirty, top down with a set of global statistics, basically the size, mass hyrdographic ratio...
Now to parse out my landmasses and seas!

(Pick a point!!!!)


name here


This morning's prompt is 'toilet paper'.


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

This morning's prompt was 'chocolate chip cookie' and I forgot to post it, I guess...

Procedural lumpy cookie with chocolate chips, an uneven triangle fan with border points and chocolate chip polygons.

Monday, September 23, 2024


30 June 2024- World Map

The coordinates generates a seed for an intitial PR#.
Persistent- I will need local storage. (I will get there!)
Interactive- The user will pick a point in canvas and the coordinates are the seed, or generate my initial seed and pseudo random number.
Last night I did the quick and dirty, top down with a set of global statistics, basically the size, mass hyrdographic ratio...
Now to parse out my landmasses and seas!

(Pick a point!!!!)


name here


This morning's prompt is 'danish'.


Sunday, September 22, 2024

This morning's prompt was 'apple pie'.


Saturday, September 21, 2024

This morning's prompt was 'dried corn'.


Friday, September 20, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'silo', actually silos, plural...

I got a little bit done last night.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Now to drill down into individual oceans and continents

30 June 2024- World Map

The coordinates generates a seed for an intitial PR#.
Persistent- I will need local storage. (I will get there!)
Interactive- The user will pick a point in canvas and the coordinates are the seed, or generate my initial seed and pseudo random number.
Last night I did the quick and dirty, top down with a set of global statistics, basically the size, mass hyrdographic ratio...
Now to parse out my landmasses and seas!

(Pick a point!!!!)


name here


This morning's prompt is 'barn'.

Keep it simple, silly! Just take the HR% and start finding land and sea bits. Begin with total land and total sea, then randomly roll against HR% to see if we're looking at the one or the other and randomly get some fraction of land or sea, remove from running totals, recalculate HR%, do it again while there's land or sea to be distributed.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


30 June 2024- World Map

The coordinates generates a seed for an intitial PR#.
Persistent- I will need local storage. (I will get there!)
Interactive- The user will pick a point in canvas and the coordinates are the seed, or generate my initial seed and pseudo random number.
Tonight I just want to do the quick and dirty, bottom up but within a set of global statistics, basically the size, mass hyrdographic ratio...

(Pick a point!!!!)


name here


This morning's prompt is 'orange peel'.

The foot is on the mend. I got in to see Dr Hopkins yesterday down in Milford, he cut the callus away and relieved the pressure. There was an infection and I should have tried to see him Monday, would have worked out a lot better. He took a culture and prescribed me antibiotics, if there's anything alarming I should hear from his office today or tomorrow.

I go see him next week for follow up but I was already scheduled to see him. I feel like the problem probably would not have happened if I had kept last months regular visit.

Lay my as down and elevated my foot and got some rest but no writing or coding yesterday. Well, I did take care of the placeholder...

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

yet another placeholder

30 June 2024- World Map

The coordinates generates a seed for an intitial PR#.
Persistent- I will need local storage. (I will get there!)
Interactive- The user will pick a point in canvas and the coordinates are the seed, or generate my initial seed and pseudo random number.
Tonight I just want to do the quick and dirty, bottom up but within a set of global statistics, basically the size, mass hyrdographic ratio...

(Pick a point!!!!)


name here


This morning's prompt is 'ferris wheel'.

I didn't get anything done last night. My left foot is swollen and I went home early, hoping that would help but I am in serious trouble and need to go see Dr Hopkins today, if I can get in.

Monday, September 16, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'cricket'.


A peach reduction... where does this stuff come from? 8-P

Specifications for my world building utility-

Persistent- I will need local storage.
Interactive- The user will pick a point in canvas and the coordinates are the seed, or generate my initial seed and pseudo random number.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

This morning's prompt was "lobster".


Saturday, September 14, 2024

My next mega second decade, century and giga second

25 June 2023- My Prompts Utility!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Pick a point to get a position based seed for a PR#

30 June 2024- World Map

The coordinates generates a seed for an intitial PR#.

(Pick a point!!!!)


name here


This morning's prompt is 'beer glass', or actually 'beer mug'.

Looks pretty tasty...

Thursday, September 12, 2024

A river from the sea?

30 June 2024- World Map

Pick a point to start a river in the sea... My next step will be to add a blue line from point to point?


name here

(Pick a point!!!!)


I've been lazy again. Tonight I need to get something accomplished, therefore I need to set a goal, write some code or story...

World building is what I love to do and I need to do that, dongma? 8-P

But I never thought about this again all day, and I had a long day, stayed 2 hours working on my double electric fryer!

I'm torn between starting small or starting with a whole damn world!!! 8-P
This morning's prompt is 'bavarian'.

(This is exactly the guy in lederhosen I was thinking of... now we need bratwurst!)

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'donut'.

Short and sweet.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'walnut'.


Monday, September 9, 2024

This morning's prompt is "almond date bites'.

(I just made that up, I was out...)

Now, the actual date bites... were watery. The texture was not the expected firmness of a candy bar, more like melted chocolate. I put them in my cold drinks bag and hope they improve!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'field'.


Saturday, September 7, 2024

This morning's prompt was 'race'.

'Ready, set, go!'

Friday, September 6, 2024

Positional Pseudo Random Number, averages over time to 1/2

30 June 2024- World Map

Fill the ran square with some points!


name here

(Pick a point!!!!)


This morning's prompt is 'bandaid'.

(I went with the heart fingers)

They went still and quiet as they heard the moans, waiting. Carol smiled at her son and held up thumb and forefinger, the heart fingers. Tom smirked back and returned the gesture.

Brenda frowned, where before she would have scowled. The antics of their strays grew on you, like a fungus! She smiled. Things were good, all good, she insisted that they were good, but she knew Ben was struggling.

Ben was not good.

His feet and legs were swollen and felt like they were stuffed inside galoshes ten sizes to big. To make matters worse, he'd found and walked on a nail, pressed up through the sole and into his foot a day ago. It bled freely and at least he was up to date with his tetanus, but without his long gone diabetes meds he was going to heal slowly, if at all. Infection scared him shitless.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'tent'.

This is the blog of which I had lost track when something cleared about a dozen of my procedural world building links off my cell. Long story short, instead of randomly flipping diagonal triangle pairs and pulling along edges then making the dual graph, I procedurally generated the grid with a random jitter, subdivided quads by shortest diagonal and subd the triangles further six ways and made polygonal groupings around the original corner vertices-
Whew! 8-P

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'sauna'.


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'school supplies'.


Monday, September 2, 2024

This morning's prompt was 'crossing guard'.
