Sunday, May 29, 2011


I'm on Smashwords as of this weekend-

I've even made my very first sale, and gotten a good review for something... I hope that this is the start of something good.

This reminds me that I still need to finish Something Abducted!-

Something bright and shiny.
Something small and powerful.
Something lost and found again.
Mine to celebrate, joyfully.
Something good has come to me.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Roleplaying update-

'A Little Trouble on Morris' went well enough, although the end dragged a little... The nex thing that I'm likely to do is a summer fantasy campaign based on FMA and A:tLA-!/event.php?eid=221479764546473

Any folks in the great Newark area interested?


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Characters and What Every PC Knows for 'A little Trouble on Morris'

            John M. Corradin, Daniel Newton, and Walter have told me they want to play. I have the following roles available (Walt told me last night he wants to play the Mechanic)-
            Captain Clarice/Clarence Perry (gender depending on player), from Old Earth, Herself, owns 60% of The Good Ship 'Molly Brown'
            (Walter) Rudolph Meems, who grew up on Morris and has family there, the Ship's Mechanic/Engineer. Owns the other 40% of MB.
            Spencer Thirteen, part of a clone set, runaway from his family in the League of Free Stars. The spare pilot and super cargo. Been with MB for a year.
            Doc Hop, a rabbit-like alien scientist who is qualified as a medic. His people have a unified interstellar state on the far side of the Star Kingdom of Shenandoah and are currently at peace w/ same. Been with MB for years.
            Cookie, the Cute Rookie, who signed on at Leslie and has earned her nickname by taking over the mess. She's an undocumented treasure and talked her way on through some freinds of the crew at Leslie. She's obviuosly familiar with ships, maybe eve grew in a merchant tramp like MB; she's a mystery, but good people.

The Game Year is 2831 AD; they probably use some other Date System...
           People went out and settle part of the galactic, had some wars and generally lived like humans, not saints. Earth is still the most populous human planet- most other places may top out at hundreds of millions, but a typical planet has a small population, a few tens of millions. Earth is still pretty much the center of science and development; or rather it is, again, after falling of the wagon for a few centuries.
           The Star Kingdom of Shenandoah is 500 years old, and settled organically, with natural population growth. The League of Free Stars was settled about three hundred years ago, and has grown very rapidly with cloning technology; clones still have to be raised, just like the more normal kind of human beings, and there were some horrible mistakes made early on, but their homeworld of Pleroo, 'Plenty', is just about the most populous, other than Earth, and intends on expanding, bring their light and reason to other worlds...

Cut and pasted from my blog-
            Let's look at two possible planets, cleverly calling them Morris and Leslie-
            Planet Morris is 1.5 Earth masses and has a gravity of about 1.15 times that of Earth, 1.3 times the surface area, 663 million square kilometers. It has more water surface, having managed to get and hang onto more, 86% (~3/4^1/2), so the land area is only 93 million, but most of it is arable, nearly half again as much as on Earth. It's a little farther out and cooler, but has more atmosphere, ~2 bars, 1.8 N2 plus .2 O2, which makes it warmer all over.
            Planet Leslie is .5 Earth masses and has a gravity of a little under .8 times that of Earth. 332 m km^2, 50% water, so the surface area is about 10% more than Earths' and about a quarter of that is arable, some 42 m km^2, a little bit more area than Africa or the Moon. Leslie is a little closer and hotter, but with less water vapor as a greenhouse gas, and less atmo over all (.2 inert plus .2 oxygen for .4 bar), the temperatures tend to swing more to extremes over the course of a day or a year.
            People from Morris and Leslie wouldn't stand out much in a crowd of Earthlings, but over all, Leslies are taller and scrawnier than Morrisites, who are more heavily muscled, with less body fat, stronger and faster. They probably live a few years less, too, in a maritime environment, coastal farming, deep-sea mining perhaps, but warmer and milder temperatures. Probably no appreciable snowfalls, but monster storms race across the oceans, sometimes going around and around the planet, getting stronger and stronger until the they spend their fury upon the land...
            Leslies live a little longer, in a more extreme climate with few big storms, but probably lots of desert, and lots of places where tornados stalk the land. The planet's core is more run-down than Earth and the surface more worn-down, too, so there are few mountains and more coastal plains and low, wet, flat marshy and swampy lands by the seas or ocean.

Monday, May 16, 2011

73 Beats

Once upon a lifetime ago,
73 heartbeats spent climbing up the sky-
'Go' with throttle up!

            Mike found the free verse push-pinned to the cork-board at the back of the roll-top desk in his fathers' real office, the one he actually worked in, not the one that looked like it belonged to the CEO of a three hundred million dollar company. This had been added on as an efficiency apartment nearly twenty years ago, and was cluttered like a college dorm. No, more cluttered than most college dorm rooms with which Mike was familiar, his own included. There was a method to the madness, but it still looked bad when his personal assistant had to winkle the old man out of his hermit crab shell to get ready to meet with clients...
            The paper was scrap, picked up from somewhere, at lunch perhaps, the invoice for- Mike turned it over and saw that the company had received sugar, coffee, bottled water and other things from Superior Catering Services on the 19th of last month. Judith had signed for it, had probably had it scanned it into the paperless system by the time the old man had swiped it for the impromptu haiku, but- he checked it out again and counted. Nine, ten and five; what sort of poem was this? The sort the old man would write. His own rules, a lament about that old shuttle disaster and more of his space-shit!
            Mike stopped, just a little ashamed. He knew why his old man was like this, and why... He let out a massive sigh, a quarterback sigh. Then, true to Mr. Hoagland and his AP English from just a few years ago, he snagged the perfectly good writing pad from under a this month's operating reports. He wrote his old man a note, and then revised the poem to make it into a Haiku-

Once, a lifetime past,
73 beats spent climbing sky-
'Go' with throttle up!

5th Part of 73

Do something with '73' (5th part of 73)!

            A Billig Tower (Defeating the Son of Andrew, Leon O. Billig, Analog SF, 1994 is a terraforming machine; it specifically controls one aspect of the environment, humidity, by dehumidifying warm, moist air in tropical and subtropical regions. The hotter and wetter, the better it works, because what it does is force air up a chimney to create an artificial tropical storm. Rising hot wet air expands and cools, meanwhile still being warmer than the surrounding air, so it continues to rise. The carrying capacity of the air goes down as it gets cooler and the relative humidity rises until it reaches 100%, at which point it precipitates. Warm, moist air @30 C and 90% RH has ~29 grams of water per kilogram of air, ~35 g/m^3, at 1.2 kg/m^3. Lower the temperature 20 degrees to 10 C and 100% RH air can carry about 10 g/m^3, 25 g less...
            A 6 meter diameter demonstration tower, pulling in air at 5 m/s, would be 141 m^3/s, 3.5 kg or just under a gallon of water per second. Even at 50% wastage, that's about 40,000 gallons per day, more than 14 million per year. It dehumidifies over 12 million cubic meters per day; reduces the humidity of a cubic kilometer of air by 1.2%. That might even be enough to have a noticeable effect on local weather...
m in diameter
kg H2O/s

            Falling water also can be used to generate power...
            The 5th part is the rich world-saving father's dehumidifier, to provide seed money for the solar power bubbles. Run into a snag with the Environmental Impact Study, the EPA-Circus...
            Beamed power, birds falling from the sky, are microwaves as safe as the team says they are? (Research this)

scroll down to the *big* entry-

Morning, in Tranquility

( 5/11/11)

After mowing grass last night, I sat heavily in the chair outside the garage,
And looked up at the Moon, high and in the first quarter this May evening.
It is morning in the Sea of Tranquility- that thought led to others;
Space is not over for us (it is hardly yet even begun!), forty-odd years
After the Eagle stooped over the lunar regolith and came lightly to rest.
Many dreams have come and gone, and many disappointments.
Take a deep breath, do not despair, let hope back in.
It is morning, in Tranquility.

Monday, May 9, 2011

My Dad is in the Hospital

My dad went in the hospital last Friday. He's had health problems and things haven't been good the last few weeks; diarrhea, weakness, and infection in his left leg. He's been huffing and puffing, can't breath well, and passed out in the kitchen Friday afternoon while I was still at work. An ambulance came and took him down to Dover, where they determined he had an irregular heartbeat (why he passed out), COPD ( the huffing), and that swollen leg needed antibiotics.
            Being self-centered the whole thing made me feel guilty, as it should. I'd been looking at my dad a lot lately, and noticing the muscle mass he's lost in his arms, the way one leg or the other is swollen, the look in his eyes. I had to bring up the diarrhea when he was talking to the doctor; he doesn't want to talk about his accidents. Or the fact that we've had to help him stand, to get up from the toilet. I didn't call, but that had me worried all yesterday, the thought that he'd be stuck in the bathroom all day.
            But when I got home, mom and dad weren't there, the kitchen table was pulled out from against the wall, and there was a little blood on the floor. Dad had fainted, had hit his arm and bled a little (he's on coumadin (, a blood thinner), and that was where he was when the paramedics came for him. Mom didn't have time for a note, I finally got a hold of her on her cell phone and learned all this.
            I drove down with that blankness that isn't calm, with jags of emotion. Didn't get in an accident or lose it, but it was bad. Wandered through that maze of a hospital complex until I found the ER. I just wandered around and I was about to ask after my dad, Thomas Cleaver, when I saw my Mom in one of the rooms, with my Dad. He wasn't comfortable, but he wasn't dead. That's a big deal. It didn't register, that possibility, until just that moment.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Two Guys and a Solar Power Bubble...

(The 4th Part of 73!)

 What I had in mind for the plot hook/story idea segment of this is a little hackneyed; I recognized a little Spider Man and a little bit of every other 'Two Geeks Save The World' plot I've ever seen, and you know? That's okay.

But I'm gonna make the two guys into two science geek girls, so there! 8-P And then, well... they have a freind who's a bit of a trustifarian, and his/her dad is the rip-off from Spider Man I and II; the business/ scientist and the guy who becomes Doc Octopus. The Trustifarian is a play-boy/party-girl a lot like 'That-Idiot-Ivan' from the Vorkosiverse; always dodging responsibility, hiding a decent brain...

The old man is every noble scientist/innovator/entreprenuer cliche in the entire book. I'll need to tone that down, but he is a follower of Buckminster Fuller and the Wizard of Omaha (did I get that ref right? 8-). A big heart, too much so, and various reasons why he and his kid are living the hedgehog's dilemna. Sigh. I need to put them in threat at some point, do the bonding thing...

The Old Man wants to dehumidify the Gulf of Mexico and kill hurricanes; and pay for it by selling water to thirsty cities. Man, do I find some crazy stuff! The SPB interests him and he wants them working for his company.

Yeah, needs lots of work, and sounds just like I've been watching old 1930's movies, but with big science/big engineering ideas!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

3rd Part, sort of an interlude

Find a way to pay for your dream, or it will never happen...

            I need to sneak up on this whole spaceflight, 73-Part Conquest of the Solar System crab-wise. There has to be a way to pay the way, so to speak, one that makes at least some sense. The Solar Power Bubbles I've postulated, are 100 meters in diameter and mass 3 kg/m^3 times 31,000 m^3,  ~10^5 kg or 100 tonnes of material. At a $1/kg, $1,000/tonne, that's $100,000 for structure. The things generates 100 KW, possibly a one tonne turbine @ $2/watt, for $200,000. Plus 10% is $330,000 and 111 tonnes. About 650,000 kg of air needs to be warm enough to lift 111,000 kg of stuff, 17% (actually 1/(1-.17, roughly 6/5)), or about 20% above the ambient temperature of 288 Kelvin, 58 degrees, 73 C, or 163 degrees F.

(Air masses 1.2 kg/m^3 @ STP-
            A one km SPB would scale up two orders of magnitude; 10 MW, 11.1 million kg, $33M, but .65 billion m^3, so the air only needs to lift 1.7% of its own mass, instead of 17% (1/(1-.017), roughly 60/59), only about 5 degrees above ambient, 20 C, 68 F. People could live in the floor of the balloon and the support crew might have a hydroponic farm as part of the ballast...
            If a 1 km SPB operated more efficiently, at 2.5%, it would generate 25MW, 300 MW/day, ~110M KWH/year, $5.5M @ $.05/KHW, and pay for itself in 6 years. The 100 KW SPB are mobile and less of a hazard. They could transmit power to the ground via microwaves; the rectenna farm concept from solar power satellites. This would be very good for FEMA, the military and other remote operations. The 100 meter SPB might be less vulnerable than it seems; a big target, but also able to soak up damage.
            Mass times velocity squared is 10^5 kg*(12*10^3 m/s)^2; 100 tonnes to 12 km/s. 12*10^3 m/s divided by 24 m/s^2 is 500 seconds, T^2*Acceleration /2 is (25*10^4 s^2)*(24 m/s^2)/2 is 2.5*10^5*12 m is 3*10^6 m or 3,000 km. 3,000 SPB! 75 GW! I need 144*10^11 w/s per launch, 4*10^6 KWH, $200,000 worth of electricity @$.05/KWH, just a little less than $6/kg, $3/lb (I'll rough out an estimate of operating costs, but it's pure vapor, too!). I need 4 GWH, and have ~900 GWH per day, enough for 225 launches. At 110-plus launches per day, ~50% of capacity, that's 40,00 per year, 1.4 million tonnes or 4 million passengers...
            The first decade' is all about cheap access to space, and let me break it to you gently... there isn't any. The best I can work up is a scenario were costs and risks are contained enough that people can start working in space; economic activity, followed by habitats and settlement. The model I'm going with is less civil aviation or sailing ships and more railroading.
            Civil aviation is a popular model, but it ignores the fact that passenger airlines don't make money! And the sailing ship model ignores the fact that an age of sail ship carried with her al the tools and skills necessary to repair and even, in the fullness of time, to rebuild itself.
            Railroads, on the other hand, failed, a lot! They couldn't be counted on to operate, but they did tend to fail, get bought out, lay track and operate a little, and fail; a cycle that continued for a while. Like the earlier turnpike and canal systems, they were a public utility that provided transportation. Folks with wealth, status, civic hope and pride, financed them to help secure their piece of the pie, making money of the value-enhancing aspect; roads, canals and railroads made land and industry worth more. The big railroad efforts to cross North America made their money off of land speculation, only later operating off of freight and passenger service.
            I see the whole thing playing out this way-
0) Private Staged Rocketry, where we are right now.
1) Private Spaceplanes, where we will be in a few years, with same day service to anywhere in the world, as well as orbit.
2) Mass Transit To Orbit, which is basically railroading to space. I see a lot of efforts failing, and the public disillusioned with the whole thing before somebody finally makes it work- sort f like were we are with spaceflight today.
            I don't think that a space elevator will happen because there's so much debris in near earth orbit. It should work fine for the Moon and Mars, but not to GEO; we need to police our trashy skies!
            Mass Transit-
* Mass Driver @22 km altitude.
* Orbital Ring System with Jacob's Ladders from the ground, as in Paul Birch.
* Much, much later- Space Elevator.
            Services and small-scale Industry dominate this 'Middle Early Space Age', where the Early, Early Space Age was everything before the X-Prize. Services, as in Tourism and Science, and Industry, as in Energy and Materials.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Discover Magazine 'Finding Other Earths'

            What are the chances of man-habitable worlds? The guy quoted in the article says that 30% of the 200 billion star systems in the Galaxy may have earth-like planets. I think that that may be about right, but MHW are more than just Earth-sized... they have to be the right surface temperature, which means the right distance, and have air, water, life; it just goes on and on. I tend to suspect that life is the exception, rather than the rule, but I could be wrong and comets may regularly infect worlds with life, in which case most worlds are, were, and will be again, living, if conditions broadly so allow! We're talking extreme-life-as-we-know-it here on Earth versus what we 'normally' tend to think of, plants and animals and good weather, probably an order of magnitude more common than MHW.
            So, boundary conditions? From one half to one and a half Earth Masses, from .9 to 1.1 times the insolation Earth gets, from a little less than one half to a little less than 100% water-covered, and about one half to one and one half atmospheres, with a partial pressure of O2 around one fifth of an atmo.
            The likelihood of planets in that mass range is tied to the mass and the fraction of heavier elements (ahem, 'rocky stuff') in the star system. Smaller suns will tend to have smaller worlds, all other things being equal, but are more common than bigger suns... I have a quick and dirty method for roughing this out which will stop a statisticians' beating heart; I take the inverse of a number between 1 and 0 to the fourth root, subtract one from the result and roll with it. Nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine times out of ten thousand, that returns a number less than nine... One sixteenth of all outcomes are greater than one, and fifteen sixteenths are less, sometimes much less. About 5% are between 1 and 2, and ~17% of the planets above would be between .5 and 1.5 Earth masses. I'm going to make another guess and say that there's about a 20% chance of a planet being in the Goldilocks zone, neither too close and hot nor too far out and cold. Water is a crap-shoot; call it even odds, whereas it's probably more likely than not (my Quick and Dirty Worlds method is to take the square root of a random number from 1 to 0, which averages ~71%! 8-). For the right mass, the chances of the partial pressure being right are pretty good; again, even odds, where it's likely I'm being overly pessimistic. Proper levels of O2 are a function of photosynthetic life. The level is probably self-regulating and 'seeks' one fifth of an atmosphere... Too low and animal life lags until O2 builds up. Too high and fires rage, lowering it. Call that even odds, too. That works out to about .4%, one in 240 star systems, but there are 200 billion in our galaxy; about 850 million MHW!
            Incidentally, 1 out of 40 stars mass between 1.1 and .9 Sols by my method, so it's not very close to the real, but in my universe there would be ~21 million MHW around Sol-like stars; enough for me to spread Humanity out in 300-person packets! Which is just about twice the number that we humans are 'designed' for, but, yeah, we'd probably still be killing each other...
            Let's look at two possible planets, cleverly calling them Morris and Leslie-
            Planet Morris is 1.5 Earth masses and has a gravity of about 1.15 times that of Earth, 1.3 times the surface area, 663 million square kilometers. It has more water surface, having managed to get and hang onto more, 86% (~3/4^1/2), so the land area is only 93 million, but most of it is arable, nearly half again as much as on Earth. It's a little farther out and cooler, but has more atmosphere, ~2 bars, 1.8 N2 plus .2 O2, which makes it warmer all over.
            Planet Leslie is .5 Earth masses and has a gravity of a little under .8 times that of Earth. 332 m km^2, 50% water, so the surface area is about 10% more than Earths' and about a quarter of that is arable, some 42 m km^2, a little bit more area than Africa or the Moon. Leslie is a little closer and hotter, but with less water vapor as a greenhouse gas, and less atmo over all (.2 inert plus .2 oxygen for .4 bar), the temperatures tend to swing more to extremes over the course of a day or a year.
            People from Morris and Leslie wouldn't stand out much in a crowd of Earthlings, but over all, Leslies are taller and scrawnier than Morrisites, who are more heavily muscled, with less body fat, stronger and faster. They probably live a few years less, too, in a maritime environment, coastal farming, deep-sea mining perhaps, but warmer and milder temperatures. Probably no appreciable snowfalls, but monster storms race across the oceans, sometimes going around and around the planet, getting stronger and stronger until the they spend their fury upon the land...
            Leslies live a little longer, in a more extreme climate with few big storms, but probably lots of desert, and lots of places where tornados stalk the land. The planet's core is more run-down than Earth and the surface more worn-down, too, so there are few mountains and more coastal plains and low, wet, flat marshy and swampy lands by the seas or ocean.
            (I do believe I might be ready to write some stories about Earth, Morris and Leslie! 8-)

2nd Part of My 73 Part Conquest of The Solar System

(These are my notes from last week, when I was thinking about this; these are little embarrassing, but this is how I play with numbers! 8-)

            I didn't find out how much a given volume of air masses, but I believe it is 1.25 kg/m^3. I can live with that. I estimate that a car, with 5 m^3 of air and 5 m^2 of surface area, heats up 15 degrees C rather quickly; easily 5% Kelvin above the ambient temperature (288 K). I guesstimate that hot air in such a car masses ~5% less than in a car with open windows, and provides ~60 g/m^3 of 'lift' (I'm mixing the wrong units- sue me!). If I had a 1 m^3 balloon with a 1 m^2 cross-section and massing <60 g, it would rise.
            Let us make a plastic hot air balloon 10 meters across, with a 78 m^2 cross-section and a volume of ~500 m^3. The sun heats the air enough to raise ~97 kg of air 15 degrees C, or ~630 kg of air ~2.4 C, or 2.4 Kelvin, .9% above ambient, something like 5.5 kg of 'lift'. That works out to 17 g/m^2, or ~1/2 ounce per square yard. Possible, but iffy. On the other hand, if the sun heats the thing all day, we could see 6 ounces of lift per square yard of material. Although, the sun is heating up the ambient air, too...
            I am making the following assumptions-
                     Passive solar heating provides energy to heat air equal to 60g/m^3 times 150 K above ambient temperature (I really wish I could put that in Joules, Newtons and Calories or BTUs...).
                     At lower pressures, the air masses less and is heated up more.
                     The material is thermally opaque, retaining heat fairly well (whatever that means 8-). 24/7, the internal volume is warmer and lighter than the external air.
A 100 meter Hot Air Solar Power Bubble (TM 8-) is about 7,800 m^2 of cross-section, 31,500 m^2 of surface area, and half a million m^3 or 650,000 kg of air, which we can probably heat up 60*150*7,800/650,000 = 9,000*7,800/650,000 = 9*7.8/.65 = 9*12 = 108 K. 396/288 or rather, 288/396 = 72/99 = 24/33 = 8/11 is 3 pounds of lift for every 11 pounds of air, ~180,000 kg. 650,000 kg of air weighs 715 tons, or 195 tons of lift. The surface area of the hot air balloon is ~35,000 square yards, at 2 pounds/SY, is 35 tons. There's 160 tons left for an overage of 5-fold, 10 lbs/SY, and the power generation part of this scheme.
            A 100 meter bubble has about 10 MW/s of sunlight falling on it during the day and in direct sunlight; at 1% efficiency, that's 100 KW. Nothing to sneeze about! A 1km bubble should be good for 10 MW, and heat up 1000 times as much air 1/10 as much, 10.8 K, 288/298.8, or ~8/8.3. But that still works out to a hundred times as much lift and a hundred times as much weight in material.
            Now, on to the 'Cheap Access To Space'! If I wanted this bubble up at 22 km for my own purposes, we need to figure out how much lift less dense air, heated more, could potentially generate. That's four halvings, or ½ to the fourth, 1/2^4, 1/16 times, about 80 g/m^3 to 173 K. the ambient is less at that altitude, but we'll go with 258 K, 15 C below freezing. We're talking about 173/431 times 80 g/m^3, ~40%, 32 g/m^3, a little over one ounce of lift. Fortunately, that's ~16 billion grams, 16 million kg, >7,000 tons of lift. The thing weighs in at 3,500 tons, half the lift. Even a 10 MW of wind turbine, at 1kg/100W, is <100 tons (or 25 MW and 250 tonnes). The 4 million kg per km of maglev launcher  (based on SpaeTram) I want to hang under it is a problem, but we can always scale the sucker back a little, 100 tonne orbiter, 35 tonnes of cargo or 100 passengers.

(Whew! Take a breath and say 'paper rocketry', Vinnie!)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

My 73 Part Conquest of the Solar System

I have been threatening to do this for 20-some years, and it's time. I'll plot out the whole damn campaign arc here, with plot hooks for games I could run, or stories I could write, but the point of the exercise is that I still have faith in the possibility that people will one day be living and working in space, and that the power and resources of the solar system will provide enough wealth for the entire species. That's all very blue-sky of me, but this is the last gasp of my space enthusiast idealism, so, please, humor me...

The first part is to rob a big piggy bank, of course! 8-P

In the past, space enthusiasts have expected, somehow, that NASA would do all of this, or maybe big corporate America will fund it (in one of the mass-driver scenarios, the Lofstrom Launch Loop, the author has a bit of narrative where a fictional space-worker is going up to be part of U.S. Steels' exploratory mission to the asteroids). Not going to happen, at least not soon. Find a way to fund your dream, or it will never happen.

Space Tourism might be a short-term answer, but I don't necessarily believe in it. I'm going to borrow some bits and pieces from other places, including SpaceTram and high altitude aerostats, and put them together in a different way...

An aerostat is basically a hot air balloon, designed to get lift from passive solar energy. I did some silly BOTE calculations, and I think a 100 meter could be put together for a few hundred thousand dollars, and about 10 MW of solar energy falls across it's cross-section during daylight hours. If we had a solar wind-turbine running off hot air venting at the top, and got 1% efficiency, that's 100 KW, a small demo Solar Power Bubble. Scale it up to 1KM, and it produces 10 MW of power, and is self-ferrying. It also would have some additional uses, Cell and Comm tower, surveillance, etc. Hell, advertising!

That's a lot of portable power, suitable for the next part of the operation to follow in part two of my prospectus...