Sunday, February 23, 2020

23 February 2020 To Do List!


  • Finish cleaning out my closet
  • Do my taxes (hard to believe that I *still* haven't!)
  • Finish up my Procedural Galaxy
    (use PRNG and then add some functionality, moving around, zooming
    in on a star system, etc.)
  • Write a page generating a spining UV 'sphere'
  • Write another page to subdivide an octahedron into a passable globe
  • I still would like to do a nice lon/lat polyhedral globe with polygon-like tiles, sub'd daughter tri grouped around the parent tri vertices
  • Not sure what I want to accomplish next, probably back to writing! 8-P
  • Saturday, February 22, 2020

    Procedural Galaxy

    Procedural Galaxy

    Click on a point in the galaxy and see the XY coordinates relative to the solar system (yellow dot). Then pick another point within a hypothetical sector, drilling down until you get stars.

    Friday, February 21, 2020

    Random Walker Worldmapper

    Random Walker Worldmapper

    Click on a pixel in the worldmap and release (actually, re-release...) the random walker to wander around, raising land out of the ocean... I have it drawing green rectangles but what I need is to save the land bits to an array and wrap the 2D map to a spinning UV sphere.

    Monday, February 17, 2020

    Worldbuilding By The Numbers

    World Building!

    This creates a lot of super earths and gas giants. I need to work on a better distribution... The XYZ position in the galaxy generates a fifteen digit seed.

    Friday, February 14, 2020

    Oops! 8-P

    2.5D Heart

    Got quite the furball when I tried to subdivide...

    Sunday, February 9, 2020

    2.5D Rotating Heart (WIP)

    2.5D Heart

    I hard-coded a 3D shape, with back face culling! I have some overlap, need to fix by vday 8-P

    Saturday, February 8, 2020

    Valentines in Spaaaace!


    Click on a point in the field...

    Friday, February 7, 2020

    Procedural Star System


    Based one OLC's (One Lone Coder) recent episode on procedurally generating an Elite Dangerous inspired galaxy...

    Go get Chrome! 8-P

    Starfield with Pseudo Random # Generation


    Go get Chrome! 8-P

    Thursday, February 6, 2020

    Pseudo Random Number Generation


    Go get Chrome! 8-P

    Monday, February 3, 2020

    Random Rectangular Landmass!

    Random Rectangles

    No, actually not very exciting... 8-P

    The vertical component is not latitude, but width is lonitude here.

    Go get Chrome! 8-P

    Saturday, February 1, 2020

    Copying and pasting to write on my cell

    Rocketship! Go get Chrome! 8-P