Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Land Mass!

Land Mass!

World Map- This is a pretty standard equilateral projection of 520 by 260 pixels. I am using Worley Noise on a wrap-around map, but it really represents a sphere and I can do better. Then I would like to layer the Worley Noise, see what that gets me...

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Cube Sphere

Cube Sphere

Drawing points on the surface of a cube sphere. I want to animate the process step by step... but I probably won't.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Programming Projects

To Do List

Where to start? I need to finish up with the POWM world build. I have a POWM, I have a height map, but I'm not satisfied with the landmass I'm getting from Worley Noise. I need to process my raw results, maybe layer WN on top of Voronoi Tiles? The pointy oval makes for roughly 10^4 km^2 tiles per pixel from pole to pole and I can do a mean surface temperature estimate by latitude. Climate is generated from MST and precip, which is based on my height map. Converting this to a spherical polyhedron with hundreds of triangle faces for a spinning 2.5D projection is doable, just difficult.

  • Walker Animation
  • This is problematic. I have a couple of line segements now, what I want is '3D' articulated leg assemblies and body parts moving around with the leg assemblies, rules/algorithms for 'walking' from place to place. While not strictly 'walking', Trikes from my BD Space Opera would be nice, Oddities and eight-limbed Hunter tiger/centaurs, oh my! 8-P

  • Cube to Sphere
  • This is something of a personal challenge; the 'proper' way do a sphere vs a UV sphere! 8-P

    Tuesday, April 21, 2020

    Save a map

    Pointy Oval World Map, again...

    I have a Worley noise map with brown for elevatedconst terrain. The Worley noise gives me a basic height map so I can do rain shadow in a moisture map, but 1st I needed to improve my height map by placing duplicate Worley noise pts to the left and right of my POWM so I get some wrap around. I also made the number of WN pts variable, from 25 to 75, and I should try to cluster my WN pts...

    Monday, April 20, 2020

    Stick Legs!

    Stick Legs!

    Drawing the legs of a stick figure. Pick a point in the window and the webpage will draw the legs. Then pick another point and the legs will immediately start moving towards the x coordinate of the last point you clicked. Try it! 8-P


    Monday, April 13, 2020

    Simple Character Generator


    This is a simplistic character generator based very loosely on RPGs like FATE or Risus. You come up with aspects which define who your character is and what they can do. The page then generates a die code for the die or dice you would roll to see how good you are if you attempt to use that aspect in a game. Sorry, you can't save the character or print it out, but you can copy and paste the text into a text editor.

    In an actual game, you will want some default fighting and damage resistance aspect...

    Type in an aspect and click the button to add that aspect to your character.

    Wednesday, April 8, 2020

    Happy Passover!

    Happy Passover!

    This goy is celebrating the angel of death passing over us by wishing you and yours peace and safety in this time of plague and sorrow. Instead of matzah and bitter herbs I made pizza...

    Thursday, April 2, 2020

    Easter is Coming...

    Easter Animation

    Click on a point in the window to move the rabbit around. I have the bunny or any egg fall out of the sky if we click in the sky...