Running very late, I zonked out again and just then I got sucked into ‘mislaid phone drama’; my Mom manages to lose her phone about once a week… so, I haven’t worked on peeps tonight, but I thought about them and about serpentine landmass all day. For the latter I have been working on the links between subsequent vertex line pairs and quads; I can draw individual lines and quads and a triangle fan subdividing that quad. I will connect quads between outside points, left and right of or above and below the line. We use the dx and dy to push the point out parallel and then make a triangle with the outside point, the new point and the endpoint. Then we need to find the next quads’ corresponding outside point, which will probably be either closer then the previous outside point if the quad turns that way and may even jackknife! Or be a bit farther away. If closer we run the risk of being inside of the next quad, so we just push that new point to the next corresponding outside point and make two triangles out of that, from the joint to outside point to midpoint to next outside point. If the distance is long, then make that second triangle and subdivide it, from joint to new point to midpoint and finally to the next outside point. Whew!
Now about the peep- we replace the flat circles with octahedrons spooned together, rear vertex of the head to the top vertex of the body and bottom vertex of the head to front vertex of the body. Then make a neck by replacing four triangles with a right quad pair of triangles from top/back to the right body to the front/bottom to the right head vertices and the top/back to the left body to the front/bottom to the left head vertices. Two octahedrons become a single polyhedron. For legs we can replace the left and right bottom quad pair of triangles with eight triangles in two cones touching the bottom of the box where the right and left feet are in the procedural walk and turn functions.
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