I can make my usual world peach polygon with a set of points down the backside from pole to pole, and draw some random points from each pair down the backside; they are on either side of my oval-shaped polygon but are really the same point, where the world wraps around from east to west, weat to east. This is simple enough, since the distance is px1 - px0, and i can add them randomly, say 10 px plus some random amount, or maybe 1% or so, since this is actually not in pixels but percentages across the polygon, since I’m using clipPath and shapeOutside...
Now, about clickable objects; I am having unexpected difficulties here and it would be nice if I could use the mouse instead… I want to be able to create unique events in the same way I’d create any other object with javascript. I was thinking that I could make the event listener switch based on where the mouse is, but I’m still having a lot of trouble with the mouse within my document, at least when I copy paste to my blog! Grrr…
I can reset and remove divs with a nice button for the user, but I still want to be able to have the user interact mor with the world map! Just get something interesting up on the blog, Vinnie!!!
I start and end with triangle fans at the poles, then we have rows of quads in between, subdivided into triangle pairs and subdivided further where the distances between points are too great. Thinking about it, the first line of points is between two endpoints at the seam where the world wraps, so we can copy them down and stretch them out or or add in new points between the endpoints and the adjacent points, the 2nd and 2nd to last points. That second idea has some merit, but I want an offset, so that the next line of points is the two new endpoints plus the midpoints between each of the points on the previous line. Then subdivide edges and triangles as needed….
(I know nobody ever reads this, because they never comment about how I don’t make any sense)
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