I wanted to do a quick Halloween game this evening, but I'm out of time!
Sunday, October 31, 2021
Saturday, October 30, 2021
Nelson’s word today is ‘cognitive’, which is about thought. I'll have to look that up… knowing, learning and understanding things. The term I immediately thought of is ‘cognitive dissonance’, or “the mental discomfort that results from holding two conflicting beliefs, values or attitudes.” Most people resolve this sort of thing “by rejecting, explaining away, or avoiding new information.” They often tell themselves comfortable lies.
Today’s Inktober prompt is ‘slither’, which automatically makes me think of snakes! I went with a a carney, Snake Charming-26, (39/38) Pickpocket- 39, Hide And Sneak-38, and Fight Dirty- 26, so from this we can expect that the kid made his living on the streets and has only recently been taken in by a kindly old Snake Charmer as his apprentice, I guess, although you can make up something suitably nasty instead...
I have been puttering around with quads and polygons from three points and two vectors head to tail and seem to have a breakthrough on building polygons out from one area, the center or a corner depending on the three random points. You make a quad from the three points by doing some math with the vectors to push a fourth point out to one side. This makes a quad, but if the two new sides are longer than any of the two vectors, subdivide and push the midpoints out to make pentagons or hexagons with a concave side. I can easily modify the original shape to include the new edges and keep track of daughter polygons. We can make triangles inside the subsidiary daughter polygons for a triangle mesh and calculate the areas.
Friday, October 29, 2021
Got some stuff done last night. The next step is to splat out triangles with either three random points, or two random points of a vector and get a third point from the dx and dy. The two point, vector dx/dy approach gives me a number of possibilities, from randomly pushing a third point out to building a complex polygon from a boring diamond quad to a tear-drop with a stem sticking out of the big round end. The pointy end is straightforward and the round end with a stem comes from finding a few triangle centers. I can start with that diamond quad and go from there.
Nelson’s word today was ‘infectious’. He was a little late getting it to me and I had started to worry about him, but he came by after seven. The Inktober prompt was ‘patch’, from which I drew some strawberry plants with berries and runners; two is a patch! 8-P From that I got (46/45) Strawberry Patch Magic-46, Entangle-45, Sad Origin Story- 43, which is at least a little different every time he tells it, and an attack Feed Me! 34, based on the tagline from that monster plant movie and stage play… the character is a lot like Poison Ivy, a super vigilante. I’ve come up with a few supers lately, got supers on the brainpan! Maybe there’s a pandemic which doesn’t always kill you, sometimes it leaves you… changed.
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Watched Father Brown, this one didn’t mess me up so bad because the only death was a lawyer just turned judge.. Sid came back for an episode after he’d spent time in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. The lawyer made judge based on bungling his case but was then murdered by someone else when he had a change of heart and was going to tell the truth. Sid was framed for the murder and father brown had to clear him and save Sid from the gallows and despair. Sid still leaves, he isn’t welcome in the new mix for Doylist reasons but leaves to work things out and not thrash about hurting his loved ones for Watsonian reasons (Doyle being the author and Watson being the character, there are external story reasons and internal story reasons, you see).
Today’s word was ‘disease’ and the Inktober prompt was ‘crispy’, so I drew some fried chicken and wrote a character stub inspired by the sketch, here.
I started out with (50/49), Short Order Cook- 50 and Caricature Artist- 49,and decided the character is a business person and ‘unofficial mayor’, (34/34) Run A Business- 34 and Teach Skills- 34, (40/39) Preach Good News- 40 and Make Peace- 39. This guy(?) runs a diner which is known for the best fried chicken in the state. He started out as a short order cook, drew people on the side and worked to become a manager, teacher and herder of cats before taking the business over. He got things done, though, and became the guy to see when you needed to get a traffic light, get that pothole fixed, and wanted to corral popular support for a candidacy. He went from unofficial mayor to county king-maker to shadow Governor.. Governor Good News? Gary Novak, or Newcomb, a guy you can trust, a guy who gives a damn.
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Nelson’s word this morning was ‘guide’ and today’s Inktober prompt is ‘spark’, which I illustrated with a fire striker, sparks and a pile of shavings. From that I wrote up Thomas Sparks, a flame-jumper who Fights Fires- 30, (39/39) Parachute- 39 and Wilderness Survival (Guide)- 39 and for comedic relief I decided he put a 15 in to Play Video Games! He’s currently playing in one of those E-Sports game shows but his day job is jumping out of perfectly good airplanes to fight forest fires and he has taken enough interest in wilderness survival that he has an off season job of wilderness guide.
Back to the falling and burning leaves. I want to make a simple polygon, a colorful leaf quad and a black triangular stem I think. Make these objects which I can modify or delete, such as when we have the ‘flames’ consume them. Then I want to get back to my world polygon and world peach polygon.
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Falling Leaves!
Building some falling leaves!
Click in the little red box/dot to start!
(we need an XY offset for the page)
Nelson’s word today was ‘clarity’ and I drew a little pond doodle> The character, Clarity Lake, has three simple traits, Eye Doctor- 41, Sailboat=26 and Perception- 14. Only this latter trait is used to see ‘what should be’.
I have code for the offset, so start there.
Pick a point and let them fall. I have little rectangles going on… I can make leaf polygons out of that point and a vector.
Sweep leaves together by moving them halfway to a horizontal position picked by the user.
Burn the leaves with dancing little triangles and consume them, shrinking them down to zero height.
Monday, October 25, 2021
Updated Char Gen
Stupid Simple Character Generation!
Click on an
element to strike-through and click again to delete!
No words yesterday and this morning I did my usual weekend catch up with three inktober drawings for ‘leak’, ‘extract’ and ‘splat’. They’re not much to look at, but I copy and pasted them into drabbles because I can, I guess. It’s sort of what I do now.
I’m behind on character a day. I think the word I would use with this drawing is disgust, from a leaking oil barrel to gushing well-head to a bug-splattered wind-shield. Taking that to my updated character generator- A psion whose’ first talent was ‘leak’ or ‘leakage’ of 11, they can over hear background thought-chatter, extract of 37, they can pull from unwilling targets who are resisting, ‘splatter’ of 37 (second of 37/37) they can smash someone psionically, ‘wall’ of 40, they can defend against psionics and ‘calm’ of 39 (second of 40/39), they can ease anguish or calm a subject psionically.
I wanted a double and this gives me a good example of a decent character, try again with ‘love’ from yesterday and another sketch, no, I found my Moms’ arrangement. Going with a character who Heals- 46, Loves- 45 (2nd of 46/45), Arranges- 28, Sews- 28 (2nd of 28/28) and Cooks- 27.
Saturday, October 23, 2021
Making a random polygon here...
Click in the little black box/dot to start!
(we need an XY offset for the page)
A character a day? Write up the characters from ‘Surfboard Story’, Hro’Garh’, Peter Boyle, etc. but I didn't get that done… Anyway, Nelson’s word is ‘disruptions’. Interesting, plural, more than one. Seeds and sprouts are disruptions. I could do a super, a hero, villain or vigilante, whose power is disruptions, not one thing but several and whose form is a sprout. Entangle- 18, Growth- 39 and Exploding Seeds- 34.
(Alfred- “We live in obstinate hope…”)
“Hope is a seed sprouting in fertile soil or desolate wasteland.”
Friday, October 22, 2021
Nelson’s word today was ‘Blessed’. How do you pronounce that? I say two syllables, Bless-ed, not one, ‘blesd’. Today’s Inktober prompt was ‘open’ and I drew an open meadow with some visible tree trunks, a stag and another poking her head out into the meadow.
I was looking at a couple of characters I created yesterday using my stupid simple RPG mechanic, a word, a doodle and three rolls which gives you three or more traits. I used the first of Nelson’s words, ‘practical’ and turned a doodle into a goofy head with a carrot top and an angular chin- get that inside a fishbowl helmet! Has the skills Ship- 37, Blaster/Brawl 27/26 and Sing Silly Songs/Barter 31/30 for Prax the Practical Belter. Then I did ‘grief’ and turned a doodle into a twisted humanoid shape with an axe. I didn’t get to the traits, but I came up with a woodsman conjured up by a wizard from a mangled old tree to be a ‘hunter and murderer of trees’. I got dark there,,,
What I want is to do a character a day and I think that starting with a word and a doodle might be a good way to go. Of course I’m not going to doodle in google docs here or on my page, I have a lot of trouble with drawing maps as it is! But the word ‘blessed’ and today’s inktober sketch are okay. Blessed open meadow? Imagine, if you will, a blended intelligence. The visible aspects are the forest and animals, but these are controlled by mycelium in the soil. They eventually learned to colonize and travel with the animals, learning to control them and becoming a sort of over-mind, even manipulators for tool-using symbionts. This wasn’t so much a character as a species!
Thursday, October 21, 2021
Working on Char Gen
Stupid Simple Character Generation!
Click on an
element to strike-through and click again to delete!
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Nelson’s word today was ‘laugh’, yesterday’s was ‘donate’ and Monday’s was ‘surmise’, which means to suppose something is true without proof. Sounds like a weak version of faith. I surmise that my car is still parked outside. Of course I can’t be sure of that… I surmise that the blood I donate has saved lives and that that involves, ultimately, a baby's laugh. That was a little bit forced, but I finally used some more of the words which Nelson got from his sister to use as prompts this month. I was pretty sure that I could use the word ‘laugh’ in my all but forgotten surfboard story, and I should do that, but instead I want to write about roleplaying games for a bit.
A player character is the role the player takes on in a tabletop roleplaying game; same with live action role playing games, LARPs without the ‘G’, but we don’t talk much about my love/hate relationship with those beasts… PCs have innate traits in traditional TTRPGs, such as attributes like strength and dexterity, skills and abilities. Your character does things, you decide what those things are and characters can fight, run away, hide and sneak, die… almost anything, like a movie or a play. There are many possibilities, but what we definitely need to know is how well a PC can fight, run away, dodge, block or parry attacks. We also need to estimate how hard they are to kill, how easily they can be damaged or injured and how that affects them. Each character needs at least some ability to fight, defend, resist damage, etc. even if these are essentially zero! What I intend is a dead simple system of six-siders added to a standard roll of two six-sided dice, looking for successes on a five or greater, or, if using percentiles dice and random generation, rolling and adding versus a target number.
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Make a Triangle Mesh
Making a random polygon here...
Click in the little black box/dot to start!
(we need an XY offset for the page)
No words on Monday so I owe myself a double drabble tonight, and big surprise, I’m running out of time… I have a placeholder for both my words and my code while I work on each of them. I need to get back to writing the surfboard story, but I won’t get that done in the next few minutes. And a bit about some characters from my Big Damn Space Opera and my Space Western, too.
I was thinking about Jules after Jim suggested Jayne Cobb for Halloween (I was looking for an animation idea, but he thought I wanted a costume suggestion). There's a lot of story ideas I’ve never visited. Also, more like Jayne, I was thinking about Costigan, Marrianne and their daughter, Faith.
I want to get a triangle mesh going inside of a world oval. Make an initial almost-equilateral triangle like I've been doing, or correct for the proper dimensions easily enough and then push out one corner to make two wide triangles. I further subdivide along the longest edge to make four more triangles in a five triangle fan, a pentagon. Take those five points and push out all five corners into a ring or triangle strip, Then push the out corners of that out again, until we get past the edges of my oval, push them back and start to make my seam , the back side crease of what I call my world peach polyhedron.
Sunday, October 17, 2021
Fixed my Fortune Cookie- “Enjoy what you have, fight for what you lack!”
Because nobody is going to give it to you, even when they bleat about ‘socialism’. The rich buy their tax loopholes and the corporations buy their welfare at pennies on the dollar. Social Security and medicare is secured at the ballot, otherwise they will slip away into the pocket of some moneyed interest via a corrupt politician. Wages are fought for, in the end they cost us our sweat and blood. The bosses constantly devalue the workers to devalue and lower the wage rates through inflation. What they ultimately accomplish is to devalue and degrade the product. End of sermon...
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Back to the World Polygon?
Making a random polygon here...
Click in the little green box/dot to start!
(we need an XY offset for the page)
Friday, October 15, 2021
Triangle Coordinates to Octagon
Make polygons...
Building a complex polygon!
Click in the little green box/dot to start!
(we need an XY offset for the page)
Thursday, October 14, 2021
World Polygon to Initial Triangle...
Make polygons...
Building a complex polygon!
Click in the little green box/dot to start!
(we need an XY offset for the page)
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Complex Polygon Placeholder
Make polygons...
Building a complex polygon!
Click in the little green box/dot to start!
(we need an XY offset for the page)