Happy Halloween! The last word for October is ‘profound’ and the last inktober prompt is ‘risk’, which made me think of the board game, but I drew a dead astronaut. What I imagined happened was that something hit the spaceship and this was shrapnel through the astronauts’ helmet, which I expect would be a little bit more gory and graphic in reality… Based on the Canadian Astronaut I used the first roll of ‘7’ for guitar, then (41/41) for Operate Spaceship- 41 and Spacesuit- 41, with a final Teach-19. Rest in peace, not in pieces, space-man. Rest in Peace and please do not haunt my dreams and nightmares!
I wanted to get my leaves burning, so I need a button for that and a function for some dancing flame triangles at each leaf which is half a wide as the leaf rectangle, 52 px, and have the leaf and the flame get narrower and narrower until they get to zero. So we have flame divs and leaf divs and we ought to make them go away when they get narrow but I don’t think that I’ll get that far. So when the user hits the button the leaves start burning and are consumed when the width gets down to zero.
I didn’t get the surfboard story done, but tomorrow is November and I can finish it for nanowrimo.
I wanted to do something tonight for halloween, a haunted spacewreck perhaps, but let’s get the leaves burning.
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