Stupid simple RPG! A word, a doodle and three percentile dice rolls, for three different things the character is good at. If the roll is over 50, split it up and choose two things the character is good at. If less than ten, add ten. If the sum of all the rolls is less than 150, add another roll. Quality randomness is what I’m looking for, directed and nudged creativity. You’re looking for some fighting and defending traits, but that’s probably not what the character is all about. I can automate this as a webpage and copy and paste the result to a text file, word process it further as I see fit. This is for RPGs and character design for stories. The webpage rolls dice for the user and the user inputs traits, names, comments. Go back to my to do list code and come up with some clickable elements which I can edit or delete, but the page is offering numbers and the user inputs traits.
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