Friday, November 26, 2021

I didn’t draw a sketch today. The 26 Inktober 2019 prompt was dark and Nelson’s word is ‘Walmart’, so I didn’t feel inspired by a dark wally world. I tried to give blood again today but my hemoglobin was a little too low again, 12.5 below 13. The second time I’ve been turned away this month. I had to cancel on a third appointment a week and a half ago because I had a little bit of a cold, so I’m a three time loser! 8-(

The two things I’ve been working on are list-taking and other role-playing applications, like a campaign or adventure planner, with a campaign being merely a fractal expansion of an adventure idea? 8-P The other thing being a way to make maps, bits of land and see as the marching triangles of a triangle mesh inside of complex polygons. I can make a triangle from a vector, and a vector from two random points in order. We make this initial triangle by pushing a new third point out to the right, and any further triangles out from the left, defining, creating and saving the points, or the indices of the three points, in a list of triangles. We can also push out the points, the vertices or corners of existing polygons. Pushing a point out from an edge makes one triangle, but a pushing a new point out from an existing  point connected to two adjacent points makes a pair of triangles or a quad, which may collapse down to one triangle if the two edges define a concavity, or subdivide further if the new edges are two long...
Polygons with internal triangle meshes of land or sea bordered by a ring of contrasting sea or land triangles. I think I’ve found a way to separate my landmass jumbles, per-maybe-haps.


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