Nelson’s word is ‘sunset’ and the 16 Inktober 2019 prompt was ‘wild’, so wild man flipped to wild woman. My drawing is extremely messy, with deeply inset eyes and a head covering and scarf because the weather is pretty nasty. Three rude fire hardened sticks for javelins and their llama… yeah it was gonna be a doggo, but this looks more like a llama. Like I said, this is a pretty messy drawing, even more so than usual!
The wild woman and a sheep instead, a ewe? So she has a source of milk and to make cheese. I’m thinking she’s all that’s left of her village and the ewe is all that’s left of their flocks, the ewe wasn’t even hers, but belonged to a family she ‘worked’ for; not a slave exactly, but she was kept by a family as an extra hand and wasn’t treated too badly.
Except last week bandits took everything they could grab, including people and killed anyone or anything else, destroyed everything they couldn’t carry off on the backs of their new slaves and beasts. The woman got away along with the ewe and she salvaged a little, burying her friends. There was no possibility of rescuing anyone else and she hid in the hills, because the bandits will be back someday and the place has bad memories for her.
The shepherdess has a few skills; (32/31) Herd Sheep- 32 and Hunt Small Game- 31, (43/42) Make Cheese- 43 and Keep A Camp- 43, and Sing- 1 (badly). Eudora knows exactly how badly she sings and lets her, anyway. The wild woman’s name is Wyoming. Why? Wyoming not! 8-P
This is a plot hook and the players are probably not going to simply offer to go fight her enemies. But they may have tangled with these bandits already, they may already be on the hunt for the bandits and she has information, knows where they are (so she can avoid them...). She wants revenge and she probably wants other things, too. She can be a wild card, a new problem.
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