Friday, November 12, 2021

The 12 Inktober 2019 prompt was 'dragon', so I drew an adventurer buying something from a dragon... If the dragon doesn't eat him first!  Nelson’s word was ‘America’.

I was working on creating spaces with arcs for a hex crawl exploration game or simulation. I will want to take three points and build a couple of unit vectors out of them, push the middle point left to create an initial triangle fan, then, on that new polygon, push the middle point which is now the second point in a list of polygon vertices. This makes a triangle wheel of usually six sides, a hexagon, the initial space and the initial map space. As we explore and map the edges we are creating triangle fans off of the map space polygon vertices, making new lopsided triangle wheels out of these fans which are their own polygons while the new vertices are spliced into the existing map space polygon.

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