I got lazy and didin’t do anything today or yesterday, no sketches, writing or coding. The first and second prompts for Inktober 2017, which is the one I’m going to use now, were ‘swift’ and ‘divided’. Yesterday’s word was ‘warning’ and the 3 Inktober 2017 prompt was ‘poison’, for ‘poison warning’ which contrasts with Nelson’s word for today, two words actually, is ‘Christmas Food’, like a fruity-cake,,, The thing to do would be to do three sketches, which I don’t have time for tonight!
That said, I mucked around with expanding triangle meshes and polygon edges, grouping triangles and edges by separate triangles. We can tell the page to expand a triangle mesh until it contains some number n triangles or some area a, then start on another polygon and then another… The other thing is to subdivide some quads and triangles in our world oval based on height, basically looking for a coastline and coloring the triangles blue for sea level, and green for above sea level.
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