Writing some code for the strands of spaghetti for my
flying spaghetti monster!
(I'm either giving you the finger or making a funky macaroni
Monday, February 28, 2022
Flying Spaghetti Monster...
Sunday, February 27, 2022
World Rectangle, yet again
Trying the World Rectangle, again...
Third polygon, sigh...
Looking at the cross product, for triangle faces
of a spherical polyhedron. I'm (mostly) making a honking big
quad triangle pair at the back side of the volume and
'spherifying' the XYZ coordinates to the surface of the
light blue sphere. I get two random points, derive a third
point by subtracting p1 from p0 and adding that to p0 to get
p2... and then get the third point as the cross product of
the vectors from p0, all 'spherified'. The green triangle is
p0-p1-p3 and the red is p0-p3-p2.
The yellow triangle is supposed to be pushing p1 out by getting
the cross product of p1-p0 and p1-p3, but not so much...
Saturday, February 26, 2022
I'm at Bob Evans with Mom and asked her for a prompt and finally got 'dog'. I drew Joe Scot's long suffering Zoe in a fairy costume-
Friday, February 25, 2022
Using Cross Product to make triangles...
Looking at the cross product, for triangle faces
of a spherical polyhedron. I'm (mostly) making a honking big
quad triangle pair at the back side of the volume and
'spherifying' the XYZ coordinates to the surface of the
light blue sphere. I get two random points, derive a third
point by subtracting p1 from p0 and adding that to p0 to get
p2... and then get the third point as the cross product of
the vectors from p0, all 'spherified'. The green triangle is
p0-p1-p3 and the red is p0-p3-p2.
Whew! 8-P
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
I'm calculating the area of my world rectangle and my triangle. I can get a new circumference and starting triangle.
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Real Triangle Area...
I'm calculating the area of my world rectangle and my triangle.
Friday, February 18, 2022
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Rows of triangle strips from pole to pole
I want to make rows of triangles from pole to pole, starting with an initial polar triangle fan.
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
I was thinking about rivers and seas this morning and want to draw the landmass outside, in? We find the low point in the ocean and find the higher points around that low point, rivers to the sea, you see? 8-P Get a random negative height, below sea level, then find a random point some fraction of two pi around this initial point at some height averaged with that initial height. This center point and two consecutive points make up a triangle which is below sea level and blue is all three point are below zero height, above sea level and green if above zero, and needs to be subdivided if the three points are not all above or below sea level. You would subdivide two points at zero, sea level if they’re above and below. I need to work out the logic for this…
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Monday, February 14, 2022
Cross Product!
I'm calculating calculating the cross product of the angle formed by the first vertex and the last two vertices of a triangle. (The cross product here is counter clockwise and is negative; a point inside the triangle would alsways be negative, assuming it forms the 2nd leg. This is what I finally coded! 8-P)
Happy St. Valentines’ Day! Saturdays' word was 'California', yesterday was 'Coffee' and the missing word from last week was 'Music', so I drew a dancing surfer coffee bean in a cowboy hat, like this! >>>>
The word today is 'ticket' >>>>
I want to work cross product into my map building, starting with positive or negative, clockwise or counter clockwise and get the area of the triangle made by the first two sides of this triangle.
Sunday, February 13, 2022
Mother Nature
Friday, February 11, 2022
Placeholder (Back at rectangular world maps for a bit)
World Rectangle!
Placing a rectangle inside the world rectangle auto-magicly subdivides the world rectangle into 3*3=9 areas. A rectangle is defined by two diagonal corner points or the four corners in clockwise fashion and area, by edge-points it shapes with adjacent tiles.
Thursday, February 10, 2022
Courage, Ability and Maps
Going back to a grid would be a nice way to try to make land and sea tiles. Do rows and columns of quads subdivided into a pair of triangles. The corners of the quads and triangles have random heights or may be subject to a random point walk. Some gridpoints may be some land surrounded by sea, some random height above sea level surrounded by sea, at some random height below sea level.
I’m watching youtube channel, Master The Dungeon, ‘How to Make a Better Tavern’ and jonesing to run a bit of space adventure, so the greasy spoon in the little rock your ship just arrived at, and I do mean in, as in tunnels and in a spin habitat for gravity; the space rock is too small to have much to speak of.