Thursday, March 31, 2022

April Words!

31 March 2022- Aril Words!

I have 30 words for April and I want to randomize my presently alphabetical list... 8-P

Goodbye, March! Hello, April!
Nelson's word today is 'sock'-

Tuesday's word was 'card', and I skipped over ‘question’.

I have list of words for April and I want to save the list to an array and randomize the order of my words, which I came up with in alphabetical order: Anvil, buzzer, Colorado, doll, egg, fire, grill, holly, ice, joker, karate, lake, mosquito, narwhal, opera, press, quake, rope, snake, television, umbrella, vamoose, wick, xenon, yarn, zebra, abdomen, caboose, Cadbury and den

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Still need some worley noise!

27 March 2022- Rectangular Grid!

I need to grab some feature points and make some worley noise!

Used the last word from Monday, 'bridge' and got 'card' yesterday and 'question' today

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Deleting divs, making another world grid and drawing it...

27 March 2022- Rectangular Grid!

The random red quad is painted on after the page draws the world rectangle. I need to add a button to remove divs, and draw them as I need them!

One of the words Nelson gave me yesterday was 'money'

Finally using 'tree' from Saturday

Monday, March 28, 2022

Random Walker Divs

28 March 2022- Marching Quads!

Marching Quads!

Friday's word was kiss and I'm still a couple days behind (I really can't draw a woman's face lol). No word yesterday, but Nelson gave me ‘bridge’ and ‘money' this morning.

Sunday, March 27, 2022


27 March 2022- Rectangular Grid!

Rectangular world map blocks.

From Tuesday- 'Boss! You want some of this sammich I found on the floor?'

(Oh, you 'found' it, on the floor?! 8-P)

Wednesday I used 'ferry' from last Saturday. Mom and I ride on the Cape May Lewes Ferry-

Thursday I finally used 'college' from Monday, a UD booster waving a flag and megaphone. Still need journey and raincoat from yesterday and whatever today's word is

Friday 25 March 2022- Your elf is going on a journey-

Saturday 26 March 2002- Raincoat (and umbrella!). Not sure what I should do with 'group', but this catches me up to Wednesday-

Sunday 27 March 2022- Group of people. The guy off to the side is taking a mask off…

Monday, March 21, 2022

New map attempt...

21 March 2022- Marching Triangles!

I'm switching direction again and drawing some marching triangles up and down my map!

Happy Spring, yesterday! Now, Santa brought you a lump of coal three months late… I don’t know why! 8-P

Anyway, back to drawing my world with triangles, while not worrying about things very much…

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Sixteen Triangles...

18 March 2022- Modified Grid!

Making a grid of points! I'm using little triangles to display the points. I don't want the points to be too close to each other, so if I ask the page to place a new point and it randomly picks a point too close, it won't and will tell me off! 8-P
Then I will want to make a triangle mesh and subdivide the triangles along sea level. If all three corners are at or below sea level, then the triangle is blue, otherwise it's green or tan for land.

Points in a world rectangle

18 March 2022- Modified Grid!

Making a grid of points! I'm using little triangles to display the points. I don't want the points to be too close to each other, so if I ask the page to place a new point and it randomly picks a point too close, it won't and will tell me off! 8-P
Then I will want to make a triangle mesh and subdivide the triangles along sea level. If all three corners are at or below sea level, then the triangle is blue, otherwise it's green or tan for land.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Changed that initial quad

17 March 2022- Marching Quads...

Marching Quads, making rivers? I want to branch the marching quads.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Grid of world points

18 March 2022- Modified Grid!

Making a grid of points! I'm using little triangles to display the points.

Nelson's second word yesterday was 'train' and today's word is 'dog'.

I need more words...

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Marching river quads

17 March 2022- Marching Quads...

Marching Quads, making rivers? I want to branch the marching quads.

Nelson's words today were garden and train. I drew corn, beans and watermelons (or more likely cantaloupes) or almost all the three sisters.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

A better plate...

2 March 2022- Flying Spaghetti Monster Code!

I got better at plating up some pasta, a sloppy pile of noodles! Desperately needs meatballs and sauce. A puddle of sauce as an irregular loop, may spill off the blue plate, and meatta balls!
Now I'm hungry...

A month late for Saint Valentines' Day...

15 March 2022- Happy Saint Patricks' Day!

I made a heart shape with math-magic! 8-P

No drawing today and I stayed home from work, called out sick because my back hurt so bad this morning. Feeling better now… I get to go face the music tomorrow and I’m not looking forward to that. Right now I want to draw a heart with a triangle fan of CSS divs, as I have recently been watching some guys playing with shadertoy and making much cooler computer graphics than I will be able to do! 8-P Then I think I want to try some matching triangles or marching quads, like I did with the spaghetti code, depending on how I feel about it at the time. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

15 March 2022- Happy Saint Patricks' Day!

New and improved four leaf clover!

Nelson's word yesterday was 'airport'. This is less of a drawing and more of a schematic.

His word this morning was 'coal', but I’ll draw that tomorrow. I want to code a better four leaf clover tonight, then get on with my maps tomorrow.
I got that done, with triangle fans for the leaves, and more triangles for the stems. It would be nice to get something done with my oval world polygon/world peach polyhedron. Or, I could wrap some triangles around a nice world sphere…

Monday, March 14, 2022

Happy Pi Day!

14 March 2022- Happy Pi Day!

3/14... going to splat out some divs, points inside or outside of a circle.