Based on this.
World Map is coming... I'm going to adapt this
The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.
World Map is coming... I'm going to adapt this
The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.
I grabbed this convex hull code from this past summer. The immediate goal is to set up a small 'sector' in a 10 lyr cube.
Please input a seed or click Random!
The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.
Galactic Coordinates
Going to play around with canvas and context again...
Starting with some linear interpolation
Based on
this wonderful video!
Talk to da boid!
From this wonderful video! C is bouncing back and forth based on the sin function. Color is 'lerping' between orange and blue!
C is bouncing back and forth based on the sin function. Color is 'lerping' between orange and blue!