World Map is coming... I'm going to adapt
But I'm still using code from
Just click in the oval to place landmass...
The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.
Make a statement or ask a question.
What's the name of the settlement?
Picking points within the initial circular div to build out
an arc of triangular tiles.
If the order in counter clockwise and the cross product is
negative, rearrange the order with the pts.splice. Splice the
last point to index one and delete that point, pts[2] becomes
p[1] and p[1] becomes p[2]!
World Map is coming... I'm going to work on
But I'm still using code from
Just click in the sinusoidal shape to place landmass...
The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.
I'm using the cross product to detect winding, clockwise or counter, lime or pink! 8-P
Make a statement or ask a question.
What's the name of your ship?
how many passengers and crew?
Going to go with a weighted random hydrographic ratio of sea to land.
System Data Here
Make a statement or ask a question.
Trying this again...
These are labels, not p elements. Click to 'roll'!
The world ended, but you go on...
I want to tell a post apocalypse grim fairy tale, in demographics.
Founder Data Here
Back to Stars and Worlds...
System Data Here