Sunday, June 30, 2024

World, HR%, landmass and seas

30 June 2024- World Map

PR# from the position of a point int the tan box.


(Pick a point!!!!)


Point to PR#

30 June 2024- World Map



(Pick a point!!!!)


placeholder again

30 June 2024- World Map

Splat out some land around some points.


(Pick a point!!!!)


This morning's prompt was 'ballista'

(I remember a dumb ol dnd supplement called top ballista)

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Splat out bits of land and sea.
This morning's prompt was 'seal'. This is a rather crude sketch, I need to try harder!

I see in the stuff Google showed me that sea puppy populations are growing world wide So kewl! 8-P

Friday, June 28, 2024

World Map

28 June 2024- World Map

Splat out some land around some points.


(Pick a point!!!!)


This morning's prompt is 'donkey'.

I need to write...

BP: 150/65/75, sugar: 149

Thursday, June 27, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'zebra'.

(I know, not very original after pony...)

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


25 June 2024- World Map

Splat some points to 'peel an orange'.


(Pick a point!!!!)

Go through the edges of my current cube and find different signs, positive and negative, by multiplying. Same signs will result in a positive # and different signs positive and negative will generate a negative sign. So the math to locate 'sea level'.
This morning's prompt is 'firecracker'.

The Fourth is coming!
BP: 135/70/76, sugar: 177!!!

Monday, June 24, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'bento box's.

I have a simple two compartment plastic one which has a lid with four plastic fingers.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

This morning's prompt was 'goggles'.

Stuff. BP: 165/73/71, sugar: 142

Cube placeholder

7 June 2024- Marching Cubes

The initial set up is eight vertrtices of a cube, which lie inside or outside


(Pick a point!!!!)

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Orange peel world map from points

18 June 2024- World Map

Splat some points to 'peel an orange'.


(Pick a point!!!!)

This morning's prompt was 'glasses'.

(I just now did my entry)

Friday, June 21, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'lemon drops'.

(No, they're not *that* big!!! Also 'Claes' is the name of one of the gunslinger girls from the anime, and the name of the 'lemon drops' is actually 'claeys' with a 'y')

Thursday, June 20, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'towel'.

I'm ready for the end of the world...

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

So I want to splat out some land, dongma? 8-P

Arcs of random triangles around some point from a to b. A complete triangle wraps back around to the start, or the start plus 2 pi, technically, and otherwise from a preceding vertex in some polygon around the middle of three vertices to reach the last vertex in a random series of triangles, or make that shape it's own polygon object with a border, an internal altitude and an area.
This morning's prompt is 'book shelf'.

Weird. This death trap is fun yet dangerous. I have not been writing and also not so much coding...

This evening's BP: 124/76/79, sugar: 156!!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Splat out some landmass

18 June 2024- World Map

Rectangular world map. So I want to splat out some land, dongma? 8-P


(Pick a point!!!!)

Yesterday's prompt was 'van'.

Today's prompt was 'little bunnie's.
