Oh dear, I haven't even gotten to my campaign world yet…
I owe myself a campaign world; two, for preference, a double
planet, just like the Earth-Moon system. Something the mass of Mars smashed
into proto-Terra and left a much smaller mass scattered in a ring
which gathered itself into a moon, Luna.
So, little brother smacks into big brother, Little bro and Big
bro. Lilbro is three-quarters of an Earth mass, and Bigbro is one and a quarter
Earth mass, but keeps part of Lilbro; keep it simple and Lilbro is 2/3rds,
Bigbro is twice that, 4/3rds. The bigger mass is denser, keeping more of the
heavier elements, and the little one is lighter, the fifth root of mass?
Volume is mass/density, diameter is the cube root of volume and
gravity diameter times density.
LB- (2/3)^(1/5) = 0.9221 E density, volume is 2/3/.9221 = 0.723,
diameter is .723^(1/3) = 0.8975 E and gravity is .9221*.8975 = 0.8276 E
BB- (4/3)^(1/5) = 1.0592 E density, (4/3/1.0592)^(1/3) = 1.0797 E
diameters, 1.0797*1.0592 = 1.1436 E gravity.
We can guess-timate the rest from hydrographic ratio, the
proportion of the world's surface covered in water, and insolation, the amount
of local sun light falling on the double world. Earth is roughly (1/2)^(1/2)
= 0.7071 and 1 sol at one astronomical
unit. Lilbro has (1/3)^(1/2) = 0.5774 HR and Bigbro has (2/3)^(1/2) = 0.8165
HR. Atmo is roughly based on HR and mass. Partial pressure of Oxygen is HR/3
averaged with one fifth or (.5772/3+1/5)/2 = 0.1962 for Lilbro and
(.8165/3+1/5)/2 = 0.2361 for Bigbro. Inert gases, which mostly means Nitrogen,
is the square of mass time .8 Bar (actually .79, but keep it simple, silly), or
(2/3)^2*.8 = 0.3556 and (4/3)^2*.8 = 1.4222, respectively, so on average
surface pressure for Lilbro is .1962+.3556 = 0.5518 Bar and for Bigbro it's
.2361+1.4222 = 1.6583 Bar.
Figure that The Brothers' Star (Theebs?) is a slightly more common and smaller K
class, .75^.5 = 0.866 Solar masses and .866^4.5 = 0.5234 Sols worth of
insolation, but the Brothers get one sol at .5234^.5 = 0.7235 A.U.s Greenhouse
effect is different for each; Earth experiences a 20 degree Celsius/Kelvin GE
at one bar and other factors, so, all other things being equal (roughly),
Lilbro has a 20*.5518 = 11.036 C greenhouse, for ~6 C mean surface temperature,
and Bigbro has a 20*1.4222 = 28.444 C greenhouse effect or ~23 C, and it's
fairly warm even at the poles, but down-right steamy at the equator.
Potentially, all of the land area is arable land, good for farming
and living on, but in fact only a third of the Earth's surface is, half of land
area times HR, by the way. If the same holds true for Lilbro, that would be
(1-.5772)*.5772/2 = 0.122 of diamter^2 time 510.4 m. km^2 on Earth, or
.8975^2*510.4 = 411.13*.122 = 50.16 of 411.1 m. km^2. and (1-.8165)*.8165/2 =
0.0749, .0749*1.0797^2*510.4 = 44.5 of 595 m. km^2. More likely, Lilbro is
mostly permafrost and Bigbro may have none, but large portions of the equator
are 'steam-forest', too hot and humid for Humans, probably perfect for some
other species to come along and claim…
Lilbro has half as much arable land as it could, with limited
terraforming to warm it up, and Bigbro has two-thirds the arable land it would
otherwise have, and an equal portion of land more suitable to another species.
Bigbrotians are stronger and faster than Lilbrotians, on average, and live
shorter lives by a noticeable margin. Their homeworld is bigger and meaner,
with thicker soupy atmo, more energetic weather, more oceans, islands miniature
continents, micro-climes and micro-ecolgies. Lilbro is land on one hemisphere
and ocean on the other, the lower, nearer, face. Stuff divides in Near and Far…
The double world is half as far apart as Terra-Luna and mass twice
as much together, for a sidereal period of .5^1.5/2*27.6 = 4.879 days or
4.879*24 = 117.096 hours. The local year is .7235^1.5/.866*365.25 = 259.5554
days, so the local month is 259.5554/(259.5554/4.879-1) = 4.9725 days or
4.9725*24 = 119.34 hours and there are 52.1985 of them in a local year. This
works out to a 119.34/2 = 59 hour, 40.2 minute day followed by an equally long
night, so analogue 60/60/60 clocks which zero out @ 59 hours, 40 minutes and 12
seconds are often used on The Brothers.
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