Pick a point in the blue box to draw a stick figure and then another point to 'walk' to.
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Making A World Map (Again...)
Pick points within the canvas to use as feature points for some Worley Noise. If a pixel is closer to given feature point then it will have a height based on the distance from that feature point. I'm going with thirteen pixel rectangular quads which I will subdivide into triangle pairs and further subdivide those along the 'shoreline'... (yes, I've done this before, but I will be going somewhere new with this, I promise! 8-P)
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Fireworks, Now With Color!
New Year's Eve Fireworks Text!
Monday, December 28, 2020
New Year's Eve Fireworks Animation
Particle text will have to wait; I'm going to brute force a '2', a
'0', a '1' and a '!', which fortunately isn't so very complicated!
(as per usual, click in the black box!)
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Octahedron to Cube/Octasphere...
The goal is to build a 'world object', which could be a planet, moon or asteroid depending on size and need. I'll use a '2d' context, so no textures or lighting, but I can get the thing to turn. I will leave the vertices alone for that, just keep track of angles and do the rotation on the projection. As for what I'm projecting, I'm going to create a cube sphere by way of an octahedron. I will generate the octahedron by way of a square subdivided into four quads which in turn are subdivided and folded into a center and corner triangle. The points xyz are i,j and the absolute new york 'street' distance, so that the corners fold away behind the center to the far vertex of my octahedron, now complete with four duplicate far vertex corners. (click in the black box to turn)
Saturday, December 26, 2020
Square to Octahedron...
The goal is to build a 'world object', which could be a planet,
moon or asteroid depending on size and need. I'll use a '2d' context,
so no textures or lighting, but I can get the thing to turn. I will
leave the vertices alone for that, just keep track of angles and do
the rotation on the projection. As for what I'm projecting, I'm
going to create a cube sphere by way of an octahedron. I will
generate the octahedron by way of a square subdivided into four
quads which in turn are subdivided and folded into a center and
corner triangle. The points xyz are i,j and the absolute new york
'street' distance, so that the corners fold away behind the center to
the far vertex of my octahedron.
(click in the black box to turn)
Friday, December 25, 2020
World Object- Whoops! 8-P
The goal is to build a 'world object', which could be a planet,
moon or asteroid depending on size and need. I'll use a '2d' context,
so no textures or lighting, but I can get the thing to turn. I will
leave the vertices alone for that, just keep track of angles and do
the rotation on the projection. As for what I'm projecting, I'm going
to create a cube sphere by first subdividing the six faces into
forty-eight triangles and 'spherifying' the vertices so that they
all lie on the surface of a sphere. This is initally a fairly decent
spherical polyhedron and a poor man's icosahedron, even... 8-P
(Click to turn the world object)
(I'm doing something hilariously wrong, so it's time to rethink)
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Christmas Trees!
I want to draw and decorate a Christmas tree with blinking lights on a string. This is the best I could do by Christmas Night... Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
World Object, Also...
The goal is to build a 'world object', which could be a planet, moon or asteroid depending on size and need. I'll use a '2d' context, so no textures or lighting, but I can get the thing to turn. I will leave the vertices alone for that, just keep track of angles and do the rotation on the projection. As for what I'm projecting, I'm going to create a cube sphere by first subdividing the six faces into forty-eight triangles and 'spherifying' the vertices so that they all lie on the surface of a sphere. This is initally a fairly decent spherical polyhedron and a poor man's icosahedron, even... 8-P (click near the pts to turn)
Sunday, December 20, 2020
World Object!
The goal is to build a 'world object', which could be a planet, moon or asteroid depending on size and need. I'll use a '2d' context, so no textures or lighting, but I can get the thing to turn. I will leave the vertices alone for that, just keep track of angles and do the rotation on the projection. As for what I'm projecting, I'm going to create a cube sphere by first subdividing the six faces into forty-eight triangles and 'spherifying' the vertices so that they all lie on the surface of a sphere. This is initally a fairly decent spherical polyhedron and a poor man's icosahedron, even... 8-P (click to turn)
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Disgusting Rudolph Animation 8-P
Click in the blue box twice to place Rudy, and aim Rudolph's flaming snot to napalm Christmas Town!!! 8-P
Monday, December 14, 2020
Rotating Points of that Tetra...
Pick three points in the blue box, then the page will make a 4th vertex of a tetra at the center of the triangle made by your three points. Now that you have picked points for your tetra, you can get it moving by picking another pt in the box which the tetra will rotate towards. Just four pts tonight, no lines or triangle faces and I'm doing something very wrong, but at least it still looks interesting... 8-P
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Cellular automata for landmass
Randomly generate a rectangular worldmap of random heights, each averaged with their neighbors, for quads which wrap to an octasphere.
Monday, December 7, 2020
Rotating Tetrahedron (Again, with lessons learned?)
Pick three points in the blue box, then the page will make a 4th vertex of a tetra at the center of the triangle made by your three points. The tetra will rotate at random initially, but you can change this clicking in the blue box (when I get this finished, but not tonight!).
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Rotating (Lopsided) Octahedron!
Rotating Octahedron! Someone elses' code (Here!) I copied and modified from a cube to a lopsided octahedron. I need to code up a UV sphere next, and figure out how to tell the triangles to have a clockwise winding for back-face culling.
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Draw a Tree!
Pick two points in the blue box and the page will draw a christmas tree (plus a wreath and sled!). Keep picking points to move the tree and change its' shape.
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Rotating Cube! (Yes, I've done this before, but wrong)
Rotating Cube! Someone else's code (here) I copied and modified, mostly to prove to myself I'm following what he's doing... I've done the back-face culling, now the last step is to let you control the roll!