This would be progress-
drawRun() to clear and draw run and chicken condo every iteration of the animation loop
avoidWd() to make sure each peep doesn’t walk through the wall by looking at the dx of peepx and amd destx vs. the wooden wall at that height in my canvas; if peepy is <h/2, and px >w*2/3 but <w*⅚, so about one in twelve unless they’re concentrate over there. Check dx between peepx and and the wall and destx and the wall for positive or negative, </> 0, and if they disagree, change destx dx to -dx and adding back to destx
Check for vorCllz() with a flood fill from the spot the user last checked; as the user confuses the issue, this will move about but will mean that the user isn’t waiting for the page to do the entire grid. Instead, we are checking a new pixel, or several, every iteration of the flood fill
Make it rain in the chicken run; animate raindrops, bit opaque blue circles and have the peeps avoid them by having the raindrop particle find peeps within n distance and alter their destinations to away from the raindrop particle. If this forces the peep to seek a destination beyond an edge or through the wooden wall, then change destination dx to -dx. Raindrops only happen in the run, not the chicken condo.
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