I’m watching ‘Dismantling The Solar System’ again on SFIA, while I figure out what I can get done before Mom and I go see ‘Jungle Cruise’. I hope that it’s a better movie than I fear it is… Yesterday I messed around and didn’t get much done. I ended up adding points in between other points in the clumsy fashion I had come up with, averaging a random point with an adjacent point. I need to come up with something better! 8-P
And then finally do triangle subdivision of the polygon… unless that’s the way to build that string of points? I have a start point and an ending point which is the other end of the polygon string segment, so that the start point I’m building from is the end point of the polygon string segment and the end point I’m building back to is the original polygon string segment start point, dongma? 8-P
This raises a point indirectly I had been thinking about; the edges of the oval-shaped polygon are a string of points at the back side of the world sphere and struck me this week as sort of the cleavage of a peach… we can very easily subdivide the oval polygon by finding a point within the oval-shaped polygon and connect it in a triangle fan around the circumference of my oval-shaped polygon. This would make a very awkward polyhedron unless we further subdivide the triangle fan, which I intend to do. Now, this means I can animate the march of triangles or quads around the edge of my oval-shaped world polygon, and can subdivide the world into a central polygon triangle fan and two or three rim polygons. The first rim polygon would be more or less a thin version of the sort I’ve been making, the other rim poly being the siblings I have been dragging my feet in creating and saving and the central triangle fan polygon is something old which is new again, so to speak.
I’m working coding on all that, but I just wanted to add that ‘Jungle Cruise’ is a damn good movie, dad jokes and all. Disgusting bad guys, I think that’s what the disclaimer is about, might give the kiddies, or me, nightmares…
I now have a central triangle fan polygon and that’s a new set of points which I haven’t yet saved, to the original set of polygon points or a new set. Each polygon is a string of points and also will be a mesh of triangles or quads (which should be triangle pairs or a four triangle fan). This latter point is essential to creating a decent approximation of the world sphere, so I can get a decent approximation of the area of the triangles in the mesh making up each of my polygons. If I keep the central polygon points separate, that gives me a different set of problems, but it’s probably what I’m going to do. I also probably want to keep cx and cy somewhere… Actually, at some point pseudo-random numbers would be a great idea!
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