Saturday, December 3, 2022

Horse of a Different Color

"Now, that's just wrong..."
"What, the orange cattle or the emerald green horses?"
Jules just shook his head and turned to Captain Clinkenbeard... if she was still a Captain, so many months after the shipwreck of the Corpus Christi. No, she still had a crew, and a mission, a strange, open-ended mission. Thinking about it all, all of it, Jules smiled. It was objectively an ugly smile, but only objectively. Wonder and joy danced in his eyes. He thought to himself, 'Thank you for my life.'
"Both." He finally answered.
"Our resident Jason-"
"Wait, he's pulling dragon's teeth out of his-"
"Hey!" Captain Clinkenbeard chuckled. "Jayce is just adding a little artificial variety- ooh, iridescence!"
Jules stared at the oily-seeming coat of the foal, like that of the eye of a dragonfly or... he whispered, "Can I name him?"
"I'm sorry captain, I don't, I shouldn't have..."
Captain Hannah Clinkenbeard stared at Technical Sergeant Jules LeCroix and then at the foals, completely at a loss. "Jules, I don't think that you have ever asked me for something, I mean, not for yourself. You okay?"
"I'm good."
"I wonder. Uh, I'll ask Jayce- No, I do believe that I will lean on the little-" she cleared her throat. "He owes me for all the resources that his menagerie is eating up."
"Thank you, Captain, but no, we don't take anything for ourselves, you and I."
"There you go, then, Jules. I'm not asking for myself, I'm asking for a shipmate. What name were you thinking of?"
The Captain tugged at her ear. "'Wah-zoh moosh'? Hmm, bird and insect, fly?" She snapped her fingers. "Oh, hummingbird. I can see that."

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