Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Today's prompt is 'outrigger canoe'.

I worked out a local area map-

King's Bridge is named after the king's bridge built across the Grey Flood river at this point just south of the Twin Falls where the upper Grey Flood goes from the highlands to coastal plains. The North Road follows the east bank of the GFR before turning east and going up into the highlands along a much more gentle path than at the Twin Falls. The previously mentioned bandit camp is just north of this northeastern stretch of the North Road. The West Road heads, uh, west from King's Bridge, fords another river which joins the GFR south of King's Bridge. Finn's Ford is actually Finn's Crossing, a ferry used by farm-holds on the west bank of the GFR, there's an actual ford of the west river on the West Road, where wagons can fairly easily cross a slow and shallow bit of that river branch.

I zonked out and didn't get much done tonight.

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