Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Year!

New Years Eve Go get Chrome!

Monday, December 30, 2019

Not much, but some small progress

World Map

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Sunday, December 29, 2019

Another step backwards, rectangular surface tiles

Rectangle Surface Tiles

I have the rectangles approximating the poly.

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Points approximating the polygons

Canvas Demo

I have the points approximating the polygonal tiles I want, but haven't done the work to actually make....

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Saturday, December 28, 2019

Rows of 1/2 m. km^2 triangular tiles

Canvas Demo

I want to turn these points into rows of triangles approximating a sphere, rotating in 2 1/2 D.

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Thursday, December 26, 2019

Da Bonz

Canvas Demo

The bones of a UV quad sphere, rotating in 2 1/2 D.

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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas!

Canvas Demo

Christmas 'Card'

I'm running out of time, but I still wanted do something for Christmas, so I will rough out some lines...

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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Making some pts spin around

Canvas Demo

Caret has been acting funny, so I'm trying a different code editor.

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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Back to tetrahedrons

Canvas Demo

I want to make a rotating tetrahedron. So far, I have four random points which I reposition to get a 'better' tetra.

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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Procedural Art

Canvas Demo


First draw a circle out of points, then another set of circles of points around each point on the original circle. I have a wireframe of each point, one after the other. I drew quads, but they need to be sorted far to near. Kewl procedural art, tho! 8-P

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Monday, December 16, 2019

Taking a break from the other thing...

Canvas Demo


First draw a circle out of points, then another circle of points around each point on the original circle. I have a wireframe of each point, one after the other. Next I need to draw quads.

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Sunday, December 15, 2019

I'm getting there...

Canvas Demo

After a while it gets hung up on an edge... 8-(

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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Okay, Mars...

Canvas Demo

Mars has 6.28 mb atmo, ~24 g/m^3 CO2, 600 mg of Ar and 180 mg of N2. If we go with .9 kg/m^3 N2 we need to compress 5*10^3 m^3 of Martian Atmospheric N2 for every m^3 of habitat. A cubic kilometer of atmo could provide N2 for a 5 hectare/4m tall mars hab.

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Monday, December 9, 2019

Trying to triangulate from my first edge...

Canvas Demo

I can't seem to figure this out, damn it!

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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Using the Cross Product to make Triangles

Canvas Demo Go get Chrome!

Using atan2 to get the angles I need to check, looking for the 'best' triangle to make

Canvas Demo Go get Chrome!

Friday, December 6, 2019

Working with Cross Products

Canvas Demo Go get Chrome!

Big Damn Space Opera, 2006... RIP

I found a page from my Big Damn Space Opera from 13 years ago… a galactic map and some sketches of a hunter and a trike using ovals. The map is a *very* simplified map of the Galaxy. FTL is via a network of constructed ‘wormhole’ pairs (which, BTW, are sentient/sapient beings). Complex Alpha and the Spinward Rim Alliance are largely located in one geographic (Galactographic?) region. About 90% of the wormholes in this part of the Galaxy date from ~300K BCE. The WH finger leading to Earth/Sol connects Complex Alpha at a point anti-spinward of the SRA and Ilshan, the center of civilization for the ‘Wider Galaxy’ (the known worlds, species and interstellar empires), is near the center of CA. The Markov Imperium has worlds in CA, but for the most part its’ star systems are scattered all over Galaxy (this implies that the WHs of the MI network predate the Florescence which built most of the WHs in Complex Alpha, and this is mostly the case, except for where it connects to CA of course). The Hunter (an extinct species and super power) homeworld system connects to CA at a point near the rim of the galaxy, but like the Earth/Sol it is several wormhole links away from CA proper. Humans are known to the wider galaxy but officially uncontacted. In fact, aliens have been visiting and meddling and recently ramped up massive abductions to supply unwilling cannon fodder. The fastest route to Krasnaya and Sparrowgrad, a human accidental colony is technically through the Markov Imperium, ‘actually skirting the edges of it at that Avian HW’ (and I have no recollection of WTF I’m talking about (yeah, Jim…). A hunter is an eight-limbed tiger centaur with seven digits on each hand or paw. The design is not optimized for tool-use, but the Tester was rushed, and when you’re rushing you get rotten uplift, dongma? I owe myself a decent sketch and animation of Trikes while I’m at it. Oddies and Ubers, too...

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Emerson & Rhoda

Emerson and Rhoda

These two worlds orbit each other around their shared center of mass. The barycenter is several radii outside of Emerson. This is a follow on to my Barnard's Star worldbuild, link here.

Go get Chrome!

Triangulating the Surface of a Sphere

Stereo Projection to a Sphere

I'm going to try this again, looping and animating with setInterval. First to place pts until I have a hundred of them spaced at least 65 px apart. Then make a triangle by finding the two closest points, and the pt closest to the midpoint of that edge. Then I need to build out triangles off of those three edges. An edge is unique and can belong to one or two triangles, so I need to make a list of triangles and edges, adding new 'open' edges and removing 'closed' edges. I also want to have a list of 'open pts', removing pts as I use them. I need to check adjacent open edges before I make a new triangle with an 'open pt' which is farther away than the other end of an adjacent open edge.

Go get Chrome!

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Hearts, getting ready for all the smaltzy holidays...

Stereo Projection to a Sphere

I am making hearts... (well, a heart, to start with! 8-)

I suppose I need to get back falling leaves before it's falling snow?

Go get Chrome!

Friday, November 29, 2019


Stereo Projection to a Sphere

Splat out some points to the surface of a sphere. The next step is to make triangles!

Go get Chrome!

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanskgiving Animation!

A prancing turkey submitted for your approval...