Tuesday, May 31, 2022

June Words, So Far...

31 May 2022- June Words!

Sunday, May 29, 2022


25 May 2022- World Div!

I'm trying yet again with some sort of stereographic projection. Right now I have an initial triangle land tile based on the horizontal and vertical position of the three vertices, but I will convert to XYZ coords and get the 3D cross product to find an area. Slow...

Today's word was ‘Moon’.

Memorial Day’s word was ‘tooth’ and tomorrow’s word, the last word of May, is ‘shield’.

I need to get back to my code...

The last word of the month is 'shield' and I need to finish my June list for tomorrow!!!

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Today’s word was tee-shirt, so I drew a crappy rainbow and winged unicorn…

I need more words...


Friday, May 27, 2022

I went (I made it to the theater with my phone and QR code, which is good since I left my wallet home on my desk…) and saw ‘The Bob’s Burgers Movie’ and it was good. I didn’t get my nap and I dozed off for a few minutes in the last third of the movie, but got the whole ending. Weird stuff, as always… Anyway, today’s word was wagon and I drew a Conestoga wagon, based on ‘Wagon Train’.

I need a couple of dozen more words for my list of June words. I'm inputting words, but this is javascript so I copy and paste the growing list into the code I had already copy-pasted from docs to my blog.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Approximate area from 2D cross product

25 May 2022- World Div!

I'm trying yet again with some sort of stereographic projection. Right now I have an initial triangle land tile based on the horizontal and vertical position of the three vertices, but I will convert to XYZ coords and get the 3D cross product to find an area. Slow...

Today’s word is ‘bird’, so I drew a bird standing there, looking at the viewer and stretching the opposite wing.


Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Making a list of June words

25 May 2022- Word of the Day!

This is a utility page for typing up a list of words for the next month.

Triangle to triangle fan land blob...

25 May 2022- World Div!

I'm trying yet again with some sort of stereographic projection.

Today’s word is ‘sailboat’.

Trying to go with a brain-dead stereographic world map. The world is projected on a circle which wraps around at the edges to make a sphere; it’s really distorted, but I’d like to minimize that by making fingers or petals? 8-P  IDK!!!

I did make a start on the June words list…

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

No area 8-(

23 May 2022- Circular Map, Triangles to a Sphere!

I'm going with an initial triangle here and want the area. I will find longitude and latitude, draw them to my horizontal and vertical points for the triangle div and get the area from XYZ coordinates with the cross product.

Today’s word is ‘pencil’-


Monday, May 23, 2022

Initial Triangle

23 May 2022- Circular Map, Triangles to a Sphere!

I'm going with an initial triangle here and want the area

Today’s word is ‘clock’ and I drew a grandfather clock.

I really need to get some coding done... 

Sunday, May 22, 2022

I just mowed the grass and ran up minutes on the walk function on my cell while on the rider, so I left it in the car when I moved my car for the last bit. I came in the house without it, striped down and now I’m tempted to walk out there in my underwear, socks and outdoor slip-on shoes (slippers, really) to retrieve it… 8-P

Today’s word was ‘bicycle’ and tomorrow’s will be ‘clock’. I drew it late last night/early this morning while I was watching ‘Assassination Classroom’ and didn’t put very much effort into it. I already know that I want to try for a grandfather clock tomorrow.

Beau (of the Fifth Column) talked about e-bikes vs. tanks yesterday, or rather Ukrainian soldiers with javelins sneaking up on Russian tanks with quick, maneuverable and quiet e-bikes which can be recharged from a solar panel or windmill and don’t require gasoline and an additional supply chain. Tie that in with a preexisting meme about tanks vs Prius (or any other small car; I’ve seen video of a tank turning, running down and crushing a civilian vehicle, and that’s murder). A two or three panel strip of a tank chasing a Prius, a couple of Yukes on -bikes on a hill, then them chasing the tank. Should be a Prius getting chased, luring the tank into the kill zone, the Yukes dismounted launching the javelin, the tank getting hit and cooking off, then the Prius and e-bikes going looking for another target.


Saturday, May 21, 2022

Polygon Area

18 May 2022- Circular Map, Triangles to a Sphere!

I have a horizontal and vertical position, now I need to get world longitude and latitude and from that XYZ coordinates for the vertices of a triangle face so that we can get the area of each land triangle tile in the triangle fan.

Today's word is 'clouds', so I drew some ugly clouds and a shiny sun, then some mountains, piney trees, wild water and leaping fishes... ended better than it started


Friday, May 20, 2022

Area of the triangles in the triangle fan

18 May 2022- Circular Map, Triangles to a Sphere!

I have a horizontal and vertical position, now I need to get world longitude and latitude and from that XYZ coordinates for the vertices of a triangle face so that we can get the area of each land triangle tile in the triangle fan.

Today’s word is ‘axe’ and tomorrow’s word will be ‘clouds’.

Back to splatting out some land blobs! I want a to find the area of each triangle and make land triangles until we have filled up the land blob, which means we start with a target area quantity, then we make land tile triangles, find coordinates, find area, add to a running area quantity, draw the land triangle div, rinse and repeat.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Triangle Fan

18 May 2022- Circular Map, Triangles to a Sphere!

I'm going to map some triangles from a circular world map to a spherical one, where longitude is angle around the pie and latitude is distance from the center. Vastly distorted at the edges, but I can see everything. I'm going to wrap the world div polygon shape around the outside of my triangle mesh. I can get a circumference, diameter and radius and size the world div based on rounding up radius.

Today's word is 'clown', a rather horrifying clown... Tomorrow's word will be 'axe' 8-P

Get some points to make an initial triangle and push out a mesh, the outside of which is my world div polygon shape, border points counter clockwise.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Circle to Polygon to Sphere

Shortcuts simplify My Drive … In the coming weeks, items in more than one folder will be replaced by shortcuts. Access to files and folders won't change.Learn more 18 May 2022- Circular Map, Triangles to a Sphere!

I'm going to map some triangles from a circular world map to a spherical one, where longitude is angle around the pie and latitude is distance from the center. Vastly distorted at the edges, but I can see everything. I'm going to wrap the world div polygon shape around the outside of my triangle mesh. I can get a circumference, diameter and radius and size the world div based on rounding up radius.

Today’s word is ‘walkie-talkie’.

New super (great/regional) powers- China is done without middle eastern oil and the US is going home, Which leaves France, Turkey, Japan and… Argentina?! Well, if the Brazilians let them, which they may. If the Brazilians present them with an existential threat, probably. Plus, Brazil is and always was a bad idea. Brazilian agriculture makes no economic sense, it doesn’t use the Amazon for shipping!!! Stuff gets trucked over the mountains to Rio…

I'm going to map some triangles from a circular world map to a spherical one, where longitude is the angle around the pie and latitude is distance from the center. Vastly distorted at the edges, but I can see everything. I'm going to wrap the world div polygon shape around the outside of my triangle mesh. I can get a circumference, diameter and radius and size the world div based on rounding up radius.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Back to XY offset...

17 May 2022- XY Offset!

Click in 'offset' to get an XY offset...


Today’s word is ‘Shark’.

I want to play around with using an offset to place land blobs in the page.