Friday, May 31, 2024

With linear interpolation

11 April 2024- Maps

The black dots are points more than 100 pixels from the center of the red blob.

(Pick a point!!!!)

This morning's prompt is 'ice cream', and I drew a cone.

Ugh, looks like someone smashed their thumbnail!
"Ice cream," Carol said, pointing with her free hand. She could get around better and better on one leg and a crutch, but Brenda and the rest dreamed of scavenging a medical supply warehouse.
"Now I want..." Brenda started to say, looking up at the sign for the ice cream parlor, but stopped as they heard sounds, faint moans and the dragging steps. And she felt... angry. So angry!
"I am sick and tired of this!"
"Brenda-" Ben said quietly.
"You, and you and especially you, shut up!!!!", that last at Ben of course. She walked up to the front door and met them, greeted them most kindly.
"There you go," she said, or similar, as she swung, hacked or plunged the working end of the crowbar and filled in the doorway. The crowbar got caught and she switched up to her machete without loosing a beat.
At last the work was done and the rage was spent and she said. "That was stupid. How many?"
Tom had been counting. "Thirteen or fourteen, I think."
"Sixteen," Ben corrected, and pulled out a rag, wet it and helped Brenda clean up. He leaned his forehead against hers and asked, "Better now?"
"Not even remotely, but I will be."

BP: 143/73/78, sugar: 141

Thursday, May 30, 2024

fill my squares

11 April 2024- Maps

The yellow dots are points within 100 pixels of the picked, purple dot.

(Pick a point!!!!)

I've worked on marching squares. What I'm going for is to draw the points and edges below some fraction which lie within each square, then find the triangles, and eventually do that within a cube.
This morning's prompt is 'lunchbox', but then Google showed me bento...

"What did you find?" Ben asked Tom, their best scrounger and scavenger. He had a good grasp of hiding places and what could be made to serve.
"Bento box. A pretty one," he added, lightly running a finger over the inlay. "Homemade, I think."
"Good work... You going to give it to your Mom?"
"Maybe." Tom gave Ben a look. "What did you get your Mom, last mother's day?"
"I brought her flowers... Last time before that, I was a little flush and bought her a car. I think it was the only new one she'd ever owned."
Ben laid a hand on the box. "I think that this will make a fine gift, we just need to fill it up!"

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'romance', and Google showed me a couple on bicycles, reaching out, with a Valentine style heart...

Far better than the others, groping steamy romance covers!!! 8-P
"So, why are we bicycling instead of hiking? And why these weird bikes?!"
Alex smiled, exchanging a glance with Marianne. Costigan loved to complain...
"Marianne, if I may?"
"Be my guest. I'm fascinated in what you two apes think."
"Hey! That's a little mean..."
Marianne smiled at him in a way that somehow reminded him she was a ranger; well, they both were, or he had been and maybe still was, but rangers in the Conservancy were, hmm, let's just say not bound by the Geneva conventions?
"It's not the going up hill that she rides mountain bikes for, Frank. It's for the terrifying plunges down hill and neck breaking speeds!"

BP: 142/78/78, sugar: 111

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Generate a PR 2D grid and select a point

11 April 2024- Maps

The yellow dots are points within 100 pixels of the picked, purple dot.

(Pick a point!!!!)

This morning's prompt is 'flame bird', in other words a phoenix.


Monday, May 27, 2024


11 April 2024- Maps

Pick three points to make a triangle and the page will calculate the cross product. (clockwise is negative...)

(Pick a point!!!!)

Yesterday's prompt was 'spice' and I drew a spice rack. I need to squish it down...

This morning's prompt is 'pigs in a blanket'.


Saturday, May 25, 2024

So I still haven't written the page I was planning to do...

I need a 'random' seed to feed the page which will do all my procedural generation math-magically! 

This morning's prompt is 'sugar', and I drew sugar cubes.


I want to be able to rotate and pull on a 3D object to do some sculpting in 3D. I need to do all that in 2D first...

Friday, May 24, 2024

making continents and seas

11 April 2024- Maps

Using dot and cross products to build a triangle mesh on the surface of a world, bit by bit, continent by continent or sea by sea.

Make a pseudo random number from picking a point.

(Pick a point!!!!)


Using dot and cross products to build a triangle mesh of the surface of a world, bit by bit, continent by continent or sea by sea.

This morning's prompt is 'mustard', and I found the plant.

"What's this yellow stuff, with the little flowers," Tom asked.
Brenda looked at it and swore, but happily. "Eff me! That's mustard."
Tom had a confused look on his face and then the penny dropped. "This is the plant that they make mustard out of?"
"This is the plant we used to make a lot of stuff out of..."

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Getting a PR#

11 April 2024- Maps

Make a pseudo random number from picking a point.

(Pick a point!!!!)

This morning's prompt is 'ketchup', which I am sure I have done before...

I was going to do packets, then googled a plate of fries with a little cup of my vitamin K! 8-P
"I miss fries and ketchup..."
"They're bad for you anyway. Aren't you diabetic?" Brenda seemed practically cheerful.
Ben sighed. "You know I am."
"Well now we're forced to get all this exercise, fast, forage for fresh food-"
"Most of what we scavenge is canned or processed package food. Still get a little junk food."
"Pickles and that stash of quinoa was the first and maybe the last time I'll try it."
"Maybe we can farm it, some where..."
"Finally a little optimism."
"If we can find seed."
"Typical. We found some and it's seed anyway!"

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'long sleeve shirt'.

I'm desperate...

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Monday, May 20, 2024

Cross Product, CZ

11 April 2024- Maps

Pick three points to make a triangle and the page will calculate the cross product. (clockwise is negative...)

(Pick a point!!!!)

I've been thinking about building a tetrahedron procedurally from a triangle in XYZ. Splat out three points, move them apart if they're too close together and find the winding, clockwise or counterclockwise, from the Cross product of z, such that when we're looking down into the z axis the triangle faces towards us or away, is for display purposes black or red, or visible vs invisible.
This morning's prompt is 'bomb'.


Sunday, May 19, 2024

This morning's prompt was 'free concert', I just came up with it.


Saturday, May 18, 2024

This morning's prompt was 'sausage inna bun', and appropriately it's a bit of a dogs breakfast...


Friday, May 17, 2024

 I ran out of prompts so I went with 'big right toe' for this morning and 'sausage inna bun' for tomorrow.

I put a nail in my brt Sunday evening but as of my foot doctor appointment last night with Dr Hopkins I seem to be doing good.

I want to try some stupid triangle and tetrahedron tricks this weekend, bossed around by the dot and cross products.

I think I should get on with Ben's story. I know it ends well, I like these characters, but I am a stickler for realism and it ends...

Write the GD outline, you have one and a journey based plot and put your big fat very large consumer pants on, dongma?! 8-P

Thursday, May 16, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'two prong fork'.

(Now I am out of prompts again)

I'll say it again; by the grace of God and to the very delight of the devil, Scots Irish. We cause trouble where ever we go.

A smithy in the zpocalypse is full of scrap and hard-scrabble hope.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'calamari', in this case fried calamari for dipping.

"Tastes like fried calamari."
"I thought that the joke was 'everything tastes like chicken '?"
"Well I say that this tastes like fried calamari!"

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Monday, May 13, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'steak', although this looks more like a chicken breast! 8-P


Sunday, May 12, 2024

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Friday, May 10, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'rye bread'.

I'm out of prompts again.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

So I'm Mom's driver after her surgery this morning and took a picture of the flowers beside the stairs...

After her procedure we came to the Milford Diner and I made an unnamed thing with my placemat.
This morning's prompt is 'pressure cuff', as in why does that zombie have a pressure cuff on their arm? 8-P


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

So what I'm going to do is pick a point to generate a(n initial) PR#, with which the page generates pts and triangles. I need the north and south poles and then a line of points on the equator.
This morning's prompt is 'shopping cart'.

I squished this down in post and copy pasted it back into my blog from my journal in Google docs.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Something weird, something wonderful!

Triangle subdivision

11 April 2024- Maps

Make some landmass shapes inside an interrupted sinusoidal map. Place points in the rectangle and let the page figure the peeled orange bit out, including the curve of the peel? For now, use the point picked to make a PR#.


This morning's prompt is 'candy bar', and I'm out of prompts again! 8-P


Brickwork could be thought of as rows of bricks offset by half a length, cut down, etc.

Each brick in a column gets offset sideways to overlap row by row.

My quick and dirty 'equilateral' triangles are quads offset by row or by column and subdivided by the shortest diagonal. Won't be exact, but it will be 'good enough'.

I've been making some sinusoidal world maps with a diamond grid of diamond quads subdivided into triangle pairs and further subd six ways and grouped by original vertices; gives me an irregular bunch of twelve sided 'not-hexagons'.
"KitKat?" Tom offered Brenda a candy bar, which she took.
"Are they still any good?!"
"Let's see."
"I'm the guinea pig?" Brenda was smiling.
"Hey, I could keep them to myself..."
"Let's just open one and share the love." She nodded to Ben and Carol, who had joined them in the store room after blocking off the hallway. The rest of the place was not yet cleared out and the hard learned procedure was to presume danger and block for it.
Tom shrugged and tore his open, breaking the kitkat into four sticks. As it happened, there was a little 'bloom', but the chocolate was still good and the wafer hadn't gone stale.
"When it's gone, it's gone," Carol said, and shamelessly licked the residue of the inner wrapper.
"Mom!" Tom was faintly scandalized.
"Back to it, peeps," Ben and Brenda said together, and they all laughed.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Orange you glad I came back to this? 8-P

11 April 2024- Maps

Make some landmass shapes inside an interrupted sinusoidal map. Place points in the rectangle and let the page figure the peeled orange bit out, including the curve of the peel? For now, use the point picked to make a PR#.


I made sure to watch the season finale, now the series finale, of NCIS Hawaii with Mom tonight. It was the end of a globetrotting two parter and meant to be a season cliffhanger with the return of Maggie Shaw which now will hopefully get worked into what may be the final season of the original. They will want the actors to do guest appearances, at least bring Sam and Tennant to the original series...

I am a little shocked but support Tennant's ruthless streak, as I feel she helped to engineer the prisoner's escape and subsequent death; it felt a bit like execution, shot while holding the medical examiner with a scalpel to her throat. Sloppy or ruthless or a mix of all three?

But Maggie Shaw is the anti-Gibbs and was always coming back later in the show. I firmly believe Sam was on the island to monitor Tennant and wait for Shaw.
This morning's prompt is 'mayor'.

BTW, this *is* the revenge of the sixth, also known as a Monday.
Madeline is the owner of the two dogs and the cat from last week. The animals were a test, after Madeline decided to risk it. The four have been taken to a place under guard, and that rubbed Brenda wrong, because of the group who originally put Ben and Brenda on the road.
"Are you the mayor of this sorry little settlement?" Brenda asked.
"As it happens, yes."

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Today was revenge of the fifth, or is that tomorrow, the sixth? 8-P
This morning's prompt was 'designer handbag'.

I found a very interesting design...

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Friday, May 3, 2024

Interrupted sinusoidal world map. Build these up or down from the equator.
This morning's prompt was nothing, but I went to highest searched item and eventually got a bear charging across a river...
So 'bear attack', and tomorrow's is 'rider mower', because ad!

Anyway, da bah is coming for your ass cheeks, good bye! 8-P