Make an arc of points around an inital point.
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
I worked on ‘triangle arc exploration’ yesterday, starting with a hexagon around a starting point. I’d rather make a diamond around an initial point and subdivide the triangles of the quad triangle fan into triangle pairs to make an octagon with eight internal triangles. I can do this with trigonometry or use the dx and dy to make that diamond to the octagon I mentioned. The initial polygon is an arc of points around the origin. You have a point some radius from the origin and the next point is at right angles to the last point and then gets pulled to a distance equal to the radius from the origin.
Make a Hexagon!
I want to do some arc exploration, pushing out the edges on the known parts of our map, starting with a hexagon around our starting point.
Monday, November 29, 2021
I didn’t draw anything this morning but the prompt was ‘injured’ and Nelson’s word was ‘letters’. What I did do was work on my arc exploration scheme again. We make an octagon out of two points, the initial point is the center and the second point is the end of a vector away from that initial point to give a dx and dy from which we derive three more points to make a quad four triangle wheel around that initial point. We can subdivide each of those and push the midpoint out to make that octagon. We now have an arc around some origin. This is the land or sea visible from that point. To explore you move to one of the eight points and ‘look’ out by pushing that point out to make a quad triangle pair with two long edges which need to be subdivided into quad triangle pairs for a pair of triangle pairs, a triangle fan. Then you move out to the edge again and ‘look’.
We give these points heights to find out whether they are above or below sea level, whether they are land or sea. The points at sea level are all the same distance, but the points above sea level probably would be further away and I should really take that into account… Then of course we subdivide these triangles along zero height to find a coastline. Rivers which our explorer might be tracing would go from point to point downhill to the sea or uphill away from the sea and may branch or come together with another river or empty into a lake or swamp before they reach the ocean.
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Event Driven Adventure Design
Something happens, something weird, perhaps some violence, or social interaction. How are these different things connected?
The 28 Inktober 2019 prompt was 'ride' and the last two words from Nelson were 'church' and 'job'. Riding makes me think of a motorcycle and I don't know what church and job make me think of... How about a biker crashes into a church service. He needs help!
I’ve been watching an English guy (a gay guy named ‘Guy’, actually) who has a you-tube channel about how to be a great GM… I know some great GMs, so he’s got some nerve! 8-P But the thing I just watched and want to try, for writing characters, actually, not just RPGs, is NPC AI, called OGAS: Occupation, Goal, Attitude and Stake. Occupation isn’t just your job, but it’s what occupies your life and a goal is the thing you want. Obviously there can be several of either, but keep it simple, dumbass! 8-P Attitude is the character’s attitude towards everything, angry, affable, loving, kind, apathetic, resentful, etc. Stake is their investment in the first three things, how important keeping their job, achieving their goal or being kind is. Again, this doesn't have to be the same, but for our purposes it is…
Greg the biker has to get an item of great power to a sorcerer to stop an eldritch horror. Greg hates everybody but he hates this thing even more because it took away ‘his Linda..’ and he will die to get it all done! He will literally ride through hell.
Something happens, something weird, perhaps some violence, or social interaction. How are these different things connected?
1. A horse throws a shoe and we need it reshod
2. Two merchants we're guarding start to fight, with knives!
3. The goat's milk sours
4. A landslide takes out 1d6 pack horses, 1d3 laborers and maybe a merchant, even odds
* a gremlin is having a great time!
One-Eyed Bob is a ditch-digger who wants to buy a new shovel. 'Life sucks, but at least I have a ditch to dig...' He's got a 20% stake in things, will easily give in and give up 8-(
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Friday, November 26, 2021
Campaign Builder!
Campaign creation... Usually I set out to answer the reporters' questions here. Who are the player characters and what are they doing? When and where does this all take place? What is the story problem? Why is is their problem? How can it be resolved, Good, Bad or Twisted?
I didn’t draw a sketch today. The 26 Inktober 2019 prompt was dark and Nelson’s word is ‘Walmart’, so I didn’t feel inspired by a dark wally world. I tried to give blood again today but my hemoglobin was a little too low again, 12.5 below 13. The second time I’ve been turned away this month. I had to cancel on a third appointment a week and a half ago because I had a little bit of a cold, so I’m a three time loser! 8-(
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Make A Random Table
Make a list of items and randomly pick one.
Start with a triangle!
Build yet another Oval World Map! I want to make triangles into the by now familiar oval-shaped polygon world map.
The 25 Inktober 2019 prompt was "tasty', so I drew a tasty burger! Happy Thanksgiving! Nelson's word today is 'pen’. The turkey is very done; it came out of the cooker in a half dozen pieces, the largest of which was the two breasts! 8-P
What am I thankful for on this Thanksgiving 2021? That Covid-19 was not the end of the line, merely a harbinger of more to come… call me ‘Doomer’, but the shortages which we’re complaining about right now pale in comparison to if the world-wide network had collapsed. Not the end of technical civilization, but near enough as to make no difference! We need to be energy-independent and source all critical production to the continental US, possibly including Canada and Mexico. The latter would be a lot more realistic and the former is not nearly as threatening as what they already have, providing southerly big brother with resources and the occasional high tech.
So what would that be like? For one thing, since we’re going to have to bribe the corporations to do the right thing anyway, and Slippery Joe Mansion (no, Google Docs, I don’t want to use that losers’ actual name, he deserves worse than to be mocked and nameless, but let it go...), tax and land grants in west virginia and the rust belt to get additive manufacturing rolling in. We need to get started prepping for climate change anyway and the rust belt looks to be the part of the country which just might ride out the worst. At any rate, do something for the working poor, the rich can take care of themselves and will manage to make money off of it anyway!
This is ‘twenty minutes in the future’, a setting about a generation from now when my buddy Dan Newton’s new-born son will come of age, the twenty-forties. Coastal cities will start to be abandoned (Boston has already started in places, perhaps New York, too) as the sea encroaches in low-lying parts, like subways, places will continue to dry out, stay warm longer, and, if we don’t learn better, continue to become less and less fertile as we destroy the topsoil instead of building it up and stashing organic carbon away in it instead of releasing it as CO2. Probably re-wilding as we turn to cheap vat-grown meat versus factory-farmed, plus fruits and veggies in greenhouses tended by robots. Or turning those former farms into permaculture forests harvested by robots is an idea which has been kicking around for a little while, too. The yields might even be better, after you consider that we are currently making a lot of our food indirectly out of petroleum in the form of fertilizers and poisoning ourselves with pesticides. Ugh. Rant over…
I made a page which lets you make lists of items and then randomly pick one. I need to figure out some way of modifying each list item, including removing it. I’ve created to do lists and modified them into the dead simple character generator, but they were all about adding things and removing them, not revising text which I entered...
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Yet Another Oval World Map!
Build yet another Oval World Map! I want to turn
the 'X marks the spot' offset into my world map and eventually
into the by now familiar oval-shaped polygon world map.
Click the 'X' to start.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Monday, November 22, 2021
Monday 22 November 2021- The 22 Inktober 2019 prompt was ‘ghost’ and Nelson’s word was ‘sister’. A very scary spook… Ghost sister, sister Ghost? THe ‘Ghastly’ I drew sure ain’t Caspar! Perhaps this is the scary suicide from ‘Ghost’ who insists he was pushed. I’d like to think that that guy eventually got where he need to go.
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Continents and Oceans!
Work your way through oceans and continents. I would map this to a world div, growing each bit as the user adds new bits... I set the bits up to 'roll' up chuncks smaller than Australia and larger than Asia
World Area
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Taking 'vines' and making rivers... We're making the fourth point 'wrong', need to use dx and dy properly, but this is a decent first pass.
Nelson's word is 'pastor' and the 20 Inktober 2019 prompt was 'tread'. Pastor tread softly? Tread Pastor Roberts? 'A good pastor walks where angels fear to tread, for there is his flock.' So I used the dead simple character generator to come up with the following traits (as always, this is just where I start; if I was to use any of these characters they’d be heavily revised! 8-P)- (37/37) Minister to the Sick- 37 and Convince (con?)- 37, (48/47) Vanquish Eeee-vile! 48 and Smite the (Merely) Wicked! 47, then finally Make Tea Time Conversation- 44 (I’m thinking of Father Brown, I guess).
I want to draw a river network branching out from a central point. Splat out a dozen points and then find the two which are closest together to start with. Remove these two and then look for the point among the remaining points which is closest to these two, forming a line from this third point to the point which is closest to it to the remaining point. This list is my initial river network. The two endpoints run ‘downhill’ to the middle point and the network is actually a list of line/river segments which ‘run downhill’ from a point not yet in the network to a point already in the network.
Friday, November 19, 2021
The 19 Inktober prompt was 'sling' and Nelson's word is 'photos'. I fed that to Google and got stock pictures of arm and baby slings, so that’s what I drew. No character, yet, but maybe soon… A party of adventurers hears a baby crying, searches finds him (male) in a basket up in the crook of a tree where three or four spreading branches have cupped him (the tree looks to have been cropped at some point to get this sort of effect and that the woods here about look to have been managed at least at some point, but a growing wild without the hand of a forester now). There is some blood and the party can eventually track down some remains down by a stream, a young woman foraging with her babe set upon by wolves. She hid him up in the tree and led them away before they tore her apart.
The rogue ties a blanket or old shirt as a sling and carries the baby. “I’ve done this before…”
A Pick-Up Game Worksheet
I don't remember where I picked this up, just found it again in my notes
Answer the Reporters’ Questions, Who, What, When, Where, How and Why?
The PCs are a random collection of people on a train
The conflict or problem? An experiment gone wrong strands them on another version of Earth where all they have is the section of train car that came through. There were casualties and gruesome deaths, but the climate is more or less the same as they left behind, a little cooler but the same season, similar flora and fauna… People?
Others? There are 2d6 survivors, some of whom are the PCs; in fact, divide up the train survivors between the players so that they’re playing multiple characters. Folk are probably going to die!
All of this takes place in? An alternate US state, perhaps Ohio or PA
Places- The wreckage from the train, the nearest stream, pond or lake. This is forested.
How can the conflict or problem be resolved, Win, Twist or Fail?
Epic Win- Best Outcome
Twisted Result- Something good, but something bad, too
Epic Fail- Worst outcome
Why are the players involved (and individually)?
Risks & Rewards- Conflict is resolved with dice as needed, and each contest or feat represents a risk and a reward, as proposed by the player(s). Frame the contest with a desired outcome, the reward, and a risk, something bad, then roll for each. The reward die will show a 'high', for success, 'low' for a fail, or a 'middling' for a mixed result; likewise the risk may be successfully avoided on 'high', dealt out and resolved on 'low', or remains hanging over your head on 'middling'.
The risk and reward should be similar; perhaps we let the dice decide and roll d%, getting a 78. The risk is high, but so is the reward... Roll against the 78 and the higher the better for reward, the lower the better for the risk. Roll 76, a near miss so you get some reward, but you roll a 17, way under for risk and take some fearsome consequence. You could run a GM-less game for a few players where the group suggests things and uses the dice to randomly decide events with this system of risk/reward. Is there a chance animals will bother them in the night? If the players agree there is, how much? Roll versus that and come up with a risk, fearsome predator, versus a reward?
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Timeline Generator
Type something in as a timeline event and press enter!
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Number of Triangles in a Polygon
There are at a certain number of triangles in each land or sea polygon...
Nelson's word yesterday was 'sunset' (his word today is 'co-worker') and the 17 Inktober 2019 prompt was 'ornament', so I drew a sunset disk on a necklace. This is the religious symbol of an NPC; (33/33) Priest of Sunsets- 33 and Counseling- 33, Crafting - 3 (not very good…), (42/41) Smite Evil- 42 and Heal Wounds- 41. Who is the God of Sunsets and what does this god control, besides presumably sunsets? Hmm… Sunset is the precursor to the darkness of the night and Sunset protects from creatures of the night. Sunset fights a holding action against the darkness and rests in the morning when his sister, Sunrise, takes over. Sunset protects and provides knowledge and his favorite animals are dogs and owls.
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Grid of Heights
Fill a grid. Generate land and sea from the heights at each grid point.
Monday, November 15, 2021
Random Plot Hook!
The players encounter someone somewhere who wants them to do something.
- Trouble On The Road
- Disaster Strikes!
- Call To Adventure!
- Prison Break!
- The Wide World Scenario is the grab bag, sort of all of the above
Creating a City or Settlement
Why does it exist? Supply, manufacturing, midpoint, defense
What are it’s local resources?
Who runs things and how?
When was it established, and where is it?
Wealth of the place and an Oddity
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Going to draw some vines here... We're making the fourth point 'wrong', need to use dx and dy properly, but this is a decent first pass.
What I need to do is get off my fat butt and drag some of the tree Cliff cut down and I fell behind on hauling off to the brush pile, which I didn’t want piled up again, but it got piled up again anyway… Nelson’s word is ‘clock’ and I haven’t looked up the 14 Inktober 2019 prompt yet; ‘overgrown’. An overgrown clock tower, ruins? I like it, but how about an abandoned grandfather clock? In the woods, someplace where a settler wagon lightened the load before going on? More likely it’s a roadside dump which has to be cleaned up and the grandfather clock is in decent shape, just left exposed to the elements and overgrown with honeysuckle. I’ll need to sketch that at some point, but first I want to paste my blog, add a feature to the placeholder code I wrote last night and get out there and haul some branches!!!
I hardly made a dint in it, but I did a little and then went shopping, because I needed cereal and real, plus I was bad and bought a half gallon of fudge ripple… The sketch turned out okay. I should work up a character involving this. The clockmaker and the gardener? Perhaps a clockmaker was maimed by a truly black-hearted bastard, his hands ruined so that he could no longer make his beloved clocks but his healed and twisted fingers were enough to grub around in the dirt. His (former?) patron has put him in a little cottage for reasons and he still has one broken grandfather clock in his little garden, so (32/32) Clockmaker 32 and Engraver 32, Gardener 32, Prosthetics 27. He has begun to rebuild his ‘hands’ and his life with prosthetics, inferior but a vast improvement. He also dreams of revenge and has started to build mechanisms...
I hardly made a dint in it, but I did a little and then went shopping, because I needed cereal and real, plus I was bad and bought a half gallon of fudge ripple… The sketch turned out okay. I should work up a character involving this. The clockmaker and the gardener? Perhaps a clockmaker was maimed by a truly black-hearted bastard, his hands ruined so that he could no longer make his beloved clocks but his healed and twisted fingers were enough to grub around in the dirt. His (former?) patron has put him in a little cottage for reasons and he still has one broken grandfather clock in his little garden, so (32/32) Clockmaker 32 and Engraver 32, Gardener 32, Prosthetics 27. He has begun to rebuild his ‘hands’ and his life with prosthetics, inferior but a vast improvement. He also dreams of revenge and has started to build mechanisms…
That was pretty good, if I do say so myself!
Speaking of ‘overgrown’, I would like to grow some vines and leaves. The vines would be line segments, but since I need to use thin polygons in place of a ‘line’, we can use some of the tricks which I’ve been working on. Leaves start out as diamond shapes around a line segment. These I made last month for my falling leaves. The vine starts with a single line segment, two points. Two line segments have three points, three have four, and so on. There are line segments. plus one, points in a series of line segments. We randomly generate two points for the initial line segment and make it some length in pixels long (with math!). We can also make a line segment into a polygon with some width (I’ve been here before, with serpentine landmass).