Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Pumpkin Patch!

31 October 2023- Pumpkin Patch!

Grow some vines and pumpkins.

The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.

Input a seed, please (the default is tau, or 2 pi), or click the button for a random seed number.

Next Quad text here

The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.

World Data



5 July 2023- Maptastic!

I'm working on a solo game...

This morning's prompt was 'darkness falls'.

The last Inktober prompt was 'fire '.

I wanted to get a Halloween animation done, but I didn't.

Monday, October 30, 2023


30 October 2023- Halloween!

Make a halloween animation! Starting with a pumpkin.

Input a seed, please (the default is tau, or 2 pi), or click the button for a random seed number.

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World Data

This morning's prompt was 'vibrant sound'.

The 30 Inktober prompt was 'rush'.

I have some problems with the triangles my diamond quad grid to sinusoidal world map is making, specifically that some of them are too small... 8-P

I suppose I should have a proper dev log...

This weekend I turned a square grid sideways, after watching a YouTube video about isometric tiles and realizing that I can do the math and make a nice grin of diagonal quads inside my mollweid oval, or, better yet, push the points sideways where I want them to evenly fill my sinusoidal world map. Then I subdivide the triangles three ways by corners (instead of by edges or six ways with three midpoints and a triangle center point) and group quads around corner points, color them by corner point.

Then, finally, I make lists of point neighbors and corner quads which belong to a given point and use that to set up a random walker. The user picks a tile which gives the page a quad corner point, the page colors all the quads of that point green for land and accumulates the areas. Then, while the sun is less than some target, the page randomly finds a neighbor point, finds it's quads, colors them green and adds the areas to the running total. Rinse and repeat until we have enough landmass...

Still haven't gotten anywhere with the flaming pumpkin I was supposed to do for Halloween.

If make a Halloween pumpkin monster animation, I could have the little player figure blast it with... a flame thrower? 8-P

Sunday, October 29, 2023

I think I have something!

24 October 2023- Mollweide Oval Projection

Pick a point in the blue oval to start the random walker.

Input a seed, please (the default is tau, or 2 pi), or click the button for a random seed number.

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World Data

Looking good so far!

24 October 2023- Mollweide Oval Projection

Pick a point in the blue oval to start the random walker.

Input a seed, please (the default is tau, or 2 pi), or click the button for a random seed number.

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World Data

Diagonal grid of quads filling a sinusoidal map, of course...

29 October 2023- Diamond into Sinusoid!

I'm turning a square grid sideways and stretching it out, then pushing the points a little sideways to fill the sinusoid...

Input a seed, please (the default is tau, or 2 pi), or click the button for a random seed number.


Next Quad text here

The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.

World Data


This morning's prompt was 'amusement'.

The 29 Inktober prompt was massive'.

I'm working on turning a square grid into a grid of diagonal quads filling a sinusoidal shape and subdivided, of course, into triangle pairs!

Saturday, October 28, 2023

This morning's prompt was 'mansion'.

The 28 Inktober prompt was 'sparkle', so I drew a sparkler...

I need to work on my world map!!!

Friday, October 27, 2023

Diamonds. diagonals

26 October 2023- Quilt into Mollweide Projection

Make some noise. Well, eventually I'll make perlin...

Input a seed, please (the default is tau, or 2 pi), or click the button for a random seed number.

Next Quad text here

The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.

World Data


This morning's prompt was 'denali'.

The 27 Inktober prompt was 'beast'.

I'm gonna make some diamonds...

Thursday, October 26, 2023


26 October 2023- Quilt into Mollweide Projection

Make some noise. Well, eventually I'll make perlin...

Input a seed, please (the default is tau, or 2 pi), or click the button for a random seed number.

Next Quad text here

The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.

World Data
