Monday, April 18, 2011

O is for Old School RPGs

I don't like D&D, and I don't like Pathfinder. I've played in great games, but i don't like class and level one bit, and really don't care to do all the upkeep it takes for crunchy D&D and pf characters. I like simple, but I also like old-school games that aren't D&D, which mostly means Basic Role Playing, the Chaosium house rules for Call of Chtulhu and Pendragon (kinda, sorta...). I picked up a hard-back of BRP last time I was in MFLGS, The Days of Knights, last Saturday, and daydreamed about running a Sci-Fi game.

Of course, my fisrt love would be old FASA Trek, a percentiles-based system, where you rolled up some things, but mostly roleplayed the chargen, if you had a smart GM, the thing I like most about newer systems like FATE.

But the main thing about old-school, was roll-and-scoot! If you needed a character, you played what the dice or an understanding GM let you have... miss that, a little.


  1. I hear you on that - especially the not liking classes and levels. It's the main reason why I can't deal with DnD and its clones anymore. The idea that I can't do something because of my profession is silly, and the concept of Level is even worse. It was the old TSR Marvel game that helped me decide to make my own level- and class-less system.

  2. I ran a little short on time with this one- maybe I'll add to it later. But a criticism That an ex-player made about my game, that coming up with list of crew was too much of a chore, is exactly my problem with constant upkeep in D&D and clones- it's too much work, it's restrictive, and and i'd rather keep it as simple as possible and worry about what comes next...

  3. Hey, Alan, I have been looking into the One Roll Engine, specifically 'Wild Talents' and a noir game called 'A Dirty World'. One of these days I'll run it and 'Dogs in the Vineyard'!

  4. Interesting - never heard of that, but I'll have to check it out - I'm a nut for learning new rulesets for tabletop games, I just can't get enough of them heh.

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