Monday, November 29, 2021

I didn’t draw anything this morning but the prompt was ‘injured’ and Nelson’s word was ‘letters’. What I did do was work on my arc exploration scheme again. We make an octagon out of two points, the initial point is the center and the second point is the end of a vector away from that initial point to give a dx and dy from which we derive three more points to make a quad four triangle wheel around that initial point. We can subdivide each of those and push the midpoint out to make that octagon. We now have an arc around some origin. This is the land or sea visible from that point. To explore you move to one of the eight points and ‘look’ out by pushing that point out to make a quad triangle pair with two long edges which need to be subdivided into quad triangle pairs for a pair of triangle pairs, a triangle fan. Then you move out to the edge again and ‘look’.


We give these points heights to find out whether they are above or below sea level, whether they are land or sea. The points at sea level are all the same distance, but the points above sea level probably would be further away and I should really take that into account… Then of course we subdivide these triangles along zero height to find a coastline. Rivers which our explorer might be tracing would go from point to point downhill to the sea or uphill away from the sea and may branch or come together with another river or empty into a lake or swamp before they reach the ocean.

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