Friday, May 13, 2022

Today’s word is ‘butterfly’ and there was absolutely, abso-fragging-lutely, no talk of the thirteenth today…

I have a rectilinear map of quads filling up with land and what I want is to fill it with quads where I look up if the new land quad has a neighbor, see whether it’s already a neighbor to some existing land quad and add it to a list of neighbor quads if not. This is a list from which I will randomly pick the next land quad and splice that one out of ‘neighbors’, look for its’ unique neighbors to add to neighbors, rinse and repeat.

I need to know what the running area of my quads is, based on latitude, so that I can accumulate the land area and stop when we get to some fraction. I should be able to get a bunch of contiguous quads that way…

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