Today's prompt is 'Miss Scarlet', from 'Miss Scarlet and The Duke', which will be back on Sunday night.
The best thing I could do to salvage my drawing was to stretch it, go taller and thinner. Otherwise I get a sort of mannish square jaw, which is typical for me when I try and mostly fail to draw a feminine face!
World23 Saturdays are for rumors, after Friday factions, which was the lumberjack army, which I didn't bother to flesh out. I'm thinking something wobbly, like the UMWA, a progressive union with a strong cadre and esprit de corps.
The rumor is that the lumberjack army and Wiggins are about to go to war over wages. This is in fact true, as the good will from the way Wiggins kept the town and workers fed has all but evaporated over day to day aggravations and recriminations. Also, Wiggins leaned heavily on the lumberjack army to get the provisioning done and their hands are just about as dirty as Wiggins.
Tomorrow I'm back to a new settlement, followed by local stuff, weather, geography, flora and fauna, etc.
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