Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Entering 'Galactic' Coords

15 February 2023- Grid of stars, Clickable Divs!

Colored boxes for stars form dark red, to red, orange,yellow, white and lightblue. I want to add a dead stupid random number generation scheme based on a hard-coded seed, or one entered by the user and also position. Each coordinate has a horizontal and vertical component on this 2D map, which gives me a number. I get the pseudo random # by multiplying the seed times the 'galactic' coordinates, and take the square root and the remainder after the decimal poinr.
Then when the user clicks on a star, we shift the map by adding or subtracting to the 'galactic' coords, do some math and draw new star map. I will need to delete all the existing clickable star divs or it will get very messy and confusing! 8-P

Coordinates Here!

The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.

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