YARG-P! Yet Another Roleplaying Game-Prospectus!
Anyone out there in the greater Newark area interested in a 'Day After The Reaping' special Sunday afternoon roleplaying session? I'm putting to together some ideas for a regular Summer Sunday Afternoon Game, but the 22nd has possibilities, for those of us who are still around... I've got a lot of different games I'd like to test-drive, from 'Dogs in the Vineyard' to 'A Dirty World', 'Orkworld' to 'Wild Talents', 'After The Rise' to a FMA/Last Airbender (The Series) smash-up. The quickest thing to run on short notice would be some sort of Cortex game, it being my usual system these last few years. I have run Survival Horror (Zombies!), Steampunk Fantasy, Space Adventure (Aliens, Starships and Mayhem!), Space Opera (more of the same, just with all of the tropes dialed up to 13... 8-), Urban Fantasy and most anything Firefly. Well, maybe. I've pretty much given up on ever playing in the 'Verse, just like I don't run Scooby Doo of Cthulhu anymore.
Fullmetal Alchemist meets Avatar: The Last Airbender, that would pretty much be my dream game, but I'm always ready for Space Adventure, and that's what I could put together fastest-
The Good Ship Molly Brown is stuck on Morris until her crew can make a quiet delivery; get paid and fix the whatsis-whot-has-gone-kerplunk with the Heisenberg Uncertainty Jump Drive. Nothing illegal, mind, just completely confidential, and the client is paying extra, COD. Should be more than enough for an overhaul of the lifesystem, and she can surely use one!
I need a captain/pilot, a mechanic/muscle, a spare pilot/supercargo, a medic for those times when you really need one, and an assistant mechanic/cute rookie. The C/P and the M/M own the ship, 60/40 of a rusty old merchant tramp cruising the edges of the borderlands between two interstellar states that don't really trust each other. Morris is just inside of League of Free Stars, five lights over the border from Leslie, in the Star Kingdom of Shenandoah. The LFS and the SKS have had three wars in the last fifty years, the most recent just over a year ago. The Star Kingdom lost Morris to the League. There are plenty of Morrisites still loyal to the Old King, who feel that the League started the war on a pretext and stole territory while the Kingdom was busy with aliens on its' far border...
One player should be from Morris originally, and at least one from Old Earth, Herself. The crew knows people and crews who are veterans of the local wars, and while they may have strong ties or views, they will know that the situation is complicated, risky and profitable.
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