Tuesday, March 31, 2020

POWM, with mountains...

Pointy Oval World Map, again...

I have a Worley noise map with brown for elevated terrain. The Worley noise gives me a basic height map so I can do rain shadow in a moisture map, but 1st I needed to improve my height map by placing duplicate Worley noise pts to the left and right of my POWM so I get some wrap around. I also made the number of WN pts variable, from 10 to 110, and I should try to cluster my WN pts...

Needs a lot of work; trying again in July!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Generating A Seed #

Pick 3 Pts

Pick three points in the canvas/window which will be the seed for pseudo random numbers. Once we have three pts we can generate some pseudo random star systems, and we hang on to the seed so we can procedurally generate whenever we want to. Click on the line to generate a pointy oval world map for that planet... coming real soon! 8-P

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The one with Worley Noise

Pointy Oval World Map, again...

Back to Worley noise; I was making a big math error in the guts of my code and this didn't work so well... this is actually a height map, where the pixel/quads further from the white dots are higher (because height is based on distance). I was sorting the pixel/quads based on which pt they were closest to for voronoi tiles (I'm calling the them vor, anyway), but Worley noise sort of turns the voronoi tile inside out. I'm not happy with the landmass, needs work! 8-P

Monday, March 23, 2020

Ice, ice, baby!

Pointy Oval World Map, again...

Higher resolution, 100 km high and wide, now POWM!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Pointy Oval World Map, again...(Really! 8-P)

Pointy Oval World Map, again...

Higher resolution, 100 km high and wide, now POWM!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Voronoi tiles

Voronoi tiles

Pick points in the canvas which will be the centers of different tiles. Every other point is land followed by sea. This is useful for making a 2D worldmap with interesting landmass shapes.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Pointy Oval World Map, again...

Pointy Oval World Map, again...

I'm going to make another run at this thing. Not actually a pointy oval world map but the rectangles are area tiles which are really supposed to be quads, wider at the top or bottom (polar quads are actually triangles). Each area is meant to be at least one million km^2, for roughly equal colony sites...

Saint Patrick's Day 2020

Saint Patrick's Day 2020

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Pi Day 2020

Pi Day 2020

Aproximating pi by randomly filling a square with pts; the pts which lie inside of a radius equal to half the width or height, divided by the total number of pts times four will aproximate pi...

Monday, March 2, 2020

Astro Beans, Dwarf Fortress-like Game

Astro Beans, Dwarf Fortress-like Game

I want to make a Dwarf Fortress-like game. I would like to make some asteroids for my astro-beans to mine and build habitats inside.


  • Procedural generation so I can use the same seed to recreate the same conditions
  • About 4 million space rocks or gravel piles more than 1 km across
  • The main belt is 2 AU wide at 2.8 AU, from 1.8 to 3.8
  • There are roughly 5 asteroids at least 1 km across per million square kilometers
  • The 520 square window is out to Jupiter @ 5.2 AU, 50 px/AU, so each pixel is 3 m. km across
  • Zoom in on 3 m. km inside of 520, make that 5.2 m. km across and 10^4 km/pixel
  • Instead of checking each pixel, check a grid of 52 10x10 pixel boxes, 5 divided by 10^2 is a 5% chance per grid box
  • (I probably need to reconsider this positional bit; check out how crippling 4 million objects would be...)