Wednesday, January 31, 2024

I'm never going to get anywhere with all of this, am I?

18 November 2023- Linear Interpolation!

World Map is coming... I'm going to adapt this.
But I'm still using code from this.
Just click in the oval to place landmass...

Go get Chrome!

The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.


I didn't have a prompt this morning so I decided to draw my eyeglass case, right in front of me...

I need more prompts!!!

The drabbles have mostly been about the zpoc or a cold nasty alien world.

The eyeglass case is more for zpoc, but what about Arnie the Terminator Turtle?
Anderson went looking for Arnie and found the Terminator Turtle in his office at the back of the great library. There was no door, but Anderson reached out to knock on a wooden partition and stopped.
Arnie was wearing glasses.
"I am busy, Anderson, and I only have so much time..." The Terminator Turtle starred up owlishly at Anderson. The glasses were more like goggles and magnified the big yellow eyes with reddish brown pupils. "What's the matter now, Anderson?", he asked wearily.
"You, your, ah, goggles?'
"That Eater weapon relieved me of the command authority," Arnie said with the patience of an elder explaining to a hatchling, "and the directives I was acting under were backed up with the empire's finest synthetic biologics, which were also keeping me alive. As I have repeatedly said I will live until I die. Until I wear out, grow old, decrepit, and may seek my well deserved rest."
"And now you need..." Anderson broke into belly laughs.
"Anderson, I like you, and that's the only reason I tolerate this," Arnie said, but he was blinking rapidly with the amusement of his kind.
Anderson got it under control. "S-sorry!"
Arnie sighed again and laid down his pen.
"Whatever it is, I'll take the time to deal with it now, before it gets away from us... But first, humor me."
Arnie rummaged around and pulled out something like a pillow, put a corner to his mouth and blew, several times, inflating an opaque volume about forty centimeters across, maybe a little more. It was an irregular shape and presently it glowed with faux starlight.
"Ah, it still works as it did when the Great Sheggoo gifted it to me. I would hope the things of," he spoke the proper name for Turtle and then went back to Teklish, " or Man, and even Dragon, last as long," and made a sign. It was a prayer, and Anderson had rarely seen Arnie observe the forms aside from at a hatching. Privately Anderson said a few words to his own dead, asking them to look after things, as they had lived and died. He was agnostic otherwise.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

It takes a village...

19 January 2024- World Building

Make a statement or ask a question.

What's the name of the settlement?


7 January 2024- Return to Arxploration!
Go get Chrome!

Picking points within the initial circular div to build out an arc of triangular tiles.
If the order in counter clockwise and the cross product is negative, rearrange the order with the pts.splice. Splice the last point to index one and delete that point, pts[2] becomes p[1] and p[1] becomes p[2]!

World Map is coming... I'm going to work on this tomorrow.
But I'm still using code from this.
Just click in the sinusoidal shape to place landmass...

The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.

I'm using the cross product to detect winding, clockwise or counter, lime or pink! 8-P

This morning's prompt is 'snowy creek'.

Chief Petty Officer found Wendy down by the creek. Wendy had found a clear spot on a log, if that's what it was on this alien world, and was watching the eddies. She looked up.
"How's he doing?"
"He'll live. I'm far more worried about you."
She shrugged.
"Look, he's going to get his shit together, or he isn't. I am responsible for making you all into good little spacers-"
Wendy looked up shocked.
"You have what it takes and if this ruins it for you, I will take it out on that-" He stopped again and took in her face, again. "Wow, you are not supposed to be the one who's keeping it together, kid."

Monday, January 29, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'cake pan pizza'.

A face, a place, something good, something bad and something ugly.
"I figured out how to get a starter dough started and keep it going." Ben told Brenda.
"How'd you do that? I've been making ash cakes from flour, salt and water and setting them on a flat rock in the fire."
"I found the last of my store-bought bread and inoculated some flour and sugar paste. It proofed and I started making bread, got decent at it."
Brenda got a crooked smile. "What about pizza?"
"I've made some when I had cheese, which was twice, hard cheese... What're you thinking?"
"I'm thinking goat cheese."

Sunday, January 28, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'bottle of ketchup'. 

Two days late and almost, not, out of ketchup...
"We're out of ketchup again..."
"Then we're out for good." Ben replied.
Ben stared at Brenda while she grinned at him and turned thoughtful.
"Or until we can come up with a recipe..."
"We have tomatoes. Vinegar, maybe. Salt and sugar, not so much."
"Substitution. Honey... sugar beets?"
"I have no idea how make beets cry sugary tears, but if it will get me some vitamin K,"
Brenda grinned an evil grin. "Let's torture some beets."
"Sugar beets," Ben clarified, scribbling a list on some of the dwindling scratch paper. "We can try our hands at drying salt by the sea shore and I'm trying to remember how you make vinegar."

Saturday, January 27, 2024

This morning's prompt was 'jar of peanuts'.

What can I do with a jar of peanuts?
"Peanuts. It's just like peanuts!"
"What?" Wendy looked around. Jake had a handful of something.
"Jake, please tell me you didn't... You did. You fool."
"I'm just trying them-"
Wendy smacked him hard across the back of his head 
"Spit! Spit it all out!*
"Hey, that hurt. Crap."
"You made me bite my lip "
"Shit!" Wendy handed him her canteen. "Rinse and spit! Now, damn it!"
Jake did as she told him, complaining all the time. "You hit me! You didn't-"
He coughed, then wheezed. "I can't catch my breath."
"Shut up concentrate on the next one! Damn, now we're in for it."
She took a big lungful and sang out 
"Chief Petty Officer!"

Friday, January 26, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'cast iron stove'.

Felicity lay curled under the stove, basking in the warmth. Good smells drifted down from overhead and the man hummed as he made his breakfast. He paused and set a dish down on the floor, just under the stove but not on the kitten, the went back to cooking.
"Careful, little girl, that's hot-"
Felicity pawed the milk delicately and then lapped the milk slowly, taking her time until it was half gone and cooled enough for her to finish the rest at best speed. She looked up and politely mewed.
"Did that taste like more? That's all you get greedy guts-"
A board creaked on the porch and the man shut up. The kittens' tail whipped back and forth while the man stepped slowly and quietly towards the rifle on the table.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'hearth'.

What can I do with Thursday's prompt? A face a place, something good something bad and and something ugly.

Hearth and home, home and hearth...

'Heather's Hearth and Home' was ripe for ransacking, Brenda decided. She and Ben had found it in the local book and as they scouted it out, things seemed promising. It was locked up, there wasn't much damage other than a single crack in one plate glass window and there was no activity. Around the back the rear door was secure but there was a pickup, abandoned and grisly, up against the wall. Ben went up on the cab from the pickup bed and peered in a window.
"I've got movement- shit!"
"Well, they got up again..."
"How many?"
"More than one. Hard to say. The window's dirty."
"Pass." Brenda shook her head. "Only two of us and an unknown number of them. We were just window shopping anyway..."
They went around front and on down Main Street and now there were a half dozen in front of the windows.
"Good call," Ben commented. "They don't look chewed up."
"Died of hunger and thirst, probably. I've seen it happen, people got 'treed' somewhere and they never went away."
"Until they died."
"Yep." Brenda made a face. "You run or you fight, you don't wait for death. Death is cruel and patient."

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Lost Starship...

19 January 2024- World Building

Make a statement or ask a question.

What's the name of your ship?
how many passengers and crew?

This morning's prompt is 'rocket stove'.

Yeah, I can go back to the planet of the lost habitat rats...
I may want to, but Ben and Brenda are scrounging through the apocalypse and comparing notes.
"That's an awesome rocket stove."
"A what?" Ben looked honestly confused and Brenda chuckled, thought about something and burst out laughing. Now Ben was insulted.
"I don't think it's funny, whatever 'it' is." He frowned and added, "I guess that sounded a little butt-hurt-"
"I'm sorry. It occurred to me you reinvented the rocket stove, from first principles."
"I just needed to get more out of less, so I made sure it got air, then constricted and kept the gasses hot to completely burn the gasses, after I found out that they were still flammable- don't ask! That made less smoke and I learned to cook hot and fast, like a wok, not cooler and slower like a barbecue."

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

How about a spherical world map?

13 January 2024- Stars and Worlds
Go get Chrome!

Going to go with a weighted random hydrographic ratio of sea to land.

System Data Here

This morning's prompt is 'nest box'.

I made my mom's chickens some nest boxes. This was four, now five years ago, the summer I almost lost my big toe to complications with my then undiagnosed diabetes. It was willful ignorance, I should have figured it out for myself...
Anyway, I made some next boxes while I was out of work because I couldn't wear my steel toed work boots til the toe healed, so I built the chickens a kludgy cube shelter and two slightly different nest boxes. Then my brother built a much bigger and nicer shelter with and an A-frame roof, the 'chicken church'.
My Dad died that August...
(2019 sucked. Lost Aunt Marie and Uncle Dick on the same day in January and then my Dad at the end of August)
"These nest boxes are falling apart..."

Ben shrugged. He did that a lot, Brenda thought, and realized he spoke maybe a word at a time, a verbal miser. He surprised her, then.

"Blame it on the carpenter. I didn't know what I was doing, but my brother talked me through it. Said I did a good job, the lying b-"

Ben turned away, got himself under control and Brenda waited, wondering the obvious.

"He was over in Europe, on business, when all this went down. Came back, or started back on one of the flights that went down in the Atlantic. The ghouls were speculating that pilot ditched it on purpose with half full tanks, nose dive into the only rock for hundreds of miles. I guess you couldn't blame him for not bringing that home to his family-"



"My sister was captain on one of those flights." Brenda scowled. "It got here anyway, didn't it?"

"You do what you can, wherever you are, as best you can for as long as you can, and then you can die hoping it's enough."

Monday, January 22, 2024

This isn't where I should be working, but I doubt if it will hurt to make some notes here on the blog...
This is in my covenant of stars universe, during the 'liberation war'. Humanity went out to kick dragon butt, after the dragons had tried to wipe us out! I'm a little embarrassed, but not much, actually.
This bunch is training habitat rats in dealing with a planet, full stop. This is acclimation.
Wendy wasn't completely happy with the straightness of the stick, but she had whittled a fairly sharp point on the business end as they walked the perimeter. She knew better, but she'd been bored and now she had a nice pointy walking stick. She turned to show it off to Jake-
"That snowman moved..."
Last night the younger members of their camp, habitat rats mostly, had played like children in the new fallen snow. One of them had stared for hours, entranced by the novelty of heavy wet flakes of frozen water, falling from the all that open, empty sky! The rest had gotten drunk on ship's lightning and then stolen items to dress the snowmen, including CPO Banks' cap, and Banksie hadn't even gotten mad!
Wendy looked over at the three of them and saw what Jake had seen; the arm moved...
It wasn't an arm.
"What are you up to?" Wendy murmured.
"Wha- who are you talking to?!"
Wendy closed in a lazy saunter and when she saw movement again, she stabbed deep and true with her 'pointy stick'.
The snow eel (which, slinky though it was, Wendy felt was a stupid name), shrieked writhing on the stick, spurting black blood and tearing the snowman it was hiding in apart.
"I hate this planet," Jake muttered.
"So do I."
The bunch from yesterday can be presumed to have a portable 3D printer to fabricate incidentals. Less durable and convenient than having brought the right tool.
They needed to fab a couple dozen snowshoes and that took time and feedstock. The chief petty organized the latter with enthusiasm, even glee, and the dumb ones grumbled about how Banks hadn't forgotten about his cap. They were soon sorry for that as they were 'volunteered' for extra 'in situ resource gathering '.
Wendy finished bringing in organic matter, mostly what passed for wood here and gathered a little bit more. The materials were unknown to her and their properties suspect, but she stripped a branch and bent it into an oval. Cord was shredded bark and she wove a webbing, made straps and tried it on. It would do, in a pinch, and then she started in on the other one she needed.
She glanced up at Banks quietly watching her work.
"Looks good, but wear fleet issue. Remind me again where you're from?"
"Montana. Earth."
"It's like an owl," Jake said.
Wendy shook her head. "Maybe. Or maybe a snow dragon?"
"I get that, but that face screams owl."
Wendy smiled. "You haven't met any owls, have you?"
"So you're an owl expert, too?!"
"What're you mad about?"
"You come off as this smug expert -"
"Not smug. Just very certain of what I know- oh."

This morning's prompt was 'candle'.

The reference actually involved hands around the candle in the gloom...
Brenda held the candle cupped in her hands, feeling the warmth. She was trying to warm her soul as well, but that was a cold, dirty, tattered thing and the small flames didn't seem to reach inside.
Ben finished the work, doing what was decent and necessary, and sat down next to her on the pile of blankets which had seen better days and would be left behind when they left. Without a word he wrapped his arms around her.
There was nothing that needed saying, not in words. The silence was companionable, and by and by Brenda set the candle down and blew it out.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

This morning's prompt was 'empty box'.

"What's in the baaaax?" Brenda asked and then when Ben didn't answer, she said, "Wait, it's not?"
"It's not," Ben said quickly and turned the box to show her. "It's empty... except for the blood."
"A head doesn't crawl away..."
"Nor does an arm or a leg, but what if it's something small?"
"But this doesn't affect anything besides humans..." She squatted and picked up a little blue and pink blanket. "Oh dear God."
"Yeah, but we have to find it, now, and it could be anywhere."
"I thought you didn't think we had to quiet the whole population?"
"This is different."
"Is it? Or are you coming around to my point of view?"
Ben sighed. "Maybe." He looked at Brenda and held her gaze. "Are you still thinking about..."
"If you want to discuss it, maybe you should say the words?"
Ben shuddered. "Nope."

Saturday, January 20, 2024

This morning's prompt was 'wrecked bed'. Don't ask...

Brenda Flynn, Benjamin Martin.
They cleared the house bottom up, dealing with trouble as it came at them. The one bedroom was... interesting.
Brenda whistled. "What happened here?"
Ben shrugged at the wrecked bed.
"If you can't deal with the not knowing, you will go crazy."
"Yeah, but I have a natural curiosity." Brenda shrugged. "And we both know I'm already crazy."
"Same here."

Friday, January 19, 2024

World Building

19 January 2024- World Building

Make a statement or ask a question.

Trying this again...

Found this

Globe, 20 sider
This morning's prompt was 'pony'.

I need a character a day from that, quick...

A day late, but racing cart ponies, their drivers and handlers.

"Pretty Polly," Jimmy the groomer cooed as he brushed the pony down. Polly looked up from her oats and snorted at him.

"Oh, am I being childish or something?"

The pony pawed the bedding in her stall and modded. She was a smart and proud pony, demanding, too. She snorted once, twice, three times and sniffed at Jimmy's pockets.

"No. No! Not till I'm done and you are finished with your feed-"

Polly helped herself to the apple.

"Hey! Half of that was mine!"

Thursday, January 18, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'owl'.

So, an owl prompted face or place...

"It's like an owl," Jake said.
Wendy shook her head. "Maybe. Or maybe a snow dragon?"
"I get that, but that face screams owl."
Wendy smiled. "You haven't met any owls, have you?"
"So you're an owl expert, too?!"
"What're you mad about?"
"You come off as this smug expert -"
"Not smug. Just very certain of what I know- oh."

Wednesday, January 17, 2024


17 January 2024- Input Oracular Questions

Ask questions and make statements.

This morning's prompt was 'snowshoe'. Someone makes a snowshoe?

The bunch from yesterday can be presumed to have a portable 3D printer to fabricate  incidentals. Less durable and convenient than having brought the right tool.
They needed to fab a couple dozen snowshoes and that took time and feedstock. The chief petty organized the latter with enthusiasm, even glee, and the dumb ones grumbled about how Banks hadn't forgotten about his cap. They were soon sorry for that as they were 'volunteered' for extra 'in situ resource gathering '.
Wendy finished bringing in organic matter, mostly what passed for wood here and gathered a little bit more. The materials were unknown to her and their properties suspect, but she striped a branch and bent it into an oval. Cord was shredded bark and she wove a webbing, made straps and tried it on. It would do, in a pinch, and started on other one she needed.
She glanced up at Banks quietly watching her work.
"Looks good, but wear fleet issue. Remind me again where you're from?"
"Montana. Earth."

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

I made some clickable labels

16 Januar 2024- Dynamic Labels

These are labels, not p elements. Click to 'roll'!

This morning's prompt was 'snowman'.

Now I'm out of prompts...


Wendy wasn't completely happy with the straightness of the stick, but she had whittled a fairly sharp point on the business end as they walked the perimeter. She knew better, but she'd been bored and now she had a nice pointy walking stick. She turned to show it off to Jake-
"That snowman moved..."
Last night the younger members of their camp, habitat rats mostly, had played like children in the new fallen snow. One of them had stared for hours, entranced by the novelty of heavy wet flakes of frozen water, falling from the all that open, empty sky! The rest had gotten drunk on ship's lightning and then stolen items to dress the snowmen, including CPO Banks' cap, and Banksie hadn't even gotten mad!
Wendy looked over at the three of them and saw what Jake had seen; the arm moved...
It wasn't an arm.
"What are you up to?" Wendy murmured.
"Wha- who are you talking to?!"
Wendy closed in a lazy saunter and when she saw movement again, she stabbed deep and true with her 'pointy stick'.
The snow eel (which, slinky though it was, Wendy felt was a stupid name), shrieked writhing on the stick, spurting black blood and tearing the snowman it was hiding in apart.
"I hate this planet," Jake muttered.
"So do I."

Monday, January 15, 2024

Dynamically add/remove items from list - JavaScript

Dynamically add/remove items from list - JavaScript
    This morning's prompt is 'tea cozy'. I drew a snail pattern!

    A face, a place, plus something good, something bad and something ugly. Hmm, how about killer snails?

    I just need to get this done and go back to bed, so- Otto has the dubious honor of maintaining and harvesting the killer snails imported into the station to deal with their space mice problem. Fortunately the killer snails prey on the spice stupid enough to tangle with them and are good eating in turn...

    Sunday, January 14, 2024

    Space Rats!

    14 January 2024- Space Rats!

    I want to something like Maze Rats, for spaaaace! 8-P

    What kind of space rat are you?
    This morning's prompt was 'mouse'.

    A face, a place, plus good, bad and ugly things.

    So, I did 'termite' yesterday, someone named 'mouse' would be doing it twice in a row. What else could I do here...

    A mouse named Rhodie Rhodes? 8-P

    Space mice, spice, on Twilight aren't really mice, or even mammals. Not exactly sure where they originated, there are spice all over that sector. They have both plumage and exoskeletons, definitely not mammals, plus they have three little beady eye stalks. They're not exactly poisonous, just not compatible. They'd make great diet food as there's almost no nutritional value, but the reverse isn't true or they wouldn't be a problem... They have bacteria in their guts for turning earthly biology into spicy nutrition, but they're fat little bastards, huge intestines.

    Not a character yet, but a place, Twilight is a tidally locked 'eyeball' world in my Dawn Hunters universe, and spice are probably from the Bigby homeworld, or maybe the Jabberwocky, as I never fleshed out the other two of the Big Three, and completely forget the third at the moment.

    Saturday, January 13, 2024

    Comes the end of the world as we knew it...

    10 January 2024- Founder Effects!

    The world ended, but you go on...
    I want to tell a post apocalypse grim fairy tale, in demographics.

    Founder Data Here

    More Sol-like stars and Earth-like worlds

    13 January 2024- Stars and Worlds

    Back to Stars and Worlds...

    System Data Here

    This morning's prompt is 'termite'.

    Now I need a face, a place, plus some good, bad and ugly things.

    "Why do they call you 'Termite'?" Bear asked the man, after they had a little ersatz coffee. Termite allowed as it wasn't half bad.
    "I'll trade you a question for a question; what is this? I like it, but coffee it's not."
    Bear looked over to a wiry little man and a young woman who came in to the room and took seats at the table. He nodded to them and said. "Alright. I'll go first. These two are part of my travelling circus, by the way. You get that for free..."
    "Daria," said the woman. The man poured her 'coffee' and a cup for himself. He looked Termite over, especially eyes and hands, both rough.
    "I'm Ski, or Stan, people seem to call me both."
    "As we were discussing, I'm Termite," Termite looked pointedly back at Bear. "And this is good not-coffee."
    "It's chicory. We found some, not growing by the road fortunately, but... someone's unattended garden and we had someone who knows plants and herbs, again, fortunately."
    "Never had it before, but had heard of it, and also burnt rice. American GIs in the Pacific stole that from the Japs and it's good, too, but we can't waste food now, can we?"
    That got a few nods.
    "Termite isn't much of a story, just some witless fool who has since gotten himself bit. He thought it was hilarious that I used to be an exterminator and knew all about what to look for- what?!"
    Ski had leaned forward and both Daria and Bear were smiling. Daria said, "Then get ready for Ski to ask questions and talk your ear off, then write it all down in his book."
    "What book?"
    Bear chuckled. "Well, actually, I hear it's going to be an encyclopedia of civilization."