Saturday, December 31, 2022

It's that time again...

31 December 2022- Happy New Year!!!
Happy 2023!
Today's prompt was 'typewriter'.

I need to hurry up and do a new years eve animation...
That worked out fairly well. I wish I had taken the time to draw the numbers. 8-)
Four letters and three numbers.

Friday, December 30, 2022

Arcs of Triangle Fans

29 December 2022- Atan2 From The Beginning!

I'm going to start over from the beginning. Get a random point within the map and push out another point at some random angle and distance. I will make fans of clickable triangle divs around that initial center point...

Today's prompt was 'pencil'.

I want to set up an arc-crawl, building triangle fans around the vertices of a triangle tile as needed. I need to use the triangle fan function to build the initial triangle fan around an initial center point at some starting angle and corresponding stopping angle (in this case the initial angle plus 2pi).

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Atan2, yet again!

29 December 2022- Atan2 From The Beginning!

I'm going to start over from the beginning. Get a random point within the map and push out another point at some random angle and distance.

Today's prompt was 'loft bed'. I don't remember why I thought that was a good idea...

Go back to the beginning with the atan2 page, get a random point and angle, push out p1 to some radius, and use atan2(y1-y0, x1-x0) to double-check, then move on adding some random amount to the current angle and pushing p2 out some random but similar distance and radius from p0.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Atan2, again...

27 December 2022- Subdivide Triangle Tiles!

Atan2 to build a triangle arc.

Today's prompt was 'tire jack'.

Back to atan2, I want to use atan2 to build the initial triangle, get the 3rd point and find the leftmost and rightmost, greatest and least angle. Honestly, I'm better of building around an initial point and then a random angle, then pick one of the other points to start throwing out a triangle and then a triangle fan until we get back around... I hope that makes any sense.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Triangle Tile Placeholder

27 December 2022- Subdivide Triangle Tiles!

Making and subdividing some terrain tiles.

Today's prompt was 'waterwheel'.

I got the code done...
I have a triangle with three different altitudes, some of which may be above or below sea level at, for example, 0.71.

Monday, December 26, 2022

Incognito Hexes

27 December 2022- Grid of Incognito Hexes!

Incognito Hexes.

Happy Boxing Day! Today;s prompt was 'windmill'. (My windmill needs some work... 8-)

I think that I may have drawn an eggbeater vertical turbine in the past.
I need to try a little harder to get some code done every night....
I copy pasted the hex tiles with tan incognito going on. I need for adjacent hexes to be visible and to mark the current hex somehow.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Random World, Again...

21 November 2022- Strips of Land and Sea

Strips of land and sea! I want to set up a while loop to fill in the of the world map.

Today's prompt is 'tractor'.

I watched some 'All Creatures Great And Small' and ate too much lasagna after a big meal at Cliff and Lynn's, very large consumer...

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Atan2 placeholder!

23 December 2022- Playing with Atan2

Going with making more polygons and divs.

Another lazy day. I didn't even get my sketch done yet... Today's prompt was 'loom", I'll go take care of it. (Accomplished! 8-P, I went with a vertical loom)

Back to atan2!

Friday, December 23, 2022

I meant to get something done with the atan2 function, but I dillydallied....
I want to use atan2 in javascript to build what are basically triangle fans! Start with one blob polygon then pick a point outside of this shape and get the angles from this point to the points of my blob, from least to greatest radians and use them to start another round blob shape.

More playing with polygons!

23 December 2022- Playing with Atan2

Playing with some trig, here, I didn't get to Atan2, yet.

Today's prompt was 'potters' wheel'. I was interested in the ancient potters' wheel with a kick wheel for powering and turning the pottery...

Time to get something accomplished!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Sector Map

22 December 2022- Grid of Clickable Divs!

Yellow boxes for stars.


Terra Incognito

22 December 2022- Grid of Clickable Divs!

Going with a tan terra incognito thing...

Today's prompt is 'tasmanian wolf'.

I've got some placeholders going on again, but the terra incognita should be hexes filled with land or sea shapes, subdividing each hex along the six triangles but filling each with land, sea, or a mix of land and sea... still gotta make that happen, 8-P!
The star systems in my sector map would be clickable star divs. I can make each one a rounded square div of whatever size and color it needs to be, with a paragraph element to label each star system.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

This is a disaster... 8-P

21 December 2022- Random Quad Subdivision!

I going to try some random quad subdivision.

Today's prompt was 'coral reef'. The two fish are in front of a round gourd or egg-shaped coral that should have some texture to it, but I didn't bother! 8-P

I'm going to try something subdividing rectangles or quads of random heights above or below sea level, which is the simplest case.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Journal Your Solo Roleplay

27 November 2022- Journaling Your Solo Roleplay

I'm working on a solo game...

Today's prompt is 'koala bear', but apparently the most important thing to know about them is that they're not a bear or that they have two thumbs on each hand…

Journal your solo role playing sessions; get information with some sort of oracle, asking questions and answering them randomly or by GM fiat, whichever works best in each case. Then make a decision, determine an outcome and write it down, plus perhaps draw something, a map or scene.

I copy and pasted my prompting code into yet another journaling page instead of working on anything of substance. I'm using the random percentiles and random word buttons for inspiration, I've done similar things in the past with a spreadsheet. I miss being able to input math into the page like with OneNote, but there's no reason I couldn't set something up to parse an equation which I've fed into an input and had the page do the math for me, like the volume of a 51 meter round asteroid is ((51)/2)^3/(3/4)*PI, but half of (51)^3 works better, is simpler and good enough.

Monday, December 19, 2022

Strange Old Worlds

I want to run a space game with starships, aliens and strange old worlds to explore.

Hagelwah is the first decent name. I reset the page after copying that last line... There's a 64% chance of an alien homeworld to explore- 6%, that pretty much nails it!

Hagelwah is the place of the hagel, which is what the locals call themselves in the most advanced region of the planet, the southeast end of the largest continent down in the southern hemisphere.

I wanted some random numbers and the largest continent was 28 m. km^2, separated from the others by an ocean of 44 m. km^2. One of 14 m . km^2 lies northeast on the equator and another of 7 m. km^2 directly to the East. There are at least two other big oceans (79, 39) and a bunch of smaller land masses, smaller than 7 m. km^2. 49 m. km^2 of land is only about a third of the land, so a lot of small island continents like Australia?! Or maybe less land altogether? How about a bakers' dozen island continents between 1 and 7 m. km^2, adds up to about half the land area on a slightly smaller world. There are about three hundred m. km^2 more ocean as well, for a world with about 87% of the surface area and just a little less gravity, barely noticeable.

I still haven't described the hagel, not turtles and not centauroids, which is pretty much my usual suspects. Hmm, how about snapdragons, carnivorous plants which evolved to trap, kill or otherwise gather up food. They replanted themselves into containers which they drag or roll around.

Today's prompt was 'boomerang'.

A tall drink of water...

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Strange Old Worlds! Woohoo!

27 November 2022- Font Fun!

I'm working on a solo game...

A few steps forward, then disaster! 8-P

15 December 2022- Adding Triangle Divs!

Randomly placing an initial clickable tile div in my map... I want to set up the ajacent tiles to be 'marchable', so that we can explore and discover a random map. I can use an 'X' to mark the current tile and '?' to mark adjacent destination tiles.

Today's prompt was 'kangaroo'.

I want to reach 600 hundred posts for 2022, for no particular reason and I'm 25 posts away. I have tonight and thirteen more days so I just need two a day, which is copy and pasting my usual sketch and whatever I get coded, sometimes just a placeholder and then I revise and replace or continue on with a new post, so I just need to get to it, and a couple more tonight would be nice! 8-

I was inspired to write a drabble-

Hope opened an eye and wiped blood, dirt and sweat out of the other one, the sounds of brutal fighting all around her. She lay on her side, preparing to sit up and saw the boot coming just in time to grab and ride the worst of the kick. She had the heel and ankle in one hand and the instep in the other, took a firm grip and twisted as the booted foot bucked and tried to shake her. She went one way, up against a wall, and the booted figure staggered a step away, keeping to their feet and swinging a rifle up to their shoulder.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Making polygons

15 December 2022- Adding Triangle Divs!

Randomly placing an initial clickable tile div in my map... I want to set up the ajacent tiles to be 'marchable', so that we can explore and discover a random map. I can use an 'X' to mark the current tile and '?' to mark adjacent destination tiles.


Experimenting with 'display none' on divs within 190 pixels of the center

11 December 2022- Grid of Clickable Divs!

Grid of clickable blue hex divs for ocean with a few green land hexes... Click to lift land out of the sea!
(clicking in a tile flips it blue/green)

Today's prompt was 'spam'. I found out about spam fries today, so I drew that!

I think that I will make another try at growing polygons out from the center of a map.

Friday, December 16, 2022

bits of ocean in a rectangular world map

11 December 2022- Grid of Clickable Divs!

Grid of clickable divs... (clicking in a tile flips it blue/green)

Today's prompt was 'chess'.

Back on coding marching triangles!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Marching Triangles! (Again...)

10 December 2022- Adding Triangle Divs!

Randomly placing an initial clickable tile div in my map... I want to set up the ajacent tiles to be 'marchable', so that we can explore and discover a random map. I can use an 'X' to mark the current tile and '?' to mark adjacent destination tiles.

Today's prompt was 'domino', singular... I had a little trouble finding a reference for that as opposed to 'dominos', but I did and I drew a decent domino which I will presently copy and paste in here!

So I need to get something coded...

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Random Factions!

14 December 2022- Splatting out some factions!

Going at factions again, because... IDK! 8-P

Now with random land hexes

11 December 2022- Grid of Clickable Divs!

Grid of clickable blue hex divs for ocean with a few green land hexes... Click to lift land out of the sea!
(clicking in a tile flips it blue/green)

Today's prompt was 'feather'.

I modified my blue ocean hexes to randomly splat out a few green land hexes, and keep a running total of the land hexes as I click and flip the hexes green or blue. This is not my arx-plorer, but vaguely satisfying...
Then I splatted out a random list of factions. I had the loop grab some fraction of the remaining resources or power, so that the first or second faction tends to be the largest. I will have to think about how this would evolve over time.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Needs more work, but this is basically it

5 December 2022- Shovel!

Click on the little red shoveler dude!